Grand celebration of the organization of the National Union Club of Philadelphia! : The executive committee of the National Union Club having directed the Committee on Meetings to make arrangements for celebrating the anniversary of the organization of the club, the undersigned give notice to their fellow-citizens that the celebration will take place at the Academy of Music! On Friday evening, March 11th. The following distinguished gentlemen have consented to be present and address the meeting: Hon. Hannibal Hamlin vice president of the United States. His Excellency Governor Curtin! Senator Lane, of Indiana. Hon. Henry T. Blow, of Missouri. Hon. Green Clay Smith, of Kentucky. Hon. Amos Myers, of Pennsylvania. With other distinguished local speakers. The doors of the Academy will be open at 7 o'clock, and the proceedings will commence promptly at half-past 7 o'clock. Tickets may be obtained at the club house, 1105 Chestnut Street. Reserved seats for ladies. Will be obtained only from the undersigned members of the Committee on Meetings: Geo. T. Thorn, ch'n. ...