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  • Warning: XMLReader::XML(): Empty string supplied as input in RepositoryQuery::parseSparqlResults() (line 40 of /var/www/drupal7/sites/all/libraries/tuque/RepositoryQuery.php).
  • Warning: XMLReader::read(): Load Data before trying to read in RepositoryQuery::parseSparqlResults() (line 45 of /var/www/drupal7/sites/all/libraries/tuque/RepositoryQuery.php).
  • Warning: XMLReader::XML(): Empty string supplied as input in RepositoryQuery::parseSparqlResults() (line 40 of /var/www/drupal7/sites/all/libraries/tuque/RepositoryQuery.php).
  • Warning: XMLReader::read(): Load Data before trying to read in RepositoryQuery::parseSparqlResults() (line 45 of /var/www/drupal7/sites/all/libraries/tuque/RepositoryQuery.php).


ASSU Illustration 3474
Block numbered in two places: 3474., Image of a bat in flight.

ASSU Illustration 3475
Block numbered in two places: 3475., Image of a crab., Illustration appears in Stories for little ears (Philadelphia, 1857), p. 40., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 3476
Block numbered in one place: 3476, also 620 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a hand inserting a rectangular envelope into a slot with a sign that says “Letter Box”; the part of the block where the letter should be is cut out of the block completely from front to back, suggesting that there may be multiple replaceable blocks that fit into this block for different uses.

ASSU Illustration 3478
Block numbered in two places: 3478., Image of a fox and five geese., Tape (inscribed “464”) removed from obverse, June 2011.

ASSU Illustration 3482
Block numbered in one place: 3482, also 816 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a large bird, likely an egret, standing in shallow water and spreading its wings., Back of block obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 3485
Block numbered in one place: 3485, also 1315 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a girl supporting or holding the arm of an older woman who is leaning on a thin walking stick; the girl holds her other hand out, possibily gesturing to something ahead of them., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 3494
Block numbered in two places: 3494, also 754 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a man in a carriage who appears to be extending something in his hand toward a small boy running behind the carriage; three more children stand on the sidewalk, one child holding his arms in the air.

ASSU Illustration 3501
Block numbered in at least one place: 3501., Image of a Native American man chasing an unidentified animal, possibly a goat [?] up a hill., “Girls … [illegibile] p. 99” – inscribed on side of block., Tape (inscribed "761") on obverse., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 3506
Block numbered in one place: 3506., Image of two boys looking through a telescope; a man stands nearby., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper., Illustration appears in The Book of one hundred pictures (Philadelphia, between 1861 and 1907?), p. 55.

ASSU Illustration 3509
Block numbered in two places: 3509., Image of several shirtless men wearing knee-length or calf-length pants, perhaps working in a village or plantation; one suspends something by a ring over a shallow basin; another holds a pickaxe; a third carries a vase on his head; two more men carry a stick with things – possibly skins or animals – strung over in, and another stick rests on two forked branches stuck in the ground; in the foreground is a small oven which produces a large stream of smoke, and in the background are palm trees and a building.

ASSU Illustration 3526
Block numbered in two places: 3526, also 491 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a kneeling woman holding a child in a basket toward a standing woman; three other women look on, one holding an umbrella over the standing woman; all of the women wear dresses and long veils over their hair; a small palm tree is visible in the foreground; possibly as scene of Moses as an infant.

ASSU Illustration 3530
Block numbered in two places: 3530, also 496 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of Jesus Christ wearing a crown of thorns; his hands are crossed in front of him and he holds a thin staff in his outer hand and looks downward and to the side; his robe is partly open, revealing his left arm and the left side of his chest.

ASSU Illustration 3539
Block numbered in two places: 3539, also 1378 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a figure surrounded by beams of light, likely Jesus Christ, standing before a boat and pointing upward with his hand turned, apparently addressing the surrounding fishermen; who knee, stand, and lean around him, some holding nets or baskets of fish; this image is surrounded by the outline of a circle; above on the block is the outline of a town or city and the word “Nineveh”; below is an image of a man drowning in the sea beside a large fish or whale, as men in a boat nearby wave their arms.

