To arms! To arms! Notice. : The time has come when every man must show his colors, and he who is not with us is against us. Mark the traitor! Johnson's old established job printing office, No. 7 North 10th St. 3d door above Market, east side, Philad'a. Every description of fancy job printing executed with neatness and despatch, and 25 per cent. lower than any other office in the city. Cards $1.50 per thousand! Circulars, hand-bills, notices, bill-heads, at the lowest prices. Ball, pic-nic, excursion, raffle and party tickets, programmes, ladies' invitations, checks, &c., neatly and cheaply printed. All I ask is a share of your patronage. ... J.H. Johnson, No. 7 N. Tenth St., Philad'a. All work warranted to be well printed, full complement, from new material, and at reasonable rates. All orders through the city dispatch will receive prompt attention. Terms invariably cash on delivery.