The Bijou Music Hall! No. 607 Arch Street, next door below the theatre. The peoples' favorite place of amusement. : Harry Enochs, sole proprietor P.A. Fitzgerald, stage manager J. Nosher, musical director William Heck, business agent Andrew Enochs, ticket agent William Early, officer ... First appearance of Mad'le Helene the great Parisian danseuse. The beautiful Terpsichorean artiste, Miss Carrie Carson. Mons. O. Phi Clide the Hercules of the age, ... Billy Boyd! ... Tom Vance! ... Grand impalement feat Billy Wright. ... Dave Williams, ... Harry Enochs, ... Johnny Kelchner, ... Sammy Williams, ... Castinet duet, ... Mr P.A. Fitzgerald... Jos. Nosher, ... Ida Williams! ... Our bill of fare will satisfy the veriest epicure in the matter of amusement. Songs and dances--Ethiopian, comic and sentimental. Music--humorous and classic. Negro acts--new and excruciatingly phunny ... Miss Nellie Taylor, Philadelphia's favorite vocalist, will shortly appear; also, the beautiful and fascinating Miss Julia Dawson, the Jenny Lind of the West. Grand matinee every Saturday at half-past 2 o'clk for the accommodation of ladies and children. Prices of admission, Parquet, 10 cents Orchestra chairs, 15 cents Private boxes, $2.00 Seats in private boxes, 50 cents Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performance commence quarter-before 8.