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1888-1889 third supplement to catalogue of electrotypes from A. Blanc, Horticultural Engraver, No. 314 N. Eleventh St. Philada., Pa., U.S.A. [graphic] : Registered Cable Address, "Blanc, Philadelphia."
Catalog, including section “New Electros of Vegetables for 1889,” of electrotype specimens for the premier Philadelphia horticultural engraver and lithographer containing images of flowers, plants, fruits, and vegetables. Varieties of flowers, plants, fruits, and vegetables represented include begonias, carnations, chrysanthemums, ferns, pansies, poppies, roses, verbena, corn, melons, lettuces, onions, peppers, pumpkins, squashes, and tomatoes. Illustrations include specimen numbers and prices (ranging from $.50-$10), and most include titles. Images predominantly depict sentimental and genre views of women, children, and animals containing or bordered by flowers; baskets of fruit or flowers; wilderness scenes; insects; single letters and words embellished with floral details; potted plants and flowers; flower bushes; residential views containing flowers; flower and vegetable vignettes; bean pods; single, fields, patches, and bushels of fruits and vegetables; and gardening tools and agricultural implements and equipment., Other specimens depict reproductions of lithographs; female representations of months of the year; “Bulbs grown in Bamboo rod”; a montage, including a crate with packages of bulbs; "Craig’s New Chrysanthemum, Mrs. A. Blanc"; "The Philadelphia Prize Chrysanthemum of 1888"; "Cornfield"; "Insect Destroyers" (i.e., insect destroying insects); and "Odds and Ends" showing bottles of herbs. Also includes a photomechanical studio portrait of an African American boy and girl attired in winter coats and hats, a racist metamorphic montage showing a melon morph into a caricaturized African American figure; and an illustrated advertisement with testimonials promoting W. M. Giradeau’s Seminole Watermelon. Contents also include statements describing the flowers depicted; promoting made to order cuts and the possibility for the addition of text (mortised); noting possible alterations, including “each cut separate” and reductions in price; and indicating "3/4 natural size.", Cover annotated in pencil with date: 1890., Some leaves contain page numbers: 58-134., Cover contains photomechanical illustrations of a studio portrait showing a seated, barefoot girl in simple attire, holding a basket of roses under her arm, and holding a flower to her nose with the other. Attire includes a wide-brimmed hat adorned with several flowers. Grass and flowers rest at her feet. Portrait bordered by a large pictorial detail depicting two stemmed roses. Portrait is specimen 4817 in catalog., Contains promotional text to "Dear Sir" and dated Philadelphia, September 1, 1888 on inside front cover. Text advertises "list of new electrotypes, issued since last year’s supplement … that will enable you to give your catalogue an entirely different appearance" and references how it’s "an important item to the Horticultural trade" and Blanc’s stocks of electros are a “trifling expense” compared to original cuts. Text also explains the deferment of the reprinting of an entirely new catalog due to his addition of a large number of new electros, as well as ordering information including the necessity of a signed order sheet in which purchaser agrees not to sell or loan the electros; ability to make to order any cut for exclusive use; no discounts excepting for orders amounting to over $100; terms strictly cash with order; and cuts ordered to be mailed require a 10% additional fee for postage. Text also advertises "List of My Catalogues," including "Catalogue of Fruit and Tree Cuts"; "Cuts for Catalogue Covers'; "Lawn Views"; and "Sheets of Potato Cuts, Oats, Wheat, Grasses, etc."; their prices of 15 to 20 cents each or $1 for set, which is deductible from orders amounting to $5; and note about "Correspondence en Francais.", Several specimens include Blanc's copyright statement or name., Includes order sheet inscribed with addition equations., Back cover and end pages missing, RVCDC, Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022., Purchased with funds for the Visual Culture Program., See the Albert Blanc entry in the Philadelphia on Stone Biographical Dictionary of Lithographers., See the Edward Stern & Co. entry in the Philadelphia on Stone Biographical Dictionary of Lithographers., William M. Giradeau (b. 1852), owner of Girardeau Seed Company in Monticello, Fla., developed the first commercial machine for separating seeds from watermelons, making Jefferson county, the top watermelon seed supplier in the world by 1884.

[Advertisement from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]
Advertisement for sponsoring business George Hummel’s Premium Essence of Coffee Manufactured by Daniel Bohler & Co., 218 Callowhill Street. Contains several lines of promotional text, including testimonials to the essence’s health benefits and superior flavor to java coffee, as well as "Song of the Tea and Coffee Drinkers" sung to the tune of Yankee Doodle. Also includes a note of a $3000 Reward to any who can prove Krupp’s Imitation Essence of Coffee won an award, while Hummel did not. Reward will also be given to any who can prove that a Hummel certificate is "not genuine.", Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 20.

[Advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]
Advertisements predominantly for sponsoring businesses not located on Chestnut Street, including George S. Storr’s Chemical Hair Invigorator, No. 68 North Eighth Street; H. P. & W. C. Taylor, Manufacturers of the Only Real Transparent Soap, Ninth, between Green & Coates Street; E. G. A. Baker, Manufacturing Jeweler, Northeast corner Branch & Fourth Streets; T. L. Buckingham, Dentist, 162 Race Street, below Fifth; music publisher Lee & Walker, 162 Chestnut Street; and C. G. Henderson & Co. Philadelphia Central Book & Stationery Warehouse, 164 Chestnut Street. Most of the advertisements contain several lines of promotional text. Storr’s text details the results of use of the product, including prevention of premature grayness and improved disposition of curled hair; testimonials; and a word of caution about impostors. Lee & Walker promote their title list, including asterisked items containing a lithograph cover. Henderson & Co. notes the "aim of proprietors to sell at the lowest rates"; "the Beauty and Elegance of Its Pictorial Department"; and their stationery merchandise. Taylor advertisement promotes their award wining and new varieties of soap, as well as contains a wood engraving of the exterior of the factory on the 600 block of North Ninth Street. Image includes a train traveling toward the building and pedestrians and a patron in front of the building., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 18.

[Advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]
Advertisements for sponsoring businesses depicted and not located on Chestnut Street, including Dr. D. Jayne’s Family Medicines, 84 Chestnut Street; The Public Ledger Offices, Third & Chestnut; Dr. William Young’s The Pocket Aesculapius; Or, Every One His Own Physician, No. 152 Spruce Street, Philadelphia; and E. Ketterlinus’ Fancy Printing & Lithographic Establishment, No. 40 North Fourth Street, below Arch. Advertisements contain several lines of advertising text. Jayne’s advertisement contains promotions about his medical background, wide distribution, and scientific preparations of his medicines; endorsements; and descriptions of his vermifuge, alterative, balsam, pills, hair tonic and dye, and ague pills. Public Ledger advertisement includes subscription and advertising prices for the Public Ledger; subscription prices for The Dollar Newspaper; and promotion of the variety of printed works executed by the Job & Fancy Steam Printing Establishment. Young advocates his text as comprised of prescriptions to prevent "Victims of Quakery" and Ketterlinus advertises his "Fancy Embossed and Gilt Perfumery Labels, Book & Box Covers; Cornucopia, wine, Liquor & Syrup Labels, always on Hand and Printed to Order. Manufacturer’s orders for every description of Fancy & Plain Labels, Tickets, &c., &c., will meet with prompt attention. Embossed Cards, Show Cards and Fancy Glazed Papers of Every Variety. Letter Press & Lithographic Drawing & Printing in Plain & Fancy Colors." Public Ledger Office advertisement printed by Brown, Printer, Ledger Building, Phila., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 19.

[Advertising specimens]
Series of advertising specimens, including trade cards, book marks, and a proof of an invitation. Prints depict a girl character in allegorical scenes representing the seasons; views of South Ferry Hotel (Kaighn Point, N.J) and a standard scale at use at a farm; medals; coats of arms; and pharmaceutical apparatus. Businesses represented include Peter Bazzanti & Son, manufactory of Florentine Mosaics; Fairbanks' Standard Scale; Hawkins Brothers, army, navy, & police contractors and post office & railway contractors; and W.B. Horner, druggist & apothecary., Title supplied by cataloger., Various printers, including S. C. Boreum and Major & Knapp., Varous publishers, including Philadelphia Inquirer., Print P.9399.449 inscribed on verso: Od [sic] Fellow Hall, Sixth St. Below Race. Race., Originally part of Specimens Album [P.9349]., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.

Album [graphic].
Album belonging to Mary Anne Dickerson, a young middle-class African American Philadelphian, possibly created as a pedagogical exercise, with contributions dating from 1833 until 1882. Contains engraved plates depicting scenic views, and original and transcribed poems, prose, essays, and drawings on topics including friendship, motherhood, mortality, youth, death, flowers, female beauty, and refinement. Also contains a one page record of family deaths, marriages, and births with entries up to the birth of Mary Anne's grandson in 1882. Identified contributors are mainly Black elite scholars active in the African American anti-slavery and cultural communities of mid-19th century Philadelphia, New York, and Boston., Contains the following contributions: "The Mother's Joy," a poem by C.F., possibly by abolitionist and second wife of entrepreneur James Forten, Charlotte Vandine Forten; illustration after "The Boroom Slave" and the poem, "To the Album," by artist and activist Robert Douglass; prose, "To Mary Ann", about living a happy life by Philadelphian anti-slavery activist Amy Matilda Cassey; a memorial, "To My Dear Willie," by Mary Anne to her deceased son, William Jones; poem, "The Night of Death," by J.A.J., Mary Anne's husband, John A. Jones; Boston author and civil rights activist William C. Nell's transcription of the poem, "The Rights of Women"; allegorical prose on the meaning of life by New York abolitionist Harriet Forten Purvis; transcription of the poem, "The Pearl Diver," by white Philadelphian anti-slavery activist Arnold Buffum; prose to "Mary Annie" about remembrance by Ada, possibly by anti-slavery activist Sarah Forten Purvis or educator and anti-slavery activist Ada Howell Hinton; floral drawing by A.H.H., probably by Ada Howell Hinton; prose and floral watercolors by educator, abolitionist, and Quaker Sarah Mapps Douglass, the sister of Robert Douglass; "Lines Addressed to a Wreath of Flowers Designed on a Present for Mary Ann" by E.S. Webb, possibly Elizabeth Susan Webb, sister of novelist Frank J. Webb; and prose by Mary Anne about mortality. Additional entries of prose and poetry by John G. Dutton, E.S. Webb, Lydia A.B., Henrietta, W.F.P, and S.L.C., unattributed entry, "To Esther," and unattributed entry of a floral watercolor. Also contains engraved plates by A.B. Durand, C. Fielding, C.G. Childs, Robert Walter Weir, James Smillie and Thomas Cole entitled respectively, "Falls of the Sawkill"; "Italy, The Bay of Naples"; "Weehawken"; "Delaware Water Gap"; "Catskill Mountains"; "Fort Putnam"; and "Winnipiseogee Lake"., Title supplied by cataloguer., Inclusive range of dates inferred from entries inscribed with dates., Contains engraved illustrated title page: Album. The Mother's Joy., Blank album published in New York in 1833 by J.C. Ricker., Embossed and gilt morocco binding., Release of Dower document dated 1838 giving the Dickerson home to the surviving children, contemporary unidentified newspaper clippings, manuscript poetry transcriptions, contemporary greeting cards, trade card, and other miscellaneous loose items removed and housed separately., Lib. Company. Annual Report, 1993, p. 17-25., Research file available at repository., RVCDC, Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022., Dickerson, a pupil of African American educator Sarah Mapps Douglass, was the daughter of African American activists, Martin and Adelia Dickerson, and step-father Samuel Van Brackle.

American celebrities album
Two volume set of albums containing predominately cartes de visite photographic portraits of prominent American 19th-century figures in politics, education, and the arts. Portraits depict actors, artists, authors, Congressmen, educators, governors, military leaders, physicians, publishers, religious leaders, social reformers, scientists, and U.S. presidents and their spouses. Includes mostly vignette and bust-length portraits and a small number of full length portraits. Also contains a small number of trimmed portrait engravings, tintypes, and a photo-collage depicting evangelist D. L. Moody with the under photograph copyrighted 1877. Small number of sitters are unidentified., Men sitters include P. T. Barnum; Henry Ward Beecher; John Brown; Ned Buntline; Samuel Clemens; Jefferson Davis; O. S. Fowler; Oliver Wendell Holmes; Abraham Lincoln; Samuel Morse; Thomas Nast; Hiram Powers; Winfield Scott; Gerrit Smith; Cornelius Vanderbilt; John Wanamaker; Brigham Young; Native American chiefs Ouray, Spotted Tail, and Sitting Bull; and African Americans Frederick Douglass and performer "Blind" Tom. Women sitters include presidential spouses Frances Cleveland and Lucretia Garfield; reformers Susan B. Anthony and Victoria Woodhull; authors Louisa May Alcott, Helen Hunt (Jackson), Harriet Beecher Stowe; sculptors Harriet Hosmer and Vinnie Ream; and performers Maria Albani, Charlotte Cushman, and Kate Field., Title from item's cover., Photographers include Mathew Brady, E. & H. T. Anthony; Jeremiah Gurney; and George Kendall Warren., Majority of sitters identified by a manuscript note on the album page or on portrait or an inscribed label., Brown leather bindings with gilt, stamped in gilt on front boards: Volume I: American Celebrities. Vol. I.; Volume II: American Celebrities. Vol. II. Stamped in gilt on spines: Album., Purchase 1985., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., See "American Celebrities Album" item-level records for digital images of all identified individual sitters.

