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- We are coming, father Abraham, six hundred thousand more (4 vs.) [By James Sloan Gibbons.], Variant: a. With "Abraham" spelled "Abra'm" in title and ex- clamation point at end; "Abram" in 1st line; words by J. Cullen Bryant; music by D. A. Warden; publ. Auner (5). A-J border. 23.1 x 14.4 cm., Variant: b. Title and authors of words and music as above; with Abra'm in 1st line; publ. Auner (3); music obtained of D. A. Warden (3). A-J border. 23.5 x 14.9 cm., Variant: c. Title: "Three hundred Thousand more"; first line with Abraam and ending "three hundred thousand more"; [sold by] Louis Bonsai. T. o. border. 22.8 x 13.7 cm., Variant: d. Title and first line as above; but with "Abraham" in 1st line; from the New York Evening Post. 13.9 x 11.5 cm., Variant: e. [Without "600,000 More" in title;] but with chor.; short lines; publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan clown border. 26 x 15.1 cm., Variant: f. [Without comma after "Coming" in title;] with last part of verses indented as chor.; words by J. Cullen Bryant; music by D. A. Warden; song with Piano accom- paniment had at Johnson's (2); publ. Johnson (2). 24.2 x 15.2 cm., Variant: g. [As above, but without "song with Piano accompani- ment . . .";] with adv: Cards, Circulars, Bill-Heads, etc. 24.5 x 15.3 cm., Variant: h. [As above;] but with different adv: Prof. Brooks' Ball Room Monitor. A-J border. 21.4 x 12.6 cm. (cropped), Variant: i. [Without commas after "Coming" and "Abraham" in title;] with last part of verses indented as chor.; [publ.] Johnson and Co. Double-line border. 18.3 x 11.8 cm., Variant: j. Title: "Six Hundred Thousand More"; with "Abraam" in first line; sold by Partridge (2). T. o. border. 23.2 x 15.5 cm., Variant: k. Title: "Three Hundred Thousand More!"; 1st line with "Father Abraham," and ending "three hundred thousand more" (5 vs.); print. Young. 19.9 x 11.7 cm.
- Our Flag and the Union! in the North is the cry (4 vs. and chor.) Air - Gay and Happy. Revised and printed expressly for the Public Schools; respectfully dedicated to Wheelock M. Gardner, Esq. Brooklyn, N.Y., Variant: a. Publ. Auner (3). A-J border. 23.2 x 15.1 cm., Variant: b. Title: "Our Country's Flag"; with quotation marks enclosing, "Our Flag and the Union," in first line; [without Revised and printed ... and "Respectfully dedicated . . .";] publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan eagle border, col. 24.4 x 16.1 cm., Variant: c. [As above;] De Marsan fountain border. 25.4 x 16.6 cm., Variant: d. [As above;] publ. Johnson (2); a song for Volunteers; composed by William Sutherland; with a list of "National Songs" at bottom; adv: Union Badges, Letter and Note Paper, etc. A-J border. 22.9 x 15.3 cm., Variant: e. First line and publ. as above; adv: Cards, Circulars, Bill-Heads, etc. T. o. border. 22.5 x 11.8 cm., Variant: f. With "New York" written out in dedication; with semi- colon after "Union" in first line; adv: 500 Illustrated Bal- lads [publ.] Magnus (2). Letter paper; blue ink; hdpc. Magnus 2, col.; [publ.] Magnus (1). 20.7 x 13.5 cm., Variant: g. [As above;] hdpc. Magnus 4, bronze ink; [publ.] Mag- nus (1). 21 x 13.1 cm., Variant: h. [As above;] hdpc. Magnus 21, col.; [publ.] Magnus (1). 21.3 x 13.5 cm., Variant: i. [As above;] hdpc. Magnus 22, col.; [publ.] Magnus (1). 19.8 x 10.8 cm., Variant: j. [As above;] hdpc. Magnus 206a, col.; [publ.] Magnus. 20.1 x 10.9 cm., Variant: k. [As above;] hdpc. Magnus 212, col.; [publ.] Magnus. 20.1 x 10.9 cm.
- We have lived and loved together (3 vs.), Variant: a. [Publ.] De Marsan (3). De Marsan Ethiopian border. 24.9 x 15.8 cm., Variant: b. Publ, and sung by James D. Gay; 2nd song: "Soldier's Wife and Home"; adv: Gay's Illustrated Song Sheet; [sold by] A. Hennings. Single-line border; hdpc. Magnus 183a. 23.5 x 14.1 cm., Variant: c. Adv: 500 Illustrated Ballads [publ.] Magnus (2). Letter paper; blue ink; hdpc. Magnus 231, col. 20.3 x 12.6 cm., Variant: d. [As above;] hdpc. Magnus 239, col.; publ. Magnus (1). 20.4 x 12.7 cm.
