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- ASSU Illustration 8958
- Block numbered in two places: 8958., Image of a white woman sitting in front of a black boy who stands in front of her, speaking or singing; two other boy sit behind him on a bench in what appears to be a church or school; the woman raises her hand slightly; in the background another woman holds a book and faces three seated boys; a white man sits behind a table or counter beneath a sign., “V. Grottenthaler [?] Phila.” – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) in Philadelphia city directories from 1867 to 1876.
- ASSU Illustration 9017
- Block numbered in two places: 9017, also 1887 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a woman and a girl in a woodworker’s shop; the woman regards the woodworker over the girl’s head, and the girl faces the woman, back turned to the woodworker; the woman wears what appear to be large furry mittens, and the girl holds knitting needles; the woodworker wears a loose cap and sits carving at a workbench; the workbench has two carved goats on it, and on the wall hang several carvings of boys’ heads, at least one an angel with wings, and what appears to be a small boar., “V. Grottenthaler Phila.” – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) in Philadelphia city directories from 1867 to 1876.
- ASSU Illustration 9020
- Block numbered in two places: 9020., Image of four girls sitting around a small table with a candlestick on it; they appear to be peeling and eating small fruits or vegetables., “V. Grottenthaler Phila.” — Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) in Philadelphia city directories from 1867 to 1876.
- ASSU Illustration 9021
- Block numbered in two places: 9021, also 1460 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a woman and a girl indoors; the woman enters from or stands in front of a doorway, and places her hand on the girl’s shoulder; the girl sits at a desk with her hands clasped and two or three closed books in front of her; the room’s carpet has a circular design, and the walls have crown molding, suggesting that it may be an elaborate or well-furnished room; two large paintings hang on the walls., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
- ASSU Illustration 9022
- Block numbered in two places: 9022, also 1076 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a boy standing in a wooded area in front of a fountain built out of a pitcher., “V. Grottenthaler Phila.” – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) in Philadelphia city directories from 1867 to 1876., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
- ASSU Illustration 9099
- Block numbered in one place: 9099., Image of two men who appear to be saying farewell to a third man who tips his hat; they grasp his hand and arm as a woman covers her face with her hand behind them; another man regards two men in a covered wagon drawn by one visible horse., “R. E. Funston. Phila. Pa.” – Back of block. Robert E. Funston is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) in Philadelphia city directories from 1879 to 1883.
- ASSU Illustration 9102
- Block numbered in two places: 9102., Image of two young women on a veranda waving to a departing woman who stands near a coach holding baskets and suitcases., Signed: J Dalziel [i.e., John Dalziel.], “John Dalziel, 1009 Arch St. Philad’a.” – Back of block., “V. Grottenthaler Phila.” – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) in Philadelphia city directories from 1867 to 1876.
- ASSU Illustration 9114
- Block numbered in two places: 9114., Image of a man with hand extended toward a group of people beside him, including two boys and two girls followed by adults; while the people appear to be standing still, there is a long line of people extending beyond this initial group; a house with what may be a thatched roof is visible in the background, and a smaller group of people stands in the distance on the other side of the gesturing man; several small flags are also visible in the distance; while hairstyles and headwear is varied, the tunic of the gesturing man and the hairstyles of some of the men suggest that the scene may be set in the medieval period., Signed: R.G.J. Sc., “V. Grottenthaler [?] P[hila.]” – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) in Philadelphia city directories from 1867 to 1876.
- ASSU Illustration 9134
- Block numbered in two places: 9134., Image of a girl doing needlework or mending by hand while an older woman wearing glasses sits behind her working on a sewing machine; there are piles of loose cloth beside both the girl and the woman; potted plants sit beside the window., Signed: J.D.G. [?]
- ASSU Illustration 9203
- Block numbered in at least one place: 9203., Image of a reclining dog in an interior setting., Signed: E.F.S. [?], Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
- ASSU Illustration 9206
- Block numbered in two places: 9206, also 1831 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a girl in profile in the center of a circle; around the circle are flowers and branches, geometric designs, what appears to be the top of a castle in the distance, and the words “May” and “Will”; at the bottom of the block are the words “Of such truthful simple hearts / The Kingdom is of Heaven”, from the poem “Little Will” by R.R. Thom., “John Dalziel, 1009 Arch St. Philad’a.” – Back of block., “V. Grottenthaler Phila.” – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) in Philadelphia city directories from 1867 to 1876.
- ASSU Illustration 9220
- Block numbered in two places: 9220, also 1462 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of girl lying in bed, her left forearm attached with bandages to a splint; a drinking glass and two bottles are on a table beside her; in the space around this circular image are a thin fruit tree, two goats pulling an open carriage, and a seated girl with arms crossed beside a man holding a cane and wearing a tall pointed hat., V. Grottenthaler Phila. – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) in Philadelphia city directories from 1867 to 1876.
- ASSU Illustration 9246
- Block numbered in two places: 9246, also 1779 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a man and a woman sitting on wooden chairs in front of a mantel; the woman wears a bonnet or mob cap and regards the bearded man, who holds a small child on his lap; the child stands and reaches for the man’s hair., Signed: R.G.J. Sc., “Grot[tentha]ler” – Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) in Philadelphia city directories from 1867 to 1876., Wood engraving (Process), End-grain blocks.
- ASSU Illustration 9251
- Block numbered in two places: 9251, also 1218 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a boy standing on stage, wearing a piece of fabric as what appears to be a toga; one hand is beneath the other garment; he holds his other arm in the air; several boys stand before the stage regarding him., “V. Grottenthaler Phila.” Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) in Philadelphia city directories from 1867 to 1876., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper., Signed: R.G.J. Sc.