Annual mask ball of the Liedertafel at the National Guards Hall, February the 13th 1865.
Ticket for the male musical ensemble performance society, probably in Philadelphia. Contains a whimsical border surrounding the text. Border includes cherubs holding sheet music, a harlequin, an impish figure, a harp, lion's head, and filigree. Also contains flourishes around the text., P.9349.145a printed with violet ink., P.9349.147b printed with black ink., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., See also proof of image [P.9349.150r].

Atlantic City [viewbook]
Souvenir viewbook containing eighteen captioned views of prominent sites and landmarks at the shore town. Contains views of "The New Iron Pier, Massachusetts Ave."; hotels "'The Brighton' Indiana Ave.", "The 'Traymore' and The 'Berkeley,' Illinois Ave."; "Camden & Atlantic and West Jersey R. R. Depot"; "Old Ocean Pier, Kentucky Ave." and "Applegate's Pier, Tennessee Ave."; "Board Walk"; amusement houses and grounds of the "Excursion House" and "Childrens Sea Shore House"; "Bathing Scene, from Ocean Pier"; "Atlantic Avenue" including West Jersey R.R. Depot, C[amden] & A[tlantic] R. R. Depot, City Hall, and St. Nicholas R.C. Church; "Intersection of Pacific and North Carolina Avenues" including First Baptist Church and St. James P.E. Church; "Boat House at the Inlet; "Absecon Light House," including the Buoy House and Life Saving Station; a "Regatta"; the Disston, R. H. Turner, Shirtcliffe and Ladner villas on Indiana, Pacific, and North Carolina avenues; "The Breakers," i.e. waves breaking onto the shore; "Elephant Pavilion, South Atlantic City," i.e., Lucy the Elephant; "The Wreck"; the duties of the "U. S. Life Saving Service," (later the U.S. Coast Guard), including "Launching the Surf Boat," "Taking the Tackle Cart to the Beach, " "Throwing the Life Line" and a person "Saved" during practice maneuvers. Views also show street, pedestrian and maritime traffic, including beach goers; bath houses; amusement rides; and shops along the boardwalk., Title from embossed olive morocco binding, front cover stamped: Atlantic City., Prints connected by accordion folds and separated into two sheets., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Housed in phase box., Gift of Helen Beitler., Adolph Witteman was a prolific publisher of souvenir viewbooks from the 1870s through 1880s. He and his brother Herman later established The Albertype Company in 1890, which issued post cards in addition to viewbooks until 1952.

Baltz, Stitz, & Co. Importers & dealers in brandies, wines, gins &c. Bourbon & rye whiskies. No. 333 North 37th St. Philadelphia.
Trade card containing corner vignettes representing the wine and liquor trade. Vignettes depict clusters of casks and wine bottles and a cherubic figure seated on a cask and a shepherd-like figure., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.

Belmont and waterworks. Mount Pleasant, Fairmount Park, Philada. [graphic].
Lithograph showing mules walking on towpaths pulling canal boats in the Schuylkill River in the foreground. Also shows distant views of West Fairmount Park properties, including Belmont Mansion, the estate house and country seat of Judge Richard Peters; the smokestack of the Belmont Waterworks engine house, designed by Frederick Graff in the late 1860s; and Mount Pleasant Mansion (i.e. Arnold Mansion) built after designs by Thomas Nevil 1761-1765 for Captain John Macpherson. Includes a locomotive traveling north on the west bank of the river in the right background. Macpherson, a privateer during the Seven Years’ War, purchased the estate with profits from these operations. Free white and Black laborers, indentured servants, and at least four enslaved people of African descent, whose names are unknown, worked on the plantation. In 1779, General Benedict Arnold purchased Mount Pleasant for his wife Peggy Shippen, but they never occupied the house. In 1792, General Jonathan Williams purchased the mansion. The City of Philadelphia purchased the property from the Williams family in 1869. On behalf of the city, the Philadelphia Museum of Art restored the house in 1926., Title from item., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Kollner advertised four volumes of small folio pictures, including "Bits of Nature and Some Art Products, in Fairmount Park ..." in 1878. Several of the lithographs from this volume were based on sketches he executed in the 1840s.

Bits of nature and some art products, in Fairmount Park, at Philadelphia, Penna.
Volume of compiled prints and drawings by lithographer, etcher, and artist Augustus Kollner primarily depicting landscapes of Fairmount Park and originally published in his "Bits of Nature ...," one of four volumes in his 1878 series of small folio pictures. Also contains views of Philadelphia and Bucks and Montgomery counties. Several of the prints also show park and riverscape; residences and estates; animals, including canal mules, horses, cows, and dogs; park visitors, including an African American family, children, and persons on foot and on horseback; steamboats, rowboats, and other vessels on the Schuylkill River; and rock formations. Other views show wharf workers at lunch and a cliff-side residence at North Twenty-Seventh Street near the park., Mount Pleasant Mansion was built 1761-1765 for Captain John Macpherson after the designs of Thomas Nevil in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa. Macpherson, a privateer during the Seven Years’ War, purchased the estate with profits from these operations. Free white and Black laborers, indentured servants, and at least four enslaved people of African descent, whose names are unknown, worked on the plantation. In 1779, General Benedict Arnold purchased Mount Pleasant for his wife Peggy Shippen, but they never occupied the house. In 1792, General Jonathan Williams purchased the mansion. The City of Philadelphia purchased the property from the Williams family in 1869. On behalf of the city, the Philadelphia Museum of Art restored the house in 1926., Titles include Thos. Moore’s Cottage, Phila. Park; Schuylkill River, Fairmount Park, Phila. (Columbia Bridge); Prospect from Ridgeland and Fairmount Park, Phila.; (In Fairmount Park) Sweet Briar Mansion, in 1843; In Ravine near Sweet Briar Fairmount Park, Phila.; Schuylkill River below the Falls, Fairmount Pk. Phila.; Belmont and Waterworks. Mount Pleasant, Fairmount Park, Philada.; In Wissahickon Valley, Fairmount Park, Philada.; Peters Island, Fairmount Park, Philada.; Schuylkill Riv. above Fairmount Dam, Philada. in 1843; Phila. 1842; Schuylkill River Pa.; Pt. Pleasant, Pa.; Near Willow Grove Penna.; Life Scenes in Fairmount Park; Near East Park, Phila./ "S.E. corner 27th & [Arben?]"; Schuylkill Valley Pa (dated 1893).; Delaware Riv. [Easton?]; Life Scenes in Park; City Wharf Scene (dated 1894); and West Phila [illegible] near Sweet [Briar?] West Phila., Title from title page., Maroon leather binding, stamped in gilt on cover: Bits of Nature. A. Kollner., Spine stamped: Bits of Nature. Kollner., Prints variably signed AK; A. Kollner; A. Kollner fc.; From nate. and etchd by A. Kollner; and Kollner, fect., Titles on the stone or plate. Some annotated with inscribed titles., Two of prints [*Am 1878 Kol, 2086.F.15 and 16] printed on recto of proofs. Proofs depict "Life Scenes in Park" and "The Christian Soldier.", Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Kollner advertised four volumes of small folio pictures, including "Bits of Nature and Some Art Products, in Fairmount Park ..." in 1878. Several of the lithographs from this volume were based on sketches he executed in the 1840s.

