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  • Warning: XMLReader::XML(): Empty string supplied as input in RepositoryQuery::parseSparqlResults() (line 40 of /var/www/drupal7/sites/all/libraries/tuque/RepositoryQuery.php).
  • Warning: XMLReader::read(): Load Data before trying to read in RepositoryQuery::parseSparqlResults() (line 45 of /var/www/drupal7/sites/all/libraries/tuque/RepositoryQuery.php).
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ASSU Illustration 7158
Block numbered in two places: 7158., Image of an unidentified bird perched on a branch in a natural setting., “N.J. Wemmer & Son. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7165
Numbered in one place: 7165, also 1078 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a standing man in the woods facing a seated man; the seated man sits facing away from the first man, but twists his torso and head to the side and shields or covers his face; the first man holds one hand clenched, and the seated man appears to hold a handkerchief or cloth in the hand by his side., “V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., “Wh [?] Adams Pg. 102” – Inscribed on back of block.

ASSU Illustration 7166
Block numbered in one place: 7166, also 1080 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of women indoors; the three near the door wear hats, bonnets, and shawls, and one places her hands on the shoulders of a girl; facing this group are two standing women and one seated women who all regard the girl., Signed: B [?], Back of block obscured by pasted-down piece of paper.

ASSU Illustration 7172
Block numbered in two places: 7172, also 987 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a woman wearing a veil and sitting or standing behind a pile of some kind of objects outdoors, perhaps in a marketplace; she looks forward and pulls her veil over the lower half of her face with one hand; behind her are a figure and a pack animal, and a building with a dome and a spire or minaret., Signed: B.R. [?], "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7179
Block numbered in two places: 7179, also 1062 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of two women sitting at a table eating and watching a small girl who stands on the seat of a chair holding what appears to be half a piece of bread; a man stands behind the girl and supports her., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., “Sil[ver] Shore [?]” – Inscribed on back of block.

ASSU Illustration 7184
Block numbered in two places: 7184, also 53 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a group of people gathered in or outside a building, under and beside a tall arch beside a column; most of the people appear to be men, but one woman stands before a mule, holding the hand of a small child; one figure on a worse in the back of the group draws a sword; the clothing suggests a historical setting , possibly Medieval or Renaissance., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., “Sister Rose Pg. 117” – Inscribed on back of block.

ASSU Illustration 7190
Block numbered in one place: 7190, also 1065 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a boy with a tray supported by a strap around his neck; he appears to be selling rolls, and he holds one in his hand while facing the two other boys, who lean in slightly to see; behind the boys is a man in a top hat and a sign in a window reading “Chops Steaks.”, "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., Illustration appears in Child's world, v. 16 no. 9 (1877), p. 2.

ASSU Illustration 7162
Block numbered in two places: 7162, also 1287 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a round diagram, with points labeled A, B, C, D, E, and M., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.

ASSU Illustratioon 7193
Block numbered in one place: 7193, also 978 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a boy reaching or digging for something; his surroundings are unclear, but he appears to be outdoors on grass or soil., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7198
Block numbered in two places: 7198, also 1009 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of two boys and a girl sitting in and in front of a doorway; the boy and girl sitting in the doorway hold hands; an older girl or young woman looks down at them from inside the doorway; beside the door is a barrel with a small basin or bowl under its tap., Signed: I.C. [?], "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7199
Block numbered in two places: 7199, also 1011 on small adhesive on back of block., Image of a girl holding a bowl and spoon toward a boy who lies in bed; beside the bed is a table or nightstand with a pitcher and bowl on it., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7200
Block numbered in two places: 7200., Image of a girl in a street, standing beside a lamp post and looking down at a paper she holds in one hand, which may read “Blessed need”; two boys kneel on the ground and face each other with hands outstretched, perhaps playing marbles., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7201
Block numbered in two places: 7201., Image of a girl showing a paper or book to a young woman seated in a chair in front of a window with flower pots on it; a shorter boy stands beside her and a younger one sits behind her on the ground, holding something; a painting hangs against the far wall., Signed: Van Ingen-Snyder. Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7202
Block numbered in two places: 7202, also 1006 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a stooping elderly man and a small dog facing a girl who is standing or hiding behind a coat hung on a wall hook, perhaps as part of a game., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7208
Block numbered in one place: 7208, also 932 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a man in a top hat grasping the upper arms of a woman who leans forward slightly; behind that man stands another in front of an open gate; a small stands behind the gate and looks on., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down piece of paper.

ASSU Illustration 7209
Block numbered in two places: 7209, also 963 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a standing woman regarding a seated elderly man; she appears to be tying or untying her bonnet., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7219
Block numbered in two places: 7219., Image of a stag in motion in natural setting, and there appears to be a human in the background., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." -- Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7221
Block numbered in one place: 7221, also 970 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a woman standing on the stoop of a house beside a man sitting on a bench or chair; another man faces them, holding one hand toward them and holding a pair of scissors in his other hand., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down piece of paper.

ASSU Illustration 7237
Block numbered in two places: 7237, also 9 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of boys bathing or swimming nude near the shore of a body of water; two men in the distance stand on the shore, one pointing toward what appears to be some kind of obelisk or tall natural land form; further in the distance are several hills and a small building with a fence.

