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ASSU Illustration 7008
Block numbered in two places: 7008, also 1273 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a woman, five girls, and one boy; all face inward in a close group, and the youngest children reaches up toward a girl in front of her., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., “Dr Kendall’s [?]” – Inscribed on back of block., Provenance:, Variant:

ASSU Illustration 7015
Block numbered in two places: 7015, also 1444 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a woman in a doorway looking at a boy and a girl; the boy holds what appears to be a book strap holding books over his shoulder, and looks at a kneeling girl who reaches into a basket on the ground., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., Obscured inscription on back of block., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down piece of paper.

ASSU Illustration 7016
Block numbered in two places: 7016, also 1330 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a man and woman; the man holds a package under one arm and gestures with his other hand; the woman sits on a chair in front of a hearth and looks over her shoulder at the man.

ASSU Illustration 7018
Block numbered in one place: 7018, also 1344 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a man sitting on a bench and pointing or gesturing in front of him; there are an extra pair of shoes appears on the floor beside the bench, and a pair of boots lies in front of a counter or small table; the room also contains a table with flowers, a window, and a birdcage with a bird in it., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down piece of paper.

ASSU Illustration 7019
Block numbered in two places: 7019, also 1263 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a barefoot boy with his hat in his hand facing a woman at the threshold of a building; the woman wears a bonnet and carries a folded parasol; behind the woman are hats and a coat, which may hang on pegs near the entrance; a second woman stands beside and slightly behind the boy, with one hand placed on a doorknob and the other holding something loosely at her side., Signed: SBR., “V. Grottenthaler, 402 [Library St Phila.]” – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., “Twenty-Five cents or The Grateful Irish Boy” – Inscribed on back of block.

ASSU Illustration 7028
Block numbered in two places: 7028, also 1798 on small label on back of block., Image of an older man holding a cane, waving or gesturing to a boy who waves with one hand and carries a small pack in his other hand; behind the boy is a carriage or coach, with two men sitting in the driver’s box and another person entering; a man wearing a kepi stands at the side of the coach, holding a bugle at his side; likely a Civil War scene., “N.J. Wemmer & Son [Phila.] 215 Pear St.” – Back of block in two places. I.e. Nelson J. Wemmer.

ASSU Illustration 7054
Block numbered in one place: 7054, also 1741 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a man pushing or guiding a girl toward a woman sitting on a small sofa or fainting couch; the girl looks back and up at the man and holds one of his hands, and extends the other toward the woman; the woman leans against the arm of the sofa; the bottom half of a portrait of a man is visible on the wall behind the sofa., “[V] Grottenthaler [?]” — Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) in Philadelphia city directories from 1867 to 1876., “[?] 296” – Inscribed on back of block., Back of block partially obscured by small pasted-down paper., Illustration appears in Child's world, v. 15 no. 11 (1876), p. 3., Illustration also appears in Jessie Burton; or, danger in delay (Philadelphia, 1869), opp. p. 317.

ASSU Illustration 7057
Block numbered in two places: 7057, also 1353 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of two boys sitting on a curb; the first wears a cap, a coat, and a vest; the second is barefoot and appears to be wearing more ragged pants; the latter boy holds a small object in his hand., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., “Who took the Coins Page 3” – Inscribed on back of block.

ASSU Illustration 7059
Block numbered in two places: 7059., Image of two girls in the foreground speaking and gesturing over a fence to a man in a tall hat with a pipe; a tree and building are visible on the far side of the fence., Signed: VI-S [i.e. Van Ingen-Snyder]. Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., “ K[?] Christmas T[?] p. 120-2[?]– Inscribed on back of block., Back of block obscured partially by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 7061
Block numbered in two places: 7061, also 1329 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a woman and a girl facing each other at a low gate; the girl looks downward and holds a bag behind her back., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., “[?] [Ch]ris[t]mas [T]ree p. 2” – Inscribed on back of block.