- We parted by the river side (3 vs. and chor.), Variant: a. Sheet no. 1073; Words and Music by William S. Hays; music, published by J. L. Peters and Brother, can be ob- tained of J. L. Peters; [publ.] Partridge (2). Double-line border with ornamental corners. 23.2 x 15.4, Variant: b. Sheet no. 742; publ. A.C. Peters & Bro., Cincinnati. T.o. border. 18.3 x 14 cm. (cropped), Variant: c. Sheet no. 35. T.o. border 20.4 x 12.8 cm. (cropped)
- Will you lis- ten to my ditty (6 vs. and chor.) Air: Free and Easy still. By Robert Smith; with 5th vs. beginning: "Let but General Scott command us . . .", Variant: a. [Without "still" in Air;] with 5th vs. beginning: "Let but McClellan command us . . ."; publ. Auner (3). A-J border. 23.1 x 14.7 cm., Variant: b. [Without author's name;] [publ.] De Marsan (3). De Marsan kissing cupids border. 22.3 x 13.9 cm., Variant: c. Publ. Johnson (2). T. o. border. 24.5 x 13.5 cm., Variant: d. Sheet no. 572; sold by Partridge (2). T. o. border. 23.7 x 14.1 cm., Variant: e. Sheet no. 837; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley military cupid border. 25 x 15.5 cm.
- They've trampled on poor Ould Ireland (5 vs.) Sung by J. H. Glenny, the celebrated Irish Comedian and Vocalist, in the drama of "Arrah na Pogue" at Niblo's Garden, New-York., Variant: a. Publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan clown border. 24.4 x 15.9 cm., Variant: b. Sheet no. 361; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley kissing cupids border. 24.1 x 15.1 cm.
- Weep not, oh, weep not1. Comrades for me (3 vs. and chor.) Extract from the Diary of a Union Soldier: "Manassas, July 22nd, 1861.—Ever shall I remember the touching inci- dents of yesterday . . ."; words and music by Geo. Reed Cromwell; publ. Firth, Pond, Variant: a. Letter paper; blue ink; hdpc. Magnus 157, col.; publ. Magnus (1). 19.7 x 12.2 cm. (cropped?), Variant: b. Adv: 500 Illustrated Ballads [publ.] Magnus (2). Letter paper; single-line border; hdpc. Magnus 192, col. 20.3 x 12.6 cm.
- Ye Braves! whose hands on Mexic's plain (4 vs. and chor.) The celebrated song, sung by Miss Fanny Heron, & Messrs. Guibilei and Johnston, with great applause, at the banquet in honor of the return of The Pennsylvania Volunteers; written by John W. Watson, Esq.; music composed and arranged by Professor James Bellak; cop.: adv: words and music to be had at the People's Music Store, Sixth above Chestnut Street, Phila.; with title on 1st page, text on 2nd and 3rd; headed: "Welcome Song"; print. Bryson & Cooper. Wavy line border with ornamental corners; 2 bee-hives and fruit on 1st page; 2 cannons and lyre on last page. 19.7 x 12.7 cm.
- Welcome, mother! now I greet thee (3 vs.), Variant: a. [Publ.] De Marsan (4). De Marsan kissing cupids border, col. 24 x 16.1 cm., Variant: b. With comma in title; adv: 500 Illustrated Ballads [publ.] Magnus (2). Letter paper; blue ink; hdpc. Magnus 214, col.; publ. Magnus (1). 20.3 x 12.6 cm., Variant: c. [As above;] with 2nd adv: Ten illustrated Songs. Letter paper; blue ink; hdpc. Magnus 68, col.; publ. Magnus (1). 20.3 x 12.5 cm., Variant: d. Sheet no. 604; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley kissing cupids border, col. 25 x 15.5 cm.
- Welcome, brave Kearsarge's crew (18 vs.) By Phineas Stowe, Pastor of 1st Bap. Mariners' Church, Boston; Bethel, Corner of North Bennet and Hanover Streets; publ. by Committee of the Mariners' Exchange, for the National Sailors' Fair; print. W. and E. Howe; with facsimile signature of Captain of the Kearsarge, Nov. 14, 1864. T.o. border; yellow paper. 29.9 x 16.8 cm.