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- Fom Soldiers all, both great and small, you heroes and you braves (10 vs.) Tune.—Raging Canal. By James Smith, Co. H. 23d Regt. Penn'a Volunteers., Variant: a. Varying, without apostrophe in "Penna.", and with 23d Regiment, P. V. as author's designation; with "Air" instead of "Tune"; publ. Auner (3). A-J border. 23.5 x 14.7 cm., Variant: b. With "1862" in title; "Commanded by Col. Neill"; publ. Johnson (2); adv: See his large Assortment of Union Songs. 20 x H.8 cm. (cropped), Variant: c. With "Va" at end of title; print. Johnson (2). 22 x 13.4 cm., Variant: d. Title: "Fair Oaks Battle, Fought on the 31st of May 1862"; respectfully dedicated to the Gallant 23d Pa. Regt. Commanded by Col. Neill; [publ.] Johnson (2). 24.2 x 12.2 cm., Variant: e. Title: "The 23d Pennsylvania Volunteers in Action"; [signed] James Smith, 23d R., P. V. 25.5 x 9.5 cm. (cropped)
- Fom Soldiers all, both great and small, you heroes and you braves (10 vs.) Tune.—Raging Canal. By James Smith, Co. H. 23d Regt. Penn'a Volunteers., Variant: a. Varying, without apostrophe in "Penna.", and with 23d Regiment, P. V. as author's designation; with "Air" instead of "Tune"; publ. Auner (3). A-J border. 23.5 x 14.7 cm., Variant: b. With "1862" in title; "Commanded by Col. Neill"; publ. Johnson (2); adv: See his large Assortment of Union Songs. 20 x H.8 cm. (cropped), Variant: c. With "Va" at end of title; print. Johnson (2). 22 x 13.4 cm., Variant: d. Title: "Fair Oaks Battle, Fought on the 31st of May 1862"; respectfully dedicated to the Gallant 23d Pa. Regt. Commanded by Col. Neill; [publ.] Johnson (2). 24.2 x 12.2 cm., Variant: e. Title: "The 23d Pennsylvania Volunteers in Action"; [signed] James Smith, 23d R., P. V. 25.5 x 9.5 cm. (cropped)
- My true love, William, to the war he is gone (9 vs.) Air: The Night Templers., Variant: a. [Publ.] De Marsan (3). De Marsan Ethiopian border. 26 x 16.5 cm., Variant: b. [As above;] De Marsan ship border. 23 x 13.6 cm., Variant: c. Publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan border with eagle, drapery with stars and stripes. 24 x 15.5 cm.
- The Rebels cheered for Mac, when our army drove them back (6 vs. and chor.) Cop: 1864, James D. Gay, EDPa., Variant: a. By James D. Gay, the Celebrated Army Song Publisher and Vocalist. T. o. border; bust of Lincoln in ornamental frame. 24.4 x 15 cm., Variant: b. Title: "Union Battle Cry"; by James D. Gay, Army Song Dealer and Publisher; Air: Battle cry of freedom; adv: Gay's Army songs sent by Mail. Letter paper; blue ink; hdpc. Magnus 176, col. 20.3 x 12.4 cm.
- Some years ago, I s'pose you know (3 vs. and chor.), Variant: a. Publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan eagle border. 21.3 x 15 cm., Variant: b. [As above;] De Marsan clown border. 24.4 x 16 cm., Variant: c. Sheet no. 848; as sung by Charley Fox, of Hooley's Minstrels. Wrigley kissing cupids border. 22.8 x 15 cm.
- Oh! kind folks listen to my song, it is no idle story (5 vs.) By Tony Emmett; cop: 1861, Sep. Winner, EDPa., Variant: a. Sep. Winner's Music Store (2); publ. Auner (3). A-J border. 23.3 x 14.3 cm., Variant: b. [Without Emmett's name;] Sep. Winner's Music Store (3); publ. Auner (4). A-J border. 24.2 x 15.5 cm., Variant: c. [Without Emmett's name;] music obtained of Sep. Winner (2); publ. Johnson (2). T. o. border; bust of girl within ornamental frame. 20.8 x H.9 cm. (cropped), Variant: d. Music obtained of Sep. Winner (2); publ. Johnson (2); adv: Union Letter and Note Paper, etc. A-J border. 23.5 x 14 cm., Variant: e. Music obtained of Sep. Winner (2); print. Johnson (2); adv: Cards, Bill Heads, Circulars, etc. Two identical Liberty figures. 22.4 x 13.5 cm., Variant: f. [Without Emmett's name and copyright;] music ob- tained of Sep. Winner (3); publ. Johnson (2); adv: Prof. Brooks' Ball Room Monitor. A-J border; bust of girl, floating hemisphere with flag, bust of woman. 24 x 15.6 cm.
- How are you and all my friends (4 vs. and chor.), Variant: a. Publ. De Marsan (3) De Marsan eagle border. 25 x 16.4 cm., Variant: b. Sheet no. 749; sold by Partridge (2). T. o. border. 20.4 x 12.3 cm., Variant: c. [Without "No. 2" in title;] as sung by Billy Ward, at the Kossuth Concert Saloon; publ. Warren (1); to be had at H. Myers; for Sale, Wholesale and Retail, at Jacob K. Search. T. o. border. 24.3 x 16.2 cm., Variant: d. [Without "No. 2" in title;] with long lines; "Fourth Edition"; as sung by Ed Wray, at the Canterbury Hall, N.W. Corner Fifth and Chestnut; publ. Warren (2); adv: This Song and 600 others can be had at Jacob K. Search. T. o. border; man carrying adv. 21.4 x 12 cm., Variant: e. [Without period after "No" and "2";] sheet no. 1016; publ. Wrigley (1) Wrigley kissing cupids border. 24 x 15.3 cm.
- Fly to the South, come fly with me (5 vs.) Air—"Fly to the Desert." [Signed] M.F.Q., Variant: a. Printed on double-sheet; title on first page headed: A Southern Song; Richmond, 1861; text on third page. 15.2 x 10 cm., Variant: b. [As above;] with embossed border on first page. 16.1 x 9.9 cm., Variant: c. [As above, without embossed border;] with flag in red and blue on first page. 15.4 x 10 cm., Variant: d. Printed on double-sheet; first page headed "Privately Printed"; Baltimore, 1862; text on second and third pages; 1st song dated Richmond, May 3, 1861; 2nd song: "Reply", dated Baltimore, May 28, 1861. Red ink; solid border in red; flag in red and blue on first page; seal above each text. 20.2 x 12.5 cm.