Philadelphia Museum and Menagerie : No. 833 Market Street. Manager and proprietor Judge Ingalls Open for the season. The Maine giantess! The living skeleton! Re-modeled and improved! Repainted, papered decorated, &c., in short, all that could add to the comfort and convenience of visitors, has been secured, and no effort spared to render the Philadelphia Museum fully equal to any similar establishment in the world. A favorable opportunity to parents who wish to amuse and instruct their children in the great study of natural history, as this establishment contains a large collection of living animals, birds, snakes, &c. Among the many curiosities to be seen are the following: the greatest curiosity in the world, the wild boy captured in a savage state in Central Africa, ... A pair of living seals! ... Also, on exhibition, the grand stereopticon and panorama of the American War! ... Open daily from 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. Admission, 25 cts. Children, 15 cts. Great preparations are being made for the holidays.