Temperance Hall. Gottschalk! One night only! : Friday evening, May 1st, 1863. The public are respectfully informed that Mr. L.M. Gottschalk, the eminent pianist and composer, will give one grand concert on Friday evening, May 1st, when he will perform several of his latest compositions, which have caused so great a sensation in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and the western cities. Mr. Gottschalk will be assisted by the wonderful Bretto brothers! Master Bernard, 11 years of age, violinist, Master Richard, 7 " cornet a piston. Musical director and conductor, S. Behrens ... Admission, 50 cents Reserved seats, 25 cts. extra. Seats and tickets can be secured at Fletcher's Music Store, and Scott's Book Store. Doors open at quarter-past 7 o'clock. To commence at 8. ...