Odd Fellows' Hall, Frankford Benefit of the National Cornet Band! : The original, mammoth, justly celebrated and wonderful stereopticon (copyrighted by P.E. Abel, Philadelphia.) Manager, John Toy Business agent, W.H. Sargent Lecturer, E.E. Hulfish, Esq. Operator, Prof. Digel The most thrilling and comprehensive, scientific, artistic invention of the age, will be exhibited on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, March 24th, 25th and 26th, 1864, at quarter to 8 o'clock. The celebrity of this astounding combination of beauty and immensity having, through the medium of the press, become a household theme, a repetition of its grandeur is deemed superfluous. Possessing, through the agency of the powerful Drummond light the unriveled [sic] property of producing to the admiring beholder a series of gigantic stereoscopic pictures! each covering an area of over 600 square feet of brilliantly illuminated canvas! ... Remember--the original stereopticon is not a mere panorama! ... At each entertainment will be presented a choice selection, comprising the grandest and most attractive views of American and European scenery: ... The whole comprising the most noted objects of interest, as seen by travelers, in a voyage around the world!! Admission, 25 cents. Children, 15 cents Doors open at 7 o'clock. To commence at quarter to 8.