Catalogue of theatrical and public celebrities
Trade catalog containing pages with rows of numbered vignette-size reproduced portrait photographs of female , male, and child entertainers. Includes bust-length, half-length, and full-length portraiture, with one sitter often depicted in several differently posed portraits. Sitters, predominantly women, are usually attired in costume and occasionally are posed as couples, or in character and with props and ornate backdrops. Costumes and props include hats and head pieces; tights and shorts; nautical, peasant, medieval and roman garb; umbrellas, fans and valises; chairs and hammocks; guns and swords; and instruments and animals. Unique costumes and poses include Jeannie Winston as a devil with wings; Kate Forsyth depicted as a sculpted bust; and Lizzie Harold sprawled on a floor., Sitters include French operatic soprano Marie Roze (1846-1926); American entertainer Lotta [Crabtree] (1847-1924); American actress Annie Pixley (1858-1893); comic actors Charles E. Holland and Ben Maginley (d. 1888); actress and theater manager Mrs. John Drew (i.e., Louisa Lane Drew); French magician Prof. Hermann, i.e., Alexander Hermann(1843-1896), author and actress Lillian Chester; and characters from "Pinafore.", Accompanied by pocket-size, printed catalog with preface promoting Gilbert & Bacon's large stock of portrait views of the "most artistic and prominent in their profession" in the sizes "Cabinets" and "Panels." Includes lists of sitters for 1692 "Cabinets" and 115 "Panels.", Front endpaper inscribed: George P. Campbell, Continental Hotel, August 1880. Campbell, probably a Gilbert & Bacon agent, resided at the hotel in the 1880s., Cloth binding, stamped "Scrap" on front cover and "Patented March 1876" on back cover., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gilbert & Bacon, the portrait studio established by Philadelphia photographers Charles M. Gilbert (b. ca. 1848) and William F. Bacon (ca. 1843-1900), operated ca. 1874-ca. 1929. The firm specialized in celebrity portraiture and photographed actors, baseball players, and members of high society. Following the death of Bacon in 1900, the firm continued in business under the management of Gilbert and Bacon's son Frank T. into the early 20th century.

Cataract House, Niagara Falls.
Trade card showing the exterior of the three-story hotel originally built in 1825 near the falls. Also shows the ca. 1835 addition and outbuilding on the bank of the falls in the foreground. Gen. Parkhurst Whitney purchased the hotel in 1831 and leased it to Whitney, Jeraud & Co. in 1846., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Forms part of Scrapbook of Ephemera [8608.F].

Centennial circular. Norwalk Lock Company. South Norwalk, Conn.
Illustrated fold-out circular issued for the Centennial Exhibition of 1876, which celebrated the centennial of the United States through an international exhibition of industry, agriculture, and art. Contains views and vignettes showing the Norfolk Lock Company, Centennial Exhibition buildings, and the Norwalk Lock Company display at the exhibition. Lock company view shows two trains traveling past the manufactory on opposite sides of intersecting tracks. Also shows a horse-drawn cart in the foreground and masts of ships in the background. Exhibition building vignettes depict Main Building, Machinery Hall, Horticultural Hall, and Memorial Hall. Exhibition display image shows several fair visitors around an ornate glass case with mounts lined with "Norwalk Lock Co." locks. Also contains advertising text in French, German, and English., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Forms part of Scrapbook of Ephemera [8608.F].

Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia. 1876.
Sample album containing half stereographic prints by the commissioned photographic company of the Centennial Exhibition of 1876. Contains images of the exhibition that celebrated the centennial of the United States through an international exhibition of industry, agriculture, and art. Photographs depict the installation of exhibits; exhibition grounds including bird's eye views, scenes in Lansdowne Valley and along exhibition avenues, rail lines, fountains, statuary, and outdoor horticultural displays; interiors and exteriors of exhibition buildings, including Agricultural Hall, Horticultural Hall, Main Exhibition Building, Memorial Hall, the United States Government Building, states' buildings, the Women's Pavilion and the portico of the building of the Centennial Photographic Co.; views of special exhibits and dioramas, including Hunter's Camp, the first locomotive, and "The Dying Elk"; displays showing the wares, products, or cultural artifacts of specific companies and countries, including Peruvian mummies; and displays of art particularly of Italian statuary. Many of the exterior views and some of the interior include fair visitors and personnel., Exhibitors depicted include American Book Association; American Steamship Co.; American Watch Co.; Clinton Wire Cloth Company; Farmers Friend Manufacturing Co.; J. F. Tyrell & Co.; J. & P. Coats; Kingsford Starch Co.; Mason's Blacking; Midnight Yarn Co.; Mrs. Maxwell (taxidermy); Pacific Guano Co.; Shomacker Piano Mftg. Co.; and Singer Sewing Machine., Architects of the main buildings include Herman Schwartzmann, Henry Pettit, Joseph M. Wilson, and James H. Windrim. Architects of the states buildings include George A. Frederick, Carl Pfeiffer, E. L. Rice, Jr., Croff & Camp, and Heard & Sons., Brown leather and maroon cloth binding with gilt., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Album disbound and reformatted for conservation., Over 200 duplicate images held in the Raymond Holstein Stereograph Collection. See Holstein stereo - Centennial Photographic Company., Catalogue of the Centennial Photographic Company's Views of the International Exhibition, 1876. LCP Rare Books Am1876Cen (51856.D.10)., Ongoing series of articles about photographing the exhibition by John L. Gihon, a photographer employed by the Company, appeared in Philadelphia Photographer throughout 1877 under the title "Rambling Remarks Resumed.", Original photographs by the Centennial Photographic Company appeared as the frontispieces for Philadelphia Photographer in March, April, July and November 1877. P.8965.70f showing the statue "Cupid" illustrated the November 1877 issue., LCP AR [Annual Report] 1983 p.42-43., The Centennial Photographic Company was granted exclusive rights to photograph the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876. Company officers included President William Notman, a prominent Canadian photographer; Vice President and Proprietor Washington Irving Adams, representative of the Scovill Manufacturing Company which supplied equipment for large-scale production to the company; Superintendent & Treasurer and Proprietor Edward L. Wilson, publisher of Philadelphia Photographer; and Art Superintendent John Arthur Fraser, Notman's partner in the Toronto photographic firm of Notman & Fraser. Employing over 400 men and women, the Company produced over 3,000 views of the exhibition, and portraits of officials and exhibitors.

