Now is the time. 50,000 pairs boots, shoes & gaiters cheaper than ever. : Read the following prices, and judge for yourselves: ... Ladies' and children's shoes of all descriptions at the lowest prices. Gum boots, sea, water, gunning, fishing and ditching boots, made to order at the shortest notice. / Wm. J. Gallagher, 118 South St., between Front & 2d, begs most respectfully to announce to his friends and the public, that he intends to keep constantly on hand a general assortment of boots, shoes and gaiters, to suit all persons who may be pleased to give him a call. W.J.G. hopes, from his long experience as a manufacturer and practical workman, that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all customers, and merit a share of public patronage. Please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, and save 20 per ct. Don't forget, 118 South Street, bet. Front & Second. Repairing neatly done. All work warranted. There are now but two parties in this country, the friends and the enemies of the government. Every man who does not stand up for all measures that may be adopted for the maintenance of the honor of our country, at whatever cost of blood or money that may be necessary, is a traitor at heart.