Eighth Ward. Philadelphia, January 19th, 1864. : As a citizen of the Eighth Ward, you are earnestly solicited to give your attention to the matter of this communication. The opportunity now exists of deciding whether the draft for United States soldiers, ordered by the government, shall go into effect in this ward; or whether, by offering proper encouragements to volunteers, we shall avoid the reproach and inconvenience of compulsory military service, or the payment of exemption or substitute money, to which alternative every drafted man is subject. ... it was resolved, to raise the sum of about thirty thousand dollars, to be appropriated as bounties ... The quota of the ward is nearly three hundred men, ... Whatever you may contribute to this bounty fund is a premium of insurance against a possibly far greater tax, if the draft should be allowed to become necessary. ... / Very respectfully, Theodore Cuyler, president. Charles W. Smith, secretary. Hon. William Strong, treasurer, 2043 Walnut Street. ...