Creator |
Pingo, Lewis, 1743-1830. |
Title |
William Penn medal. |
Date |
1775 |
Physical Description |
Silver ; 1 9/16 inches (diameter). |
Notes |
Obverse: Profile of William Penn with Legend that reads, “William Penn. B. 1644 D. 1718. L.P.” (Lewis Pingo). Reverse: Penn
shaking hands with a Native American who has a bow in his left hand. Legend reads, “By Deeds of Peace. Pennsylvania Settled
1681.” John Fothergill (1712-1780) was a Quaker and a friend of Peter Collinson and John Bartram. Collinson introduced Fothergill
to Benjamin Franklin. When Franklin became ill after his arrival in London in 1757, he became Fothergill’s patient. They remained
close friends. William Logan (1718-1776) was the son of James Logan.
LCP Minutes, Vol. 2, p. 121: At a meeting of the Directors held September 12th 1775. Mr. William Logan having in the Name
and by the Direction of Doctor Fothergill presented the Library with a silver Medal representing on the Face a striking Likeness
of William Penn the worthy Founder of this Province Legend “William Penn. B 1644. D. 1718” and on the Reverse William Penn
shaking hands with an Indian Legend “By Deeds of Peace Pennsylvania settled 1681.” The Board request Mr. Logan will be pleased
to communicate their Thanks to the Doctor for his truly valuable present—Ordered that the Secretary furnish Mr. Logan with
a Copy of the aforegoing Minute.”
Gift of John Fothergill, 1775. |
Subject |
Penn, William, 1644-1718. |
Indians of North America. |
Quakers. |
Medals. |
Geographic subject |
Pennsylvania. |
Genre |
Commemorative medal. |
Provenance |
Fothergill, John, 1712-1780, former owner. |
Location |
OBJ 903 |
Accession number |
OBJ 903 |