City Hall Positively 1 night only Monday evening, April 18. : Harris & Smith's Minstrel Troupe and Brass Band! 18 star performers, the most perfect minstrel organization now traveling, consisting of the following powerful array of talent, never before concentrated in a similar entertainment ... Comic quartet! ... What is that? ... Les Miserables! ... Codfish musketeer! ... Essence of Ole Virginny ... The whole to conclude with Dan Emmet's latest walk-a-round, How are you greenbacks! by the entire company. Admission, 25 cents. Reserved seats, 50 cents Doors open at 7. Performance to commence at 8. Balcony serenade every evening, previous to the opening of the doors, by the brass band attached to the troupe, led by Prof. Hosfeldt. / Harris & Smith, sole proprietors. J. Norrie, stage manager Harry Williams, agent.