"We study to please!" : Grand concert! to be given at Girard Hall, S.W. corner of Sixth and Girard Avenue, on Friday evening, Feb'y 20th, 1863 by the Philadelphia Minstrels! consisting of ten performers, on which occasion they have selected the following bill. ... Comic act (new) entitled The black alderman! ... After which, a comic act entitled The manager in trouble ... The performance to conclude with the new Ethiopian opera of Aleriterio ... Admission, 25 cents. Children, 10 cents. Doors open at half-past 6, performance to commence at half-past seven. Front seats reserved for ladies. Polite ushers will be in attendance. Buchner's orchestra can be engaged for balls or parties, or the Philadelphia Minstrels for concerts, by applying at the drug store, corner Girard Avenue and Sixth Street. / Andy Williams, manager.