Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : Excursion! Free, to the city and back Sanford's complimentary benefit, on Saturday evening, Dec. 17th, 1864 Card.--The directors of the Southwark and Frankford Road will, on the above evening, carry passengers to the city and return free on the above occasion, to those who will attend Sanford's benefit! Parties will purchase their tickets of the conductors of the dummy engine cars, who will give them a check to return. Cars will be in waiting at the corner of 5th and Race! The performance terminating at 10 o'clock, thus enabling all parties to get to their homes in respectable time. The entertainment will comprise a great variety of minstrelsy! New acts, new songs, new pieces, new dances, by Sanford's Troupe! The wonder of the world, Nino Eddie will also appear on this occasion. The price of admission remains the same. Parquet and family circle, 25 cents Orchestra seats, 50 " Doors open quarter-past 6. To commence at quarter of 8. Terminating at or near 10. Mark!----By asking the conductor for Sanford's tickets, at any of the above prices, your fare is included both ways---from Frankford to Sixth and Race, from Fifth and Race back to Frankford.