Loyal mass meeting of the 15th Ward! : Lincoln, Johnson, Kelley, and the whole Union ticket! A grand mass meeting of the loyal citizens of the Fifteenth Ward in favor of the present administration and a vigorous prosecution of the war and the election of Lincoln & Johnson to the presidency and vice-presidency, will be held on Wednesday evening, October 5th, 1864, at 8 o'clock, at the cor. of Eighteenth and Green Sts. Turn out in your strength and show your enemies that the loyal citizens of the ward are awake and preparing for the strife. The following distinguished gentlemen will be present and address the meeting: Hon. William D. Kelley, Col. William B. Mann, Enoch W. Green, Esq. Hon F.B. Penniman, of Wayne County, Thomas M. Coleman, Esq. Charles Gilpin, Esq. and others. To conclude with a grand display of fire-works.