ASSU Illustration 3546
Block numbered in two places: 3546, also 1213 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a man and a woman indoors; the man sits in a chair beside a table and regards the woman, who stands leaning toward him and rests one hand on the top of his chair., “[?] p. 7 [?] – Inscribed on side of block., Signed: HD [i.e., Henry Dacre?]

ASSU Illustration 3548
Block numbered in two places: 3548, also 1271 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a girl reaching for a book in a cabinet above her head; she stand between a chair and a small table beneath the cabinet; the girl holds one book under her other arm, and there are several more books on the table in front of her and one book on the floor.

ASSU Illustration 3550
Block numbered in one place: 3550., Image of a man in European dress holding a book in one hand and gesturing with the other; in front of him sits a seated Native American man who holds a small tomahawk in one hand and touches his face or rests his head on his hand; behind him stand three other similarly-dressed men and what appears to be a woman., Illustration appears in Child's world, v. 13 no. 16 (1874), p. 3.

ASSU Illustration 3552
Block numbered in two places: 3552, also 1220 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a Native-American woman wearing a dress and a long shawl, which she pulls closed with one hand; behind her is a tipi; a pointing man wearing a feather headdress and a seated man or boy are also behind her and regard something in the distance., Illustration appears in History of the Delaware and Iroquois Indians formerly inhabiting the middle states, with various anecdotes, illustrating their manners and customs. (Philadelphia, 1832), frontispiece.

ASSU Illustration 3554
Block numbered in two places: 3554, also 1214 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a boy sitting in a cluttered room, perhaps in an attic; the boy kneels in front of an open chest, regarding pages titled with the words “Holy Bible”; rope lies on the ground in front of him and a ladder leans against the wall behind him., Reading., Christianity.

ASSU Illustration 3555
Block numbered in two places: 3555., Image of two men holding spears; one man wears a headdress and is seated in a chariot pulled by two horses; the other man appears to be standing in or on the side of the same chariot; the second man points to the side, where several other men holding spears stand, and what appears to be a large wave is rising (Bible Exod. 14, the Egyptians in the Red Sea)., “[?] Part II [?] 6” – Inscribed on side of block.

ASSU Illustration 3556
Block numbered in at least one place: 3556., Image of Moses being placed in the reeds as a baby., Illustration appears in The Infant scripture library (Philadelphia, 1857-1907?), p. 1. [?], Illustration also appears in Moses, Child's home library series no.2 (Philadelphia, between 1857 and 1870?), p. 1., Illustration also appears in The Book of one hundred pictures (Philadelphia, between 1861 and 1907?), p. 73.

ASSU Illustration 3558
Block numbered in one place: 3558., Image of Moses trying to save an Israelite from being beaten by an Egyptian. There is a pyramid and an obelisk in the background., Illustration appears in The Infant scripture library (Philadelphia, 1857-1907?), p. 1?, Tape (inscribed “752”) on obverse., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 3559
Block numbered in at least one place: 3559., Image of Moses seated, holding the Ten Commandments, with his other arm outstretched., Illustration appears in The Infant scripture library (Philadelphia, 1857-1907?), p. 1?, Illustration also appears in Moses, Child's home library series no.2 (Philadelphia, between 1857 and 1870?), p. 1., Illustration also appears in The Book of one hundred pictures (Philadelphia, between 1861 and 1907?), p. 73.

ASSU Illustration 3562
Block numbered in one place: 3562., Image of Joshua leading the Israelites in battle., ‘Inf. Scrip…[illegible] Part II…’ -- side of block., Tape (inscribed “700”) on obverse., Illustration appears in Aaron, Child's home library series no. 4 (Philadelphia, between 1857 and 1870?), p. 1., Illustration also appears in The Infant scripture library (Philadelphia, 1857-1907?), p. 1?, Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 3569
Block numbered in two places: 3569, also 623 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of men bowing to a standing man who wears a long tunic and a headdress; many of the men hold crooks; possibly a Biblical scene.