- ASSU Illustration 9257
- Block numbered in one places: 9257, also 1751 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of two girls in a field of flowers and tall grass; one stands and holds a small bunch of flowers; the other girl wears a large sun hat and seems to be sitting or kneeling on the ground., Back of block covered by pasted-down paper., Signed: [Triangle; i.e., Frank Bellew].
- ASSU Illustration 9295
- Block numbered in one place: 9295, also 1827 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of two small girls in the middle of a diamond-shaped frame; the smaller girl wears a bonnet and a muffler; the taller girl wears a hat and a fur-trimmed ankle-length coat, and carries a folded parasol or umbrella in one hand and a book in the other; they are outside in a sparsely-vegetated area, but around the frame is elaborate decoration, including several types of large flowers, butterflies, vines, and geometric shapes. In the style of Kate Greenaway., Block damaged: Minor damage to side of block., Signed: J Dalziel sc. [i.e. John Dalziel]; AR [possibly Arthur Rackham?]., “V. Grottenthaler Phila.” –Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) in Philadelphia city directories from 1867 to 1876., “John Dalziel, 1009 Arch St. Philad’a.” – Back of block .
- ASSU Illustration 9324
- Block numbered in two places: 9324., Image of an Orientalist interior, with vases., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
- ASSU Illustration 9330
- Block numbered in one place: 9330, also 1752 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a mountainous landscape with brush or bushes in the foreground., Signed: J. Dalziel Phila. [i.e., John Sanderson Dalziel?], Back of block obscured by pasted-down paper.
- ASSU Illustration 9336
- Block numbered in two places: 9336., Image of a man on the steps of a porch gesturing with his hand, as two men standing in the road regard him from over a fence; one man has a hand on his hip and holds either a box or several books in the crook of the same arm; the other man appears to be holding a small bundle over his shoulder., Signed: J Dalziel [i.e. John Dalziel.], “Wemmer [?] Philada” – Back of block. [I.e. Nelson J. Wemmer.], “Snares and SafeGuards” – Inscribed on back of block., Illustration appears in Snares and safeguards, frontispiece.
- ASSU Illustration 9337
- Block numbered in one place: 9337, also 1472 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of what appears to be the interior of a barn with a mezzanine running along the three visible walls; several men are in the barn along with two camels; one man stands barefoot in the middle of the barn on a small rug, others sit in a circle toward the wall, and more men stand among bales or packages; the men appear to be wearing headdresses of some kind, perhaps keffiyeh., Back of block obscured by pasted-down paper.
- ASSU Illustration 9340
- Block numbered in one place: 9340., Image of a tall unidentified flower, with an unidentified bird perched on the stalk., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
- ASSU Illustration 9341
- Block numbered in two places: 9341, also 1605., Image of a bearded man wearing a flowing garment and a head wrap or cap; he holds a thin ornamented rod or stick in one hand and sits cross-legged, staring ahead of him and to the side., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down piece of paper.
- ASSU Illustration 9360
- Block numbered in two places: 9360., Image of a bird perched on a branch in a natural setting., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
- ASSU Illustration 9361
- Block numbered in two places: 9361, also 1049 on small adhesive label on back of block., Block damaged: cracked., Joints not visible on sides of composite block.
- ASSU Illustration 9396
- Block numbered in two places: 9396, also 1333 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a boy and a smaller girl standing in the bow of a small boat, the front half of which is visible in the image; an empty shore is visible behind the boat; the boy rests one hand on the girl’s shoulder and points into the distance with the other hand; the boy appears to be wearing a Tam o’ Shanter or similar hat., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
- ASSU Illustration 9397
- Block numbered in two places: 9397, also 1384 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a young man and woman seated in a boat; the long-haired woman holds what appear to be leaves or flowers in her lap, and trails one small branch or vine in the water; the man sits immediately behind her and regards her turned face; the woman’s long full sleeves and the man’s small decorated cap suggest a historical setting – possibly Renaissance; a small hill on the shore is visible behind the boat.
- ASSU Illustration 9398
- Block numbered in one place: 9398, also 1392 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a man and a woman in a boat; the man stands and the woman sits, with the small child hiding its face in her lap; a hilly, empty shoreline is visible behind them., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
- ASSU Illustration 9400
- Block numbered in one place: 9400, also 1224 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a man and a woman in a small boat; the woman wears a bonnet and holds a basket or woven bag in her lap; the man, who wears a tall hat rests his chin on his clasped hands, possibly leaning on a small cane; behind the boat a short distance away is a spired building on the shore, likely a church.
- ASSU Illustration 9467
- Block numbered in one place: 9467, also 116 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a dervish standing in profile, wearing a loose garment and a pointed hat., Back of block covered by pasted-down paper., Illustration appears in Home and work by the rivers of Eden (Philadelphia, 1888), p. 90.
- ASSU Illustration 9470
- Block numbered in two places: 9470., Image of a man wearing a turban and holding a thin staff; he wears layered clothing, including a tunic reaching to mid-calf, a thick sash around the waist, and a cloak or shirt with loose sleeves; a small cat sits at the man’s side., Signed: EAH., “A Koord and his Angora Cat.” – Inscribed on side of block., “92 [obscured] Hair of [?]” – Inscribed on back of block., Illustration appears in Home and work by the rivers of Eden (Philadelphia, 1888), p. 31.
- ASSU Illustration 9740
- Block numbered in two places: 9740., Image of stylized ferns and flowers, possibly lilacs., "V. Grottenthaler Co., Phila, PA."--Back of block. Vincent Grottenthaler is listed (as a dealer in boxwood) in Philadelphia city directories from 1869 to 1876.
- Illustrations in *Per C 51.7 11590.F
- Includes ASSU Illustrations 7796; 7797.