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- ASSU Illustration 3648
- Block numbered in at least one place: 3648., Image of a cow in a natural setting., Illustration appears in The Converted child, Child's home library series no. 19 (Philadelphia, between 1857 and 1870?), frontispiece.
- ASSU Illustration 3650
- Block numbered in at least one place: 3650., Image of a cat arching its back., Tape (inscribed “798”) on obverse., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper., Illustration appears in Rhymes for the nursery (Philadelphia, 1865), p. 1601
- ASSU Illustration 3651
- Block numbered in two places: 3651., Image of a goat.
- ASSU Illustration 3652
- Block numbered in one place: 3652., Image of a horse rearing., Tape (inscribed “887”) on obverse.
- ASSU Illustration 3654
- Block numbered in two places: 3654., Image of peacocks. One peacock is perched on a pedestal in the foreground, and two other peacocks are in the background. In the far distance, there is part of a building is visible., Illustration appears in The Bird book (Philadelphia, between 1844 and 1853?), opp. p. 57. This title was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogs from Jan. 1845 to at least 1893., Illustration also appears in Jenny and the birds (Philadelphia, between 1864 and 1893?), p. 243. This title was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogs from 1864 to at least 1893.
- ASSU Illustration 3659
- Block numbered in two places: 3659., Image of two boys regarding each other; the boys stand under a sign that reads “Express Office,” and stand with backs turned, but look at each other over their shoulders; one boy wears a coat and holds a cane, and the other wears an apron and carries a package over his shoulder.
- ASSU Illustration 3669
- Block numbered in one place: 3669, also 24 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of two men standing in a street in front of a brick wall; one wears a top hat and clutches a cane under his arm while handing what appears to be a coin to another man, who holds one hand outstretched and holds his hat in the other hand; behind the men on the wall or a building is the word “Notice ”.
- ASSU Illustration 3671
- Block numbered in at least one place: 3671., Image of a seated shepherd, with sheep, and another figure in the background., Illustration appears in The shepherd's voice, or, Words of encouragement and words of warning for the ears of the young (Philadelphia, between 1854 and 1893?), frontispiece. This title was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from Jan. 1854 to at least 1893. Caption of illustration -- "The Shepherd's Voice.", Tape (inscribed “2”) on obverse., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
- ASSU Illustration 3674
- Block numbered in one place: 3674, also 929 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a girl sitting on a low wall in front of a door, under a sign that says “Office”; she covers her face with both hands; behind her in the distance is what appears to be a bridge., “Late” – Inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in Stories for little ears (Philadelphia, 1857), p. 27.
- ASSU Illustration 3682
- Block numbered in two places: 3682., Image of one girl placing her hand on the shoulder of a girl sitting on a bench; the seated girl covers part of her face with one hand; there is a broom leaning on the wall beside the bench.
- ASSU Illustration 3710
- Block numbered in one places: 3710, also 18 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a seated woman with needlework in her lap who looks over her shoulder toward a man who has just entered the room from outdoors and holds extends one hand, apparently showing her a pumpkin., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down piece of paper., “[?] sent to you [?] Page 30.” – Inscribed on side of block., Signed: J.N. [?]
- ASSU Illustration 3719
- Block numbered in two places: 3719, also 21 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a woman in a dress with a large skirt holding an infant high in the air and gazing at it., Illustration appears in Rhymes for the nursery (Philadelphia, 1865), opp. p. 53.
- ASSU Illustration 3739
- L-shaped block numbered in two places: 3739, also 1021 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of two boys who appear to be planting something in a tree-lined area; they stand at the end of a long ditch or mound of dirt; one kneels and reaches toward the ground and the other stands and looks downward; a third boy leans over a wooden fence and regards them; buildings are visible in the distance.
- ASSU Illustration 3743
- Block numbered in one place: 3743., Image of one boy reaching for a kite on the roof of a building while another stands inside and reaches out to steady the ladder; the reaching boy’s hat has flown off of his head in the wind., One side of block appears cleaner than the others; possibly due to having been cut down for re-use.
- ASSU Illustration 3748
- Block numbered in one place: 3748., Image of a man resting his head on one of his hands, appearing to be in deep thought. The man’s other hand holds a watch., Tape (inscribed “934”) on obverse., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
- ASSU Illustration 3756
- Block numbered in two places: 3756., Image of a small boy looking in a store window; he rests one arm on a box or table that says “FRUI[T] AND CAND[Y]”.
- ASSU Illustration 3757
- Block numbered in one place: 3757, also 945 on small adhesive label on back of block., Illustration of a boy kneeling on a stool and reaching to put something, perhaps a coin, into the top of a box resting on the seat of a chair., "[Illegible] of a Penny p. 6" – Inscribed on side of block.
- ASSU Illustration 3766
- Block numbered in at least two places: 3766., Image of a man, woman and two children who appear to be walking in a natural setting. The male figure is walking with the assistance of a cane., Tape (inscribed “157”) on obverse., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
- ASSU Illustration 3768
- Block numbered in one place: 3768., Image of a hen and her chicks in a barnyard setting., Back partially obscured by pasted-down paper., Illustration appears in History of birds, Child’s home library series no.9 (Philadelphia, between 1857 and 1870?), p. 12., Illustration also appears in Scripture stores for young children, Child's home library series no. 4 (Philadelphia, between 1857 and 1870?), p. 4., Illustration also appears in The Kind little girl, Child's home library series no. 11. (Philadelphia, between 1857 and 1870?), p. 13., Illustration also appears in Stories for little ears (Philadelphia, between 1857 and 1893?), p. 10. Stories for little ears was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from Jan. 1848 to at least 1893., Illustration also appears in Child's world, v. 13, no. 6, p. 3., Illustration also appears in Child's world, vol. 4 no. 2, p. 4.