ASSU Illustration 3572
Block numbered in one place: 3572., Image of an unidentified flower in a basket/pot [?]

ASSU Illustration 3575
Block numbered in one place: 3575, also 1256 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of nine children gathered closely around a small table in a building with wood walls, perhaps in a one-room schoolhouse; a woman seated on the other side of the table and holds a book; most of the children hold or share slates or books; one girl stands and hangs an article of clothing on a hook or peg on the wall., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 3576
Block numbered in two places : 3576, also 1347 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of what appears to be a graveyard behind a church building; there are several tall trees; the yard is surrounded by a wall; a shovel is leaning against a wall and a piece of cloth hangs over the wall beside the shovel., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 3577
Block numbered in one place: 3577, also 1244 on small adhesive label on back of block.

ASSU Illustration 3580
Block numbered in two places: 3580, also 1255 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a seated woman doing needlework while regarding a man who leans against the side of a bed or sofa, grasping what may be a flask in one hand; a bottle, bowl, and spoon sit on a table beside the woman., "[?] Leaf 20." – Inscribed on back of block., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 3594
Block numbered in one place: 3594, also 1383 on small adhesive label of back of block., Image of two women; one stands outdoors, just a few steps from a doorway; she wears a bonnet and an apron and crosses her arms while looking downward; the other woman stands inside, resting her hand on a railing and looking to her side.

ASSU Illustration 3596
Block numbered in two places: 3596, also 1265 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a boy standing before a seated man; the boy holds a book under his arm and a piece of chalk in one hand, and points with his other hand at a chalk board, which is covered with writing; the seated man regards the boy and rests on hand on a book laid on the table beside him., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 3598
Block numbered in two places: 3598, also 1083 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a boy sitting on a rock or small cliff, looking down at two men riding horses and carrying spears.

ASSU Illustration 3609
Block numbered in one place: 3609., Image of a fox in a natural setting, to the right of a signpost., Tape (inscribed “493”) removed from obverse, June 2011., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 3610
Block numbered in three places, two printed, one inscribed: 3610., Image of a girl wearing a sun hat holding a basket with what may be fruit in it toward a much taller man; the man is seated but appears almost as tall as the building beside him; he holds a thin cane in one hand and extends the other toward the girl.

ASSU Illustration 3616
Block numbered in two places: 3616, also 1356 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a bearded man reaching out of a spherical structure which appears to rest on rocks or float on waves; he holds a staff in his other hand; a dog sits on top of the structure; the tail of a kite or similar object also blows out of the opening of the sphere.

ASSU Illustration 3638
Block numbered in two places: 3638., Image of a girl regarding a cat on a counter or window-seat; the cat raises one of its paws, touching the girl’s hand; a kitten chases a small ball of yarn on the floor.

ASSU Illustration 3641
Block numbered in one place: 3641, also 481 on small adhesive label on back of block., Signed: P, Image of a boy standing on a stepstool while drinking out of a large bottle in front of a cabinet., Illustration appears in The Peasant and his guest (Philadelphia, 1862), p. 16.

ASSU Illustration 3643
Block numbered in two places: 3643., Image of a rabbit in a natural setting, and a man with a gun in the background., Tape (inscribed “629”) on obverse., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 3646
Block numbered in two places: 3646., Image of a man smoking. His hands are either behind him or tucked into his pockets, and a cloud of smoke hangs above his head., Tape (inscribed “868”) removed from obverse, June 2011.

ASSU Illustration 3647
Block numbered in at least one place: 3647., Image of a horse eating out of a trough., Tape (inscribed "875") on obverse.