Centennial Exhibition. Philadelphia. MDCCLXXVI [1876]
Souvenir viewbook containing 12 prints connected by accordion folds and depicting Centennial Exhibition buildings. Titles include U.S. Government Building; Delaware Building; Connecticut Building; Indiana Building; Ohio Building; Pennsylvania Building; New Jersey Building; Arkansas Building; Colorado and Kansas Building; Spanish Building; English Commission Building; and Japanese Dwelling. Majority of the Centennial buildings were built after the designs of Herman Schwartzmann, Henry Pettit and Joseph M. Wilson. The Centennial Exhibition celebrated the centennial of the United States through an international exhibition of industry, agriculture, and art., Marbled brown paper binding, stamped with border design and containing gold seals replicating the Centennial medal on recto and verso. Seals illustrated with female allegorical figures representing the Genius of American Independence and Liberty. Seal on recto reads "In Commemoration of the Hundredth Anniversary of American Independence 1876." Seal on verso reads "These United Colonies are and of Right Ought to be Free and Independent States 1776.", Name of publisher from advertisement pasted on inside back cover. Advertising text reads: 12 copyright Photographs transferred on to stone by the New German Process rendering Photographs permanent. From Philip Frey & Co.'s Art Repository. Sole first hand Manufacturers and well-known original Makers of "Souvenirs" of the most frequented and interesting Countries and cities of the World in a variety of objects, such as Albums, Medallions, Fans, Baskets, Roses etc. containing illustrated Views in Photographic and Coloured Print., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Housed in phase box.

[Checks, bank notes, billheads, and receipts specimens]
Series of checks, bank notes, billheads, and receipts, containing allegorical and patriotic vignettes and ornate pictorial details. Vignettes depict allegorical female figures, including Liberty, Hope, Justice, and Bounty; animals, including the American eagle, a dog protecting a safe, and bucks; and patriotic figures, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Ulysses Grant. Other vignettes depict a view of a traveling locomotive; the seal of Pennsylvania; and views of harvested produce and grains. Businesses represented include A. Exton & Co., cracker manufacturers; Heywood, Kilburn & Co., chair and cottage furniture dealers; West Branch National Bank; Perry County Bank; Reed & Schell, bankers; First National Bank of Sunbury; and Jefferson Savings Institute., Title supplied by cataloger., Several of series printed in color ink, including blue, green, tan, and violet., Print P.9399.390 inscribed to John Mayer for $23.00 three months after date [illegible]. 24 Feb. H five. Feb 23rd., Various printers, including Ehrgott & Fobriger; Lehman & Bolton; Theodore Leonhardt; Wm. F. Murphy's Sons (& Sons); and Paul & Lindsay., Originally part of Specimen Album [P.9349]., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.

Church, corner 4th St. & Washington Av. Morrissania, Long Island, N.Y.
Architectural view showing the Gothic-style Methodist Episcopal church for the parish established in 1850. Also shows pedestrian traffic., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.

The City Hall Philadelphia. Architecture, sculpture and history.
Limited edition volume, organized in 18 topical sections, containing photomechanical reproductions of engravings (by Faust) and photographs showing views of the interior, exterior, and architectural and sculptural details of the municipal building built 1871-1901 after the designs of John McArthur, Jr. Sections, predominately titled, include Modeling of the William Penn statue; views of court rooms, Mayor's Office, entrances; Window Spandrels Tower; Bronze Groups on Towers; Centre Pavilion Dormers; Caryatides (i.e., supporting columns sculptured in the form of a draped female figure); Medallions in Conversation Hall of Councils; Doorway Spandrels. Northern & Eastern Entrances; Keystones; Panels. Stairway; Impost Panels of Windows; Spandrels and Statuary Centre Pavilion; Panels; Tower Capitals; Spandrels Interior of Tower; Panels in Eastern Entrance; Spandrels in Northern Entrance; and Window Spandrels in Northern Entrance. Interior views often include pedestrian traffic., Architectural and ornamental details depict allegorical, historical, ethical, anthropological, and political and governmental figures and tableaux, including "Distinguished Early Philadelphians"; the continents; the four natural elements and seasons; "Indians"; Swedes; mammals, reptiles, and birds, including eagles, bears, and buffalo; the natural and social sciences, arts, and humanities; industry, mechanics, and commerce; civilization and barbarism; prayer and meditation; victory and fame; admonition and repentance; and liberty and law; and youth. Details also show the seal of Pennsylvania and stereotyped, ethnographic facial studies, and cherubic figures., Edition de luxe limited to one thousand copies. Copy no. 48., Frontispiece shows a view engraved by Faust of the exterior of City Hall. Includes street and pedestrian traffic., Front matter is misordered ([p. 4] and [p. 5] reversed) and includes an "Historical" overview of the location and construction of the building; "Description of the Buildings," including the styles of "Architecture" and dimensions; the "Comparative Heights of the Principal Buildings of the World"; and the "Inscription upon face of Corner-stone in centre of tower foundation.", Reproduced wood engravings contain artist's signature or initials: F. Faust; F.F., Original cloth bindings, brown cloth grained with gilt stamped front cover and endpapers removed and rehoused with rebound album for conservation., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Frederick Faust, born in Germany in 1849, immigrated to the United States in 1870 and worked as a wood engraver in Philadelphia by the early 1880s. He continued in the trade as an illustrator into the early 20th century and was retired by 1930.

