To arms! : Inscribed to our brave volunteers, / by Mrs. E.S. Rogers. ... Great inducements! One hundred dollars to be drawn by the volunteers. Capt. Richards, desiring to complete his company speedily, takes this novel plan of affording substantial relief to the families of those who attach themselves to his command. He offers $100 in three purses of $50, $30 and $20, to be given to the first seventy men who are enrolled at this office, Pennsylvania Bank Building, Second Street, above Walnut, before the 31st inst. ... Besides this, the families will receive all the benefits of the funds raised by their respective counties, and in case of their death, the pension of $8 a month for five years is allowed by the state authorities to their widows and children, in addition to $100 bounty, 320 acres of land, and all arrearages of pay, &c. ...