ASSU Illustration 7064
Block numbered in two places: 7064., Image of a man and woman outdoors; the woman holds the hands of two girls, and four other girls stand in front of them with backs turned, one linking arms with one of the smaller girls; all wear simple clothing and a hat or bonnet; the style of the bonnets suggest a historical setting – possibly 17th-century., Signed: Van Ingen-Snyder. Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871.

ASSU Illustration 7067
Block numbered in two places: 7067., Image of a tall child who appears to be gesturing to three smaller children about the sundial; the youngest boy hold the edge of the sundial while another boy and girl look on; vines wrap around the sundial and clouds are visible in the sky., Signed: VI-S [i.e. Van Ingen-Snyder]. Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., Illustration appears in Child's world, v. 16 no. 7 (1877), p. 2, Illustration also appears in Child's world, v. 27, no. 1 (1870), p. 1.

ASSU Illustration 7073
Block numbered in two places: 7073, also 1439 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of two men; the standing man looks toward the other man, who sits up in a four-poster bed, and extends his arms slightly; the man in bed may be reacting with fright or surprise, as it appears that several books have fallen from the bottom of his bed., Back of block (and wood dealer’s imprint) partially obscured by pasted-down paper on back of block.

ASSU Illlustration 7083
Block numbered in two places: 7083, also 1426 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of two seated girls and what appears to be a standing young man indoors beside a window; they appear to be looking out of the window, and one of the girls holds needlework in her hands., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down piece of paper., “Page [?] B[?]” – Inscribed on back of block.

ASSU Illustration 7084
Block numbered in two places: 7084, also 1431 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a woman looking over her shoulder toward an approaching horse pulling a cart or wagon in the distance; behind the horse is a building with a small cloud of smoke blowing out of its chimney.

ASSU Illustration 7092
Block numbered in one place: 7092, also 1314 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a girl on one side of a metal gate and stone wall, likely inside; she reaches into what appears to be a picnic basket and looks over her shoulder toward a boy who grasps a rung of the gate with one hand and reaches toward her with the other., “V Grottenthaler [obscured]” – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) in Philadelphia city directories from 1867 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7094
Block numbered in two places: 7094, also 1453 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image an older woman outside leaning or stooping toward the ground in front of a tree; three girls facing her looking on, one reaching out hands, perhaps to assist her., “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down piece of paper.

ASSU Illustration 7095
Block numbered in two places: 7095., Image of a rebus depicting a scripture verse. Child's World vol. 9 no. 4 gives the answer to this puzzle, which appears in vol. 9 no. 2: "Ou-to(e)-f t(ea)-he s aim mouth proceed-death blessing and cur-sing / Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. --James iii. 10.", "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., Illustration appears in Child's world, v. 27, no. 1 (1870), p. 4.

ASSU Illustration 7096
Block numbered in two places: 7096, also 1411 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a girl standing before a young woman who reclines on a fainting couch with a pillow behind her head; behind them is a mirror and a vanity with small bottles on it.

ASSU Illustration 7097
Block numbered in one place: 7097, also 1380 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of three children in a room with a sloped ceiling; one girl wearing a dark cloak crouches down and holds something toward a seated child under a blanket, possibly on a cot on the floor; behind the crouching girl is a standing girl wearing a hat and a striped dress., N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down piece of paper., Illustration appears in Child's world, v. 16 no. 15, p. 2.

ASSU Illustration 7106
Block numbered in two places: 7106, also 8006 [?] in two places (both defaced), and 1385 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a lion attaching a man (or boy) in a rocky landscape; one of his arms is in the lion's mouth; he holds a small knife in his other hand; a small animal (possibly a lamb) appears to be beside him., 'N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila" Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7110
Block numbered in two places: 7110, also 71010, 8010 in two places (defaced in one place), 1014 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a child gesturing to a man while resting his other hand on the man’s knee; the man regards the child and gestures with one of his hands; the man is bearded and wears some kind of robe or tunic; behind him is a table with what appears to be various pieces of silverwork on it., “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7114
Block numbered in one place: 7114, also 8014 in two places (defaced), and 1464 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a man in a throne or large chair beside a low table; a younger man pour a drink into the seated man’s chalice; the seated man rests his hand on the shoulder of a young boy who faces or walks away; all wear tonic, and the clothing and furniture suggest a historical setting, perhaps Classical or Medieval.