City wharf scene. [graphic] / From life by A. Kollner.
Etching showing two men and a woman gathered on a wharf with food and drink. One man rests in a wheelbarrel, as the other sits upright next to the woman who leans against a wooden fence with her hands clasped. Also shows boats and the riverscape in the background., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Kollner advertised four volumes of small folio pictures, including "Bits of Nature and Some Art Products, in Fairmount Park ..." in 1878. Several of the lithographs from this volume were based on sketches he executed in the 1840s.

[Collection of portraits]
Bound volume of portraits primarily delineated by Max Rosenthal showing prominent Philadelphians, and historical and military figures, including members of the Continental Congress, clergyman, legislators, government officials, physicians, military officers, artists, and authors. Contains full-length, half-length, bust-length, and profile portraits, with some containing backgrounds and props. Also includes the front page of a September 1885 edition of "Paper and Press" containing a portrait and biography of Philadelphia publisher Henry Carey Baird and an article about printed blanks., Sitters include Daniel Agnew; William Allen; Richard Bache; Phineas Bond; Thomas Cadwalader; Stephen Decatur; William Ellery, Elizabeth Graeme Fergusson; Miers Fisher; Nicholas Gilman; Ann Diggs Graeme; Thomas Graeme; Joseph Hemphill; Thomas Hopkinson; Jare Ingersoll (1722-1801); Jared Ingersoll (1749-1822); Joel Jones; Moses and Samson Levy; Brockholst Livingston; James Mease; Rev. Henry Morton; William Plumstead; Samuel Powell; Charles B.J.F. de Saint-Memin; Edward Shippen; Edward, James, Matthew, and William Tilghman;George Walton, George M. and Thomas I. Wharton; William Whipple; and Jasper Yeates., Title from stamp on spine., Manuscript index of sitters (1-100) date stamped September 11, 1883 pasted in front of volume., Majority of lithographs signed: MR., Some prints include facsimile signature of sitter., Some sitters identified by manuscript notes., Two of the engravings after daguerreotypes by McClees & Germon., Engravers, lithographers, and printers include Max and L. N. Rosenthal, John Sartain, Henry S. Wagner, and Robert Whitechurch., Max Rosenthal was a skilled lithographer, mezzotint engraver, and painter who delineated the majority of the chromolithographs for the firm he operated with his brothers Louis N., Morris (i.e., Maurice), and Simon Rosenthal in Philadelphia from 1851 to circa 1872. Rosenthal continued to work as an artist and lithographer until 1910., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Index of sitters available at repository.

[Cover and preface from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]
Includes ornamented typeface and and a decorative border comprised of filigree and ornaments., Cover printed in gilt., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 1.

Doct. Hoofland's celebrated German bitters, for the permanent cure of liver complaint, jaundice, dyspepsia, nervous debility, asthma, disease of the kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered liver or stomach
Label for the patent medicine showing a medieval scene in the wilderness. Depicts a medieval soldier leaning against a tree and his shield. An ax and club rest beneath him. The soldier wears a pony tail and chest plate. Also contains advertising text in German in the side borders. The bitters, named after the German physician Christoph Wilhem Hoofland (Hufeland), entered the United States market in the 1840s., Printed in lower border: Genuine Signed. C.M. Jackson. Philadelphia., Date of printing based on business address advertised., C. M. Jackson began marketing bitters in the United States about 1848. He operated from 418 Arch Street 1858-1859, and then 631 Arch Street. Jones & Evans assumed operations of the office and factory circa 1862., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.

Dwelling house, corner Avenue A & 85th Street, New York.
Architectural view showing the Victorian-style residence with mansard roof and a porch. Land and townscape is visble in the background., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.

Ehrgott & Forbriger, practical lithographers. s.w. cor. of 4th & Walnut sts., Cincinnati, O.
Advertisement calendar for 1859 containing patriotic and allegorical vignettes and pictorial details framing a calendar depicted as an architectural monument. Vignettes and details show the American eagle, shield, and flag; symbols of art and industry, including a paint palette, sculpture, telescope, and smoke stacks and chimneys; allegorical figures representing manufacturing, agriculture, and the seasons; and a central vignette containing a fruit display in front of drapery. Ehrgott & Forbriger, the premier Cincinnati firm established in 1856 by Peter E. Ehrgott and Adolphus F. Fobriger, operated under that firm name until 1860 when changed to Ehrgott, Fobriger & Co., Inscribed lower left corner: 54., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.

Ehrgott & Forbriger, practical lithographers. s.w. cor. of 4th & Walnut sts., Cincinnati, O.
Ehrgott & Forbriger, practical lithographers. s.w. cor. of 4th & Walnut sts., Cincinnati, O.
Advertisement calendar for 1859 containing patriotic and allegorical vignettes and pictorial details framing a calendar depicted as an architectural monument. Vignettes and details show the American eagle, shield, and flag; symbols of art and industry, including a paint palette, sculpture, telescope, and smoke stacks and chimneys; allegorical figures representing manufacturing, agriculture, and the seasons; and a central vignette containing a fruit display in front of drapery. Ehrgott & Forbriger, the premier Cincinnati firm established in 1856 by Peter E. Ehrgott and Adolphus F. Fobriger, operated under that firm name until 1860 when changed to Ehrgott, Fobriger & Co., Inscribed lower left corner: 54., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.

