Odd Fellows' Hall, Frankford positively one week only. : Commencing Monday evening, March 2d, and every evening during the week. Tickets, 15 cents. Packages of 10, one dollar. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Lecture to commence quarter before 8. Grand exhibition on Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, for schools and families, when children will be admitted for the low price of six cents. Grand historic mirror of the American war! The most exciting topic of the times! The only work of the kind in existence, sketched by eye-witnesses, and painted by the most eminent artists, under the supervision of the well-known Pearson Brothers, of New York. ... Mr. Robert Pearson, the principal artist, has made arrangements to add to this popular work, from week to week, all the principal events that may transpire in the prosecution of the war, having distinguished artists engaged to forward to him sketches and reports prepared on the spot. ...