Monday, Sept. 25th, and every night during the week. : Two hours in fun-land. Two hours in fun-land. Two hours in fun-land. The citizens of Philadelphia are respectfully informed that, owing to a success unparalleled in the world of amusement, the distinguished artists, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watkins and the best of living lady pianists, Miss Carlotta Shaw, will continue their comical musical entertainments! ... Two hours in fun-land or, Wives by advertisement. ... During the evening Miss Carlotta Shaw will play selections from the eminent composers, ... The piano used at this entertainment is from the manufactory of Geo. Steck, and furnished by J.E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut Streets. The elegant suite of furniture used upon this occasion, is from the celebrated house of Gould & Co., Ninth and Market Streets. Reserved seats, 50c. Body of the hall, 25c. Doors open quarter-past 7. To begin at 8 o'clock., At head of title: Assembly Buildinss [sic] Tenth and Chestnut Streets, Assembly Buildinss Tenth and Chestnut Streets, Assembly Buildings Tenth and Chestnut Streets