Hospital Guards! : By an order from the War Department, His Excellency Gov. Sprague has been authorized to raise a company of infantry! To act as a guard at Portsmouth Grove Hospital The men will be enlisted to serve for a period of 3 years or during the war, unless sooner discharged, and for this special service alone. The above offers an excellent opportunity for a comfortable position and light duty in a new and independant [sic] organization, with the advantage of being near home. The men will have good rations, comfortable clothing, and the best medical attendance, free! So that every soldier can have his entire pay for his family, and have the satisfaction of seeing it placed in their hands, in addition to his bounty at the close of the war. The non-commissioned officers will be selected from the best men. Recruits preferred who are slightly incapacitated for active duty in the field, by wounds or otherwise. Also 1 drummer and 1 fifer wanted. Headquarters at No. 10 Custom House Street, where recruits will be received. / C. Blanding, Comd'g Guard.