Scrapbook containing primarily engraved gift book and periodical illustrations issued between circa 1832 and 1868 from American and British publications, including "Columbian Lady’s and Gentlemen’s Magazine"; "Godey's Lady's Book"; "Ladies Companion"; "New Mirror"; and "Sartain's Magazine." Illustrations, several engraved by A. L. Dick, predominantly depict sentimental, romantic, religious, genre and allegorical views and often include children and animals. Titles include "The Draught Players"; "The Lovers"; "The Philosopher & His Kite" (showing Benjamin Franklin); "They sold Joseph to the Ishmeelites [sic] for twenty pieces of silver; "Lake See Hoo and Temple of the Thundering Winds from the Vale of Tombs"; "Schuylkill Water Works"; "Luther on Christmas Eve"; "Farmers Nooning," including an African American man farm hand (after 1843 W. S. Mount painting); "Cup-tossing" (reading of tea leaves); "The Opera Box"; and "The Village School." Portrait prints, including an image of Jenny Lind, and a few architectural design prints also encompass the illustrations., Also contains chromolithographs and the illustrated title page from Henry Harbaugh's "Birds of the Bible" (1854) and many tinted lithographs printed by Ackerman from "Reports of Explorations and surveys,...for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean (1855-1861); several photographic reproductions of original paintings showing genre views, landscapes, and marinescapes, including the work of J. S. Fenimore; George C. Lambdin; Edward and Thomas Moran, W. T. Richards, Samuel Sartain, Christian Schussele, N. H. Trotter, and S. B. Waugh; and photographs of a paddle boat near the Fairmount Water Works and views of the Wissahickon. Some pages also include embossed and color vignettes of birds, flower vases, and flowers. Other lithographs and chromolithographs depict sentimental and religious views, including a baby "hatching" from a flower and the T. Sinclair religious tableauxes "Pontius Pilatus" and "Manoah’s Sacrifice"., Probably compiled by Mrs. H. Godley., Title from stamp on the leather spine., Inserts: Envelope inscribed "Mrs. H. Godley, 1725 Vine St." and engraved portraits of "Robert Moffat" and "Girl in a Florentine Costume of A.D. 1500." "Girl" print includes amateur pencil alterations., Various artists, engravers, lithographers, and printers including Ackerman; W. Allan; T. Allom; W. H. Bartlett; W. Bennett; J. Burnet; J. G. Chapman; A. L. Dick; T. Doney; Durand & Co.; J. B. Forrest; A. W. Graham; Charles Heath; J. R. Herbert; J. B. Longacre; W. S. Mount; J. Neale; E. T. Parris; Nicolas Poussin: Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Smillie; Rice & Buttre; H. S. Sadd; John Sartain; Eliza Sharp; Thomas Sinclair; and Benjamin Franklin Waitt., Various publishers, including American Sunday-School Union; Henry F. Annears; L.A. Godey; and Hurst, Chance & Co., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Purchase 1986.

Engravings by William Humphrys
Scrapbook of print specimens and proofs engraved by Philadelphia and London engraver William Humphrys. Contents include postage stamp proofs, book and periodical illustrations, tile pages, portrait prints, advertisements, and cut outs of banknote and certificate vignettes. Majority of graphics depict allegorical imagery or illustrations of genre, religious, sentimental, and literary scenes, some from the plays of Shakespeare. Illustrations include scenes of courtship; female friendship; children with animals; a ghoulish-looking woman with a torch; a European man smoking a hookah; Jesus Christ; Adam & Eve; and imagery from Edmund Spencer's "Faery Queen", John Milton's "Palemon's Story," and John Gay's "Thursday: or The Spell." Allegorical works depict the figures of Columbia, Minerva, Mercury, Neptune, Bounty, Agriculture, Commerce, Justice, Hope, and Apollo, as well as scenes with the American eagle; caducei for the "Liverpool Apothecaries Company"; citizens fighting a fire; cherubs charting a globe; Native Americans; a family; sailing ships; and symbols of farming, trade, and industry. Vignettes also show a portrait of Benjamin Franklin; Pocahontas saving John Smith; and a female warrior slaying a man of royalty captioned "Sic Semper Tyranus.", Portrait prints, some probably from the British periodical "Fraser's Magazine for Town and Country," depict Israel Putnam; George Washington; Gustavus Adolphus; Mrs. Sloman, of Covent Garden Theatre in the Character of Baltimore; Thomas Carlyle; William Dunlop; Letitia Elizabeth Landon; D. M. Moir; and Henry Purcell. Scrapbook also contains an 1844 banknote specimen of "La Provincia de Buenos Aires" illustrated with vignettes of ostriches; ca. 1845 postage stamp proof depicting Queen Victoria after the Chalon portrait; a full-length portait of an unidentified man, possibly Humphrys; and an advertisement for the Philadelphia artist Joshua Shaw showing a man leading his horse down a bucolic path, as well as engravings after his work of a landscape and an advertisement for Cohen's Lottery Exchange Office, Baltimore., Title from stamp on spine., Morocco binding., Various American and British artists, including W. Chatfield, John Opie, Joshua Shaw, Robert Smirke, C. R. Leslie, Charles L. Eastlake, W. E. West, George Smithard, Carlo Dola, A.E. Chalon, J. Wood, J. Stephanoff, Pastorini, Alfred Croquis (i.e., Daniel Maclise), A. F. Tireggi, John James Barralet, J. Banks, J. M. Wright, Thomas Stothard, P. Williams, Camille Roqueplan, and R. Westall., Various American and British printers and publishers, including H. S. Singleton, J. P. Davis, and James Fraser., Manuscript letter by Humphry completed January 10, 1865 to Anna Holloway pasted on opening page to scrapbook. Letter details his ill health, which in spite of, he still appreciates "the brightness of the sun, the greeness of the earth, and the beauty of extreme nature.", Some scrapbook pages contain manuscript notes identifying the genre of the specimen., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Lib. Company. Annual report, 1967, p. 55., William Humphrys (1795-1865), born in Dublin, immigrated to the United States early in his life and studied engraving under George Murray in Philadelphia. He worked as an engraver in the city circa 1815-1823 producing book illustrations, advertisements, and banknote and certificate vignettes. He also served as secretary for the Association of American Artists. Relocating to England, he produced similar work before returning to the United States in 1843. In 1845, he moved to Dublin to engrave "The Reading Magdalene" for the Royal Irish Art Union before returning to England where he worked as an engraver for the firm Perkin, Bacon, and Co. During this employ, he was noted for his re-engraving of the head of Queen Victoria for the 1 d postage stamp. Humphrys retired from engraving in his later years and worked as an accountant for the printing firm Novello & Co. He died at the Novellos' Genoa villa on January 21, 1865.

Fairbanks' standard scales. Buy only the genuine.
Trade card depicting a scene on a farm. A farmer, sits on a rock, and watches as an agent weighs a horse-drawn cart loaded with hay with a "Fairbanks Standard Scale." In the background, another Fairbanks' agent weighs cows on a platform scale in a pen. View also shows hay stacks in the distance. Fairbanks' Scales was established in 1830., "Principal Warehouses," including in Philadelphia listed on verso., Originally part of Specimens Album [P.9349]., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.

