Bounty or draft! : To the people of Bucks Co. Whereas, the city of Philadelphia and neighboring counties have filled, or are now filling, their quotas under the conscription act by means of bounties to volunteers; ... in order to ascertain what the sense of the tax-payers of Bucks County may be upon the subject, we invite the citizens of the respective boroughs and townships of Bucks County to meet at respective places of election, on Saturday, the 20th of February, 1864, ... to choose by ballot delegates to represent each of their respective townships and boroughs in a general county convention to be held at the court house, in Doylestown, on Monday, February 22d, 1864, ... to determine whether or not the commissioners of Bucks County shall appropriate out of the county funds a bounty, and to what amount, to induce volunteering to the extent of the quota of the county, in order to avoid the draft to take place on the 10th of March next. / Eli Hofford, Jesse Black, Peter Staates, County Commissioners. Commissioners' Office, Doylestown, Feb. 11, 1864.