A hearty laugh for the holidays, : commencing Christmas Eve, Saturday, Dec. 24th and continued on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, Dec. 26, 28, 29, 30 Matinee Monday afternoon. The distinguished and world-renowned artists, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Watkins! (formerly Mrs. Charles Howard,) in a novel, humorous and elegant entertainment! as presented by them for six weeks at Niblo's, N. York ... The entertainment, from the pen of the popular author, Charles Gayler, is entitled Photographiana or, Wives by advertisement, being a series of eccentric sketches of character ... Admission, 25 cents. Reserved seats, 50 cents Doors open quarter-past 7 o'clock. Commence at 8. Afternoon, open at 2. Commence at 3., At head of title: Assembly Buildings corner of Tenth & Chestnut Sts.