Draft! Citizens of the 1st and 26th Wards awake! The draft is still impending! : The draft was ordered for the 29th of September, and would certainly have taken place but for the influence of our Representative in Congress, Hon. Charles O'Neill, and of the committee of the wards, who visited the president of the United States and the provost marshal general, and succeeded in obtaining a postponement of the draft! upon the pledge of the committee, that the First and Twenty-sixth Wards, would fill their quota, if a little more time were given. This time has been granted; and it now rests with the citizens of these wards to fulfil the pledge by clearing themselves of the draft! Ten dollars from every man liable to draft, will clear us! Who would not rather pay ten dollars than be drafted? Let every citizen attend the ward meetings, ... / By order of the committee. September 30th, 1864.