To horse! To horse My all for a horse! : The Washington Cavalry of Philadelphia and Bucks County, instituted in 1812, have been accepted by the Secretary of War for three years or the war. Yeomanry, come to your country's call! To put down treason and rebellion, and hand down to your children, unimpaired, the rich legacy of the glorious Union achieved by your forefathers. To young men of good moral habits--farmers and farmers' sons--and those accustomed to the use of horses, a rare chance is offered by the Washington Squadron of Cavalry. Horses, equipments for horses, uniform and arms, all supplied to recruits in this squadron by the U. States Pay from $13 to $22 per month. Bounty, $162 ... Officered by Captain Joseph W. Hall, ... Captain H.N. Harrison, ... Lieuts. Casper Morris and Jacob Morris, ... Battalion officered by Jas. M. Schoonmaker, who ... was ordered to raise this battalion ... 18th August, 1862, and ordered to report within three weeks ... / Capt. J.W. Hall, comd'g.