- ASSU Illustration 3770
- Block numbered in two places: 3770., Image of cats in an interior setting, one adult reclining cat and three kittens crouched together., Signed on one side: ‘A’ [i.e., Alexander Anderson?]
- ASSU Illustration 3775
- Block numbered in one place: 3775, also 1108 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of two girls reading a book; one is seated and holds the book, and a smaller girl stands, looking over the other girl’s shoulder and resting her hands on the seated girl’s shoulder and knee; this scene is surrounded by a circular outline.
- ASSU Illustration 3777
- Block numbered in one place: 3777., Image of a seated woman in an interior setting. She appears to be setting down a book., Tape (inscribed “15 or 75”) on obverse.
- ASSU Illustration 3808
- Block numbered in one place: 3308, also 900 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a very young girl with short hair holding a dog, perhaps a King Charles Spaniel; she holds a drawing of a dog with one hand.
- ASSU Illustration 3898
- Block numbered in two places: 3898, also 172 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of two girls and a boy; the younger girl reaches up toward the older girl, who points or extends her hand toward the boy; the boy extends a ball in his hand; a small racket or paddle lies on the ground.
- ASSU Illustration 3899
- Block numbered in at least one place: 3899., Image of a boy and a girl seated outdoors in a natural setting. The children are gazing at rabbits, the boy appears to be petting one. Nearby there are buildings in the background., “The Pet Rabbit [?]” -- inscribed on side of block., Tape (inscribed “165”) on obverse.
- ASSU Illustration 3915
- L-shaped block numbered in one place: 3915, also 1020 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of children filing out of a door; the outside of the building has a sign which says “Sunday School”; all of the children wear hats or bonnets and most are carrying books or Bibles; a decorative frame of vines and flowers along the edge of the block includes a wreath., “Sunday School Dismission” – Inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in Stories for little ears (Philadelphia, 1857), p. 40.
- ASSU Illustration 3936
- Block numbered in three places: 3936, also numbered 100 in two places, and numbered 3390 in one place. 3930 also inscribed on side of block., Image of an old man, seated, talking to a boy and a girl. Outdoor scene, with a house in the background. The old man is holding a cane, and there is a hat next to him., Illustration appears in The thunder-storm (Philadelphia, between 1857 and 1870?), p. 34. This title was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from Jan. 1857 to at least 1870; it was not listed in 1893. Caption of illustration -- "Here is a piece of cake for you.", “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.
- ASSU Illustration 4047
- Block numbered in one place: 4047, also 1110 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a man pointing or gesturing at a boy; the man rests his other hand on a workbench; the boy looks downward and holds a saw in one hand and a hat in the other., “Thomas & Joseph p. 2[6?] Thomas was very much [illegible]‘” – Inscribed on side of block.
- ASSU Illustration 4074
- Block numbered in two places: 4074., Image of bees flying around a beehive in a natural setting.
- ASSU Illustration 4076
- Block numbered in two places: 4076; 076., Image of two ravens [?] in a natural setting.
- ASSU Illustration 4077
- Block numbered in two places: 4077., Image of three birds, crows [?] in a natural setting., Illustration appears in Rhymes for the nursery (Philadelphia, 1865), p. 118.
- ASSU Illustration 4101
- Block numbered in two places: 4101., Image of a staurogram (rho-tau monogram) held by a man wearing clothing from classical antiquity., At head of block: Innocentia.
- ASSU Illustration 4137
- Block numbered in two places: 4137., Image of a dog reclining in a natural setting, in front of what appears to be a vase., Illustration appears in Stories for little ears (Philadelphia, 1857), p. 6., Illustration also appears in Child's world, vol. 32 no. 10 (1875), p.4.
- ASSU Illustration 4149
- Block numbered in two places: 4149, also 1525 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of several people walking or standing in front of, beside, and behind a wagon filled high with furniture; behind the wagon is large house.
- ASSU Illustration 4150
- Block numbered in two places: 4150., Image of a group of people eating a meal indoors. Many of those present are reclining, and are being waited upon by five servants. The side of the scene appears open to the outside, and palm trees are visible in the far distance., "[unintelligible] p. 17” -- inscribed on side of block., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
- ASSU Illustration 4157
- Block numbered in one place: 4157, also 1602 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a coastline; a sailboat and rowboat are visible in the water; the edge of a low building is visible atop a small cliff on the shore., Back of block obscured by pasted-down paper.
- ASSU Illustration 4362
- Block numbered in two places: 4362., Image of a bear climbing a tree; bridge in background. The bear appears to be attempting to reach something attached to the tree. With incised space for large initial letter., "Bear…[illegible]" -- Inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in Youth's penny gazette, vol. 13, no. 10 (May 9, 1855), p. 39.
- ASSU Illustration 4367
- Block numbered in two places: 4367., Image of an elephant with a pavilion on its back being attacked by a tiger, in a natural setting. With incised space for large initial letter., Illustration appears in Youth's penny gazette, vol. 13, no. 16, (August 1, 1855), p. 64.
- ASSU Illustration 4427
- Block numbered in two places: 4427., Image of a man sitting on a chair point in a book while another man who appears to be on a bed reads or regards the page., Signed: S.[?], “Pu[?] 26 The [?] said to him [?] word is [?]” – Inscribed on side of block.
- ASSU Illustration 4453
- Block numbered in one place: 4453., Image of a cricket in a natural setting.