ASSU Illustration 7238
Block numbered in two places: 7238, also 1105 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of people in a small boat rowing close to a shore where what appear to be ruins stand.,

ASSU Illustration 7241
Block numbered in two places: 7241, also 1074 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of four men and a woman outdoors; all stand except for one man who sits with one knee pulled up, and the standing woman carries a small child in a wrap on her back; the men wear loose draped garments, sashes, and appear to have collars on their clothes; one appears to have a small mustache; behind them are several palm trees., N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7248
Block numbered in two places: 7248, also 1069 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of young men or older boys standing on a sidewalk; one holds something, perhaps a lantern or book strap, from his hand, and points toward a woman and man standing in the street., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., Signed; Vaningen-Snyder [i.e. Van Ingen & Snyder]; Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., Inscription on back of block partially obscured by adhesive label.

ASSU Illustration 7261
Block numbered in two places: 7261., Image of a man holding something in his hand while kneeling on the ground, in a natural setting., Illustration appears in How Peter's pound became a penny (Philadelphia, 1893?), p. 21. This title was listed in the American Sunday-School Union catalogue for 1893. Caption of illustration -- "Peter finds a pocket-book.", Signed in reverse: VanIngen-Snyder., Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., “N.J. Wemmer & Son. 215 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 7262
Block numbered in two places: 7262, also 1096 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a woman wearing a dress and long cloak regarding a boy; the woman rests one hand on a table or desk and the boy looks down at his palm or something in his hand., Signed; Vaningen-Snyder [i.e. Van Ingen & Snyder]; Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7300
Block numbered in two places: 7300., Image of a distant lion in profile between two trees.

ASSU Illustration 7353
Block numbered in two places: 7353., Image of a man and a boy in a street setting. It appears that the man is holding the boy back or restraining him in some way. There are bags of what appear to be apples or potatoes lying in the background., Illustration appears in Jack Thorn's knife : how he lost it, and how he found it : in short words (Philadelphia, 1893?), p. 86. This title was listed in the American Sunday-School Union catalogue for 1893. Caption of illustration -- "'You young scamp!' said Snow, 'I'm glad I've caught you.'", "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." -- Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7367
Block numbered in two places: 7367., A woman with her hands on her hips and a spoon in one hand faces a girl who sits on a windowsill and rests her feet on a chair; a pot is behind the woman and they appear to be in a kitchen; another woman looks on from a doorway., Signed: Jasper Green, sc. Jasper Green is listed as an engraver in the Philadelphia city directory for 1872., “N.J. Wemmer & Son. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “Ruth Allerton Pag [?]” – Inscribed on back of block., Illustration appears in Ruth Allerton, the missionary’s daughter, frontispiece.

ASSU Illustration 7369
Block numbered in two places: 7369., Image of a standing man holding his hat behind him in one hand and the hand of a seated woman in the other; the woman sits in a large chair with a large shawl around her dress; another woman looks on while a young girl sitting in a small rocking chair looks upward attentively while holding a book in her lap; in the background are shelf or mantel with a vase of flowers and a clock, an empty or obscured frame, and an open window., Signed: Jasper Green, sc. Jasper Green is listed as an engraver in the Philadelphia city directory for 1872., “N.J. Wemmer. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., Image appears in Ruth Allerton, the missionary’s daughter, illustration beside p. 209.

ASSU Illustration 7495
Block numbered in two places: 7495., Image of a man in bed, raising his hand slightly; a woman wearing a head covering and earrings stands at the foot of the bed, holding up a skirt or shawl with one hand and reaching her other hand toward the footboard; a young man wearing a tunic or short sarong kneels by the side of the bed; a small table beside the bed holds a bowl and a mug; a small framed painting, a wall hook and coat, and a mantel holding several vessels are on the wall on the other side of the bed.

ASSU Illustration 7500
Block numbered in two places: 7500, also 1645 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of two standing women, a kneeling man, and a small girl holding a doll; one woman leans over to look at something the man holds in his hand. They appear to be unpacking a trunk. A mallet, a chisel, and books are strewn in the foreground., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., Signed: B.

ASSU Illustration 7524
Block numbered in two places: 7524, also 1688 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of two girls, one entering a room from the outside through a door and the other seated inside; the latter holds flowers in her hands and sits in front of a bush or small tree, suggesting that she may be in an indoor nursery., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila." – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7528-1-2
Block numbered in two places: 7528 ½., Image of a very stylized elk [?] with decorated hide.

ASSU Illustration 7547
Block numbered in two places: 7547, also 1672 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a boy and a girl outdoors on rocky terrain; the boy wears a small cap and carries a basket with both hands, and turns toward a smaller girl, who knees or stands behind him, holding something in an outstretched hand., Signed; VIS [i.e. Van Ingen & Snyder]; Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7548
Block numbered in two places: 7548, also 1750 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a woman and a girl standing in a doorway with the door open, looking at a girl who walks in front of the house in the rain barefoot, slightly hunched and carrying a basket with one arm while holding her hat down with her other hand., N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7592
Block numbered in two places: 7592., Image of a rose in bloom, with several other buds on the plant., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila."-- Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7617
Block numbered in at least two places: 7617., Image of a dove [?], "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila."--Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 7677
Block numbered in one place: 7677., Image of a single rose., Illustration appears in The Union primer, or, First book for children... (Philadelphia, between 1875 and 1893?), p. 7., "V. Grot…, 40…"--Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 7695
Block numbered in two places: 7695., Image of a bison standing in water, in a natural setting., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila."--Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 7696
Block numbered in two places: 7696., Image of a leopard [?] seated on a branch in a natural setting., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila."--Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 7701
Block numbered in three places: 7701., Image of a standing bird in a natural setting, with a nesting bird in the background., "V. Grottenthaler, 402 Library St Phila."--Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.
