To the army and the traveling public generally! : The subscriber takes this method respectfully to ask the attention of his friends, and all who may be interested, to his original patent camp or traveling bed-trunk, with table attached. which will be found, especially by officers of the army, by pioneers in their exploring expeditions, by persons who attend religious camp meetings, or are constructing railroads, or putting up telegraph wires through sparse settlements, one of the most convenient and useful articles of modern invention. ... The subscriber also manufactures and keeps constantly on hand and for sale all the different styles of ladies and gents' trunks, valises, and bags, from the lower priced articles to those now most approved and of the richest finish, ... Call and see Andrews' original patent camp or traveling bed-trunk, and examine his fine stock of trunks, valises, and traveling bags generally. / W.A. Andrews, 612 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ... For sale by John A. Ruff, 436 Penn'a Avenue, Washington, D.C.; J.B. Milnor & Co., Baltimore, Md.; Sirvault & Watt, Columbus, Ohio, and J.T. Barnitz, Harrisburg, Pa.