First annual prize exhibition of the Philadelphia Sketch Club held at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts December 1865.
Poster containing seated figures incorporated into the lettering to promote the exhibition of the professional artists' club founded in 1860. Figures include a female muse working with a sketch, and cherubic boys sculpting a bust and painting from a palette. Letters designed as trees, vinery, and a fish tail., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSP 80, Stein & Jones established in 1859 was active under that name until the death of Stein in 1871., Cresson, an illustrator, was an early member and served as secretary of the club 1863-1864.

[Floral watercolor]
Album page containing a drawing of a rose bud. The rose bud is depicted on a stem with a number of leaves and thorns., Probably by educator and anti-slavery activist Ada Howell Hinton, daughter of Frederick Augustus Hinton, barber, perfumer, abolitionist, and prominent member of the Philadelphia African American elite community., RVCDC, Description revised in 2022., Access points revised in 2022.

"Forget me not!" [graphic] / M.F.
Album page containing a drawing of a stem of blue forget-me-nots above a poem about remembrance. Shows the stem with mutiple flowers and leaves., Title from manuscript verse., Date from item., Probably by Margaretta or Mary Forten, civil rights activists and members of the multiracial Pennsylvania Female Anti-Slavery Society. The women were the daughters of Philadelphia African American entrepreneur and abolitionist James Forten and abolitionist Charlotte Vandine Forten, Contains lines of verse: Forget me not”!—how sweet the token,/ When early hours have faded long,/ And hopes as well as hearts are broken,/ To know they still exist in song!/ Thus, may the exile fondly dream of/ Many a dear and transie[n]t ray/ And watchful memory catch a gleam/ Each colouring of a by-gone day. What tho the wave with ceaseless motion/ Protracts the union of o’er lot:—/ Our Hope’s the rock, which stems Time’s ocean,/ Our Love’s the flower, “Forget Me Not.” Excerpt adapted from poem by William G. Simms Jr., “The ‘Forget Me Not,’” in Early Lays (Charleston, South Carolina: A. E. Miller, 1827)., Manuscript of "Philadelphia" outlined with dots., Manuscript numbers for year "1834" formed with dots., RVCDC, Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022.

Album page containing a drawing of a stem of fuchsia with four flowers copied after a figure in a plate from James Andrews' Lessons in Flower Painting. A Series...(London: Charles Tilt, Fleet Street; John Menzies, Edinburgh; Thomas Wardle, Philadelphia [1836]), pl. 11. (LCP Am 1836 And, 13878.Q). The fuchsia is depicted with the blue petals, red sepals, and pink stamens of the flowers facing down. Image is also composed with the bud of a flower at the end of the stem that has multiple green leaves., Title and date from item., LCP exhibit catalogue: African American Miscellany p.45., RVCDC, Description revised 2022., Access points revised 2022., Douglass, was an artist, educator, community activist, and prominent Quaker member of the Philadelphia African American elite community. Mary Anne Dickerson was her pupil.

[Geo. S. Harris & Sons print specimens]
Series of specimens, primarily for trade cards and labels, printed by the prominent Philadelphia lithographic firm. Subjects include fanciful, allegorical, and sentimental scenes and portraiture with women, children, and flowers; hunting and recreational scenes; international iconography; animals (dogs, horses, and an alligator clutching a Black baby in its jaws); political and military imagery, including President James Garfield; land and marinescapes; and mythological and fairy tale views. Collection also includes specimen without an imprint and probably printed by Harris showing a plantation scene with a white man, attired in a straw hat, a white collared shirt, white pants, and a sword on his waistband, placing his right hand on the shoulder of a barefooted Black man, attired in a straw hat, a white collared shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows, and white pants that are torn at the bottom, who carries a hoe. They stand before a body of water surrounded by flowers and trees with the plantation in the background. Racist scene shows a white female angel with wings pouring packages of tobacco from a cornucopia to a group of men and women from various ethnic groups and nationalities, including Native Americans, Chinese, Spanish, and Middle Eastern people, many of which smoke cigars, hookahs, and pipes. Specimen depicting a man, attired in a turban with a dagger in his waistband, kneeling with a rifle beside him. Surrounding him are palms and desert plants. In the right background, a lions stands and looks on., Title supplied by cataloger., Publication date inferred from content of one print depicting President James Garfield., Originally part of Specimens Album [P.9349]., Gift of Margaret Robinson, 1991., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.

Gerney & Algeier, seedsmen & florists, 69 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
Trade card containing an ornate border designed with anaglyptography and comprised of scrolls, filigree, cherubic figures, birds, and ribbons surrounding the text. John Gerney was listed in city directories at 69 Chestnut Street in 1857., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., M.H. Traubel & Co. operated from 1853 to circa 1857.

Globe hotel cor. Frankfort & William sts New York
Trade card showing the exterior of the multi-story hotel adorned with signage reading "Dining Saloon." Also contains street and pedestrian traffic, including a horse-drawn carriage. Hotel was later renamed the Frankfort House., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Forms part of Scrapbook of Ephemera [8608.F]., Eaves worked in New York between 1845 and 1860.

Godey's Lady's Book Publishing Company limited, 1006 Chestnut St. Philadelphia
Trade card for the women's periodical containing a vignette showing two young, well-dressed ladies with a life-size model of the "Godey's Lady's Book." One girl holds a hoop and points a pointer at the heavily-illustrated cover of the magazine as the other girl holds it up. Image also includes the text "$2.00 Per Annum.", Includes motto above title: The Oldest Lady's Book in America. Established 1830., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSP 284, Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Forms part of Scrapbook of Ephemera [8608.F].

Grice & Long, patentees. Steam passenger car and self adjusting trucks for rail way curves. Offices 205 1/2 Walnut St. Philada. 94 Wall St. New York.
Trade card containing a central vignette showing a "Grice & Long" street car on a city block. Car contains ornate details. Cityscape is visible in background. Grice & Long, the partnership between Trenton entrepreneur Joseph Grice and Philadelphia engineer Robert H. Long, was established in 1860. The firm originally marketed their steam passenger car (patented by Long in 1860) for street railways, before changing production to steam railways in 1861. The firm dissolved in 1871., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.

Hoofland's German bitters, a pure tonic.
Advertisement for the patent medicine showing a medieval scene. Depicts a bearded monk, outside, on his knees, using a bellows to stoke a fire beneath a hanging cauldron in a hearth. A large volume of text lays open, near greenery, in front of him. The bitters, named after the German physician Christoph Wilhem Hoofland (Hufeland), entered the United States market in the 1840s., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