ASSU Illustration 7117
Block numbered in two places: 7117, also 1109 on small adhesive label on back of block, also 8017 in two places (defaced)., Image of men climbing in a rocky landscape, many carrying bowls or basins with them; a boy in the foreground appears to be reaching for something which glints, suggesting that the men may be searching for gold or something similar in the rocks; a slender woman with long loose hair wearing a long draped garment stands to the side., Signed: I.F. [?], "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., Illegible inscription on back of block.

ASSU Illustration 7118
Block numbered in two places: 7118, also 8018 in two places (both defaced)., Image of nine small illustrations; in the first four a squirrel retrieves and then drops a nut; in the next five a tree grows where the nut was dropped, and the tree is cut for wood used to construct a church., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., Illustration appears in Child's world, v. 27 no 7 (1870), p. 1.

ASSU Illustration 7124
Block numbered in one place: 7124., Image of a couple talking to a man in a fenced-in yard. The man is holding a sign that says ‘Lot 10’, and there is a cat in the background., Illustration appears in "We" versus "I" (Philadelphia, between 1869 and 1893?), p. 14. This title was listed in the American Sunday-School Union catalogues from 1869 to 1893. Caption of illustration -- "Well, Mr. Silas, so you are looking at your new purchase.", "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." -- Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 7127
Block numbered in one place: 7127, also 1112., Image of a crowd of adults and children in front of an outdoor fish stall; several people point at something on the table, and others appear to be speaking or smiling; a man and a woman stand behind the stall, looking on., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7135
Block numbered in two places: 7135., Image of an old man, seated, talking to two children. The old man appears to be whittling boats in a beach setting, with a body of water in the background., "V. Grottenthaler Co., Phila, PA." -- Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7136
Block numbered in two places: 7136., Image of one woman helping another out of a carriage drawn by a single horse; a man behind her and the carriage driver, in a top hat and holding the reins, look on; a young girl stands beside the carriage; trees and a distant building with a tower are visible in the background., Signed: Van Ingen-Snyder. Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 7141
Block numbered in one place: 7141, also 1067 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a girl running away from a bull who stands behind some brush or a bush and what appears to be an incomplete fence., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down piece of paper.

ASSU Illustration 7146
Block numbered in two places: 7146, also 1098 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of girls and boys outdoors; in the foreground a small girl sits with her arms around a younger girl, and both look at a dog lying on the ground with its tongue out; behind them are a group of running boys holding sticks or spears; two girls look on from a doorway., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7148
Block numbered in at least one place: 7148., Image of two martin birds in an exterior setting. One bird is perched on a nest, the other is in flight., Illustration appears in The Swallows of Leigh Farm : a story for children (Philadelphia, 1893?), p. 11. This title was listed in the American Sunday-School Union catalogue for 1893. Caption of illustration -- "The Window Martins.", Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 7150
Block numbered in two places: 7150., Image of a swallow flying above a building., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 7151
Block numbered in two places: 7151., Image of a finch [?] perched on a branch in a natural setting., “N.J. Wemmer & Son. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7152
Block numbered in two places: 7152., Image of a bird perched on a rock., “N.J. Wemmer & Son. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7153
Block numbered in one place: 7153., Image of an unidentified bird perched on a rock. In the background appears to be a house and a part of a castle., Tape (inscribed “947”) on obverse., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 7154
Block numbered in three places: 7154., Image of an unidentified bird perched on a branch, in a natural setting., “N.J. Wemmer & Son. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7155
Block numbered in one place: 7155., Image of an unidentified bird in a natural setting., Tape (inscribed “1035”) on obverse., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 7156
Block numbered in at least one place: 7156., Image of a bird in a natural setting., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 7157
Block numbered in at least one place: 7157., Image of a bird in a natural setting, standing on the ground., Stamped on the back, but is mostly obscured by the paper., Back of block mostly obscured by pasted-down paper.
