Odd Fellows' Hall, Norristown Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday ev'ngs, September 29th and 30th, and October 1st, 2d, and 3d, 1863. : The wonderful stereopticon Proprietor John Toy Delineator E.E. Hulfish, Esq. Manipulator Prof. E.B. Merchants It has been pronounced the great wonder of the age Its results are marvelous, and its resources endless! Change of programme each night! Grand day exhibition on Saturday afternoon October 3d, commencing at 3 o'clock. The stereopticon is a new and powerful apparatus, which, with the aid of the strongest artificial light that science has yet created, produces gigantic stereoscopic pictures! covering over 800 square feet of illuminated canvas, ... At each entertainment will be presented a choice selection, comprising the grandest and most attractive views of American and European scenery, ... The whole comprising the most noted objects of interest, as seen by travelers in a voyage around the world!! Each evening will be presented a number of interesting local views, choice specimens of monumental sculpture, &c., and statues and colossal portraits of eminent American heroes & statesmen ... Admission, 25 cents Doors open at 7 o'clock. To commence at 8.