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ASSU Illustration 5284
Block numbered in at least one place: 5284., Image of a single hydrangea., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” [?] -- Back of block, but mostly obscured by the paper. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856., Illustration appears in Rhymes for the nursery (Philadelphia, 1865), p. 51, Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 5318
Block numbered in two places: 5318., Image of an otter with a fish in its mouth in a natural setting., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 5358
Block numbered in four places: 5358., Image of a beaver in a natural setting, near water., "The Menagerie Improved. The Beaver p. 31" -- Inscribed on side of block., "The Menagerie improved" was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from Jan. 1848 to at least 1893., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.

ASSU Illustration 5360
Block numbered in four places: 5360., Image of an anteater eating bugs in a natural setting., "Menagerie Improved. Anteater. 3.13 ..." -- Inscribed on side of block., "The Menagerie improved" was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from Jan. 1848 to at least 1893., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.

ASSU Illustration 5363
Block numbered in at least three places: 5363., Image of a kangaroo in a natural setting., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila." -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 5364
Block numbered in two places: 5364., Image of a three llamas in a natural setting, one in the foreground, two next to each other in the background., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.

ASSU Illustration 5430
Block numbered in two places: 5430, with “4” printed over defaced second digit in both places, also 5330 inscribed faintly in one place., Image of an outdoor scene with a moose standing in the foreground on rocky terrain; three wigwams with chimneys emitting smoke are in the distance, and several people and a dog stand near them; two bare and fairly branchless trees are to the side of the image, and mountains are visible in the distance; an arc reaches across the block horizontally, possibly indicating the horizon or a rainbow., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856., Illustration appears in Child's world, v. 13 no. 16 (1874), p. 3.

ASSU Illustration 5448
Block numbered in two places: 5448., Image of a swan and cygnets in a natural setting, floating on water., "Swan and Cygnets. Tail Piece." -- Inscribed on side of block., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila." -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.

ASSU Illustration 5466
Block numbered in two places: 5466., Image of a lark perched on a branch, watching a caterpillar nearby in a natural setting., Inscribed on one side: "The Lark & the caterpillar. Perhaps he should...[illegible]." The story ‘The lark and the caterpillar’ appears in the Youth’s penny gazette (August 4, 1858); not accompanied by this illustration., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 5506
Block numbered in two places: 5506., Image of three lions attempting to drag down a buffalo, in a natural setting., Illustration appears in The Lake and the desert, or Missionary adventures in southern Africa (Philadelphia, between 1864 and 1870?), opp. p. 130., This title was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from 1864 to at least 1870., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila." -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.

ASSU Illustration 5537
Block numbered in one place: 5537., Image of an unidentified bird perched on a branch, next to a nest containing eggs, in a natural setting., "Eggs..." -- Inscribed on side of block., Back of block obscured by pasted-down paper - removed June 2011.

ASSU Illustration 5627
Block numbered in two places: 5627., Image of a landscape view of the city of Jerusalem, from a distant and elevated point of view., ‘Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives’ -- inscribed on side of block., ‘From Bethlehem to Bethany’ -- also inscribed on side of block., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.”—Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.

ASSU Illustration 5631
Block numbered in two places: 5631, also 1190 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a small girl watering flowers while a woman stands over her and point; the fence behind them suggests a yard or garden, but there appears to be a stone, perhaps a tombstone, behind the plant., Signed: HD [i.e., Henry Dacre?]

ASSU Illustration 5688
Block numbered in two places: 5688., Image of a standing woman and girl indoors looking at a seated man weaving a basket., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856., “Margaret Forbes p. 75” – Inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in New book of two hundred pictures, p. 56.

ASSU Illustration 5692
Block numbered in two places: 5692., "Head of a Rhinoceros" -- inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in The Lake and the desert, or, missionary adventures in southern Africa (Philadelphia, between 1864 to 1870?), opp. p. 140. The Lake and the desert was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from 1864 to at least 1870., Illustration also appears in Child's world vol. 13. No. 24 p.3.

ASSU Illustration 5693
Block numbered in two places: 5693., Image of the head of a lion., “Lion’s Head” – inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in The Lake and the desert, or, Missionary adventures in southern Africa (Philadelphia, between 1864 to 1870?), opp. p. 129. The Lake and the desert was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from 1864 to at least 1870., Illustration also appears in Child's world, vol. 32 no. 22 (1875), p. 2., Illustration also appears in Child's world, vol. 4 no. 16, p. 4., Tape (inscribed “95”) on obverse.

ASSU Illustration 5757
Block numbered in one place: 5757 [?], Image of a bust portrait of a Native American man., Back of block obscured by pasted-down paper. Sides of block irregular (possibly cut for reuse).

ASSU Illustration 5760
Block numbered in two places: 5760., Image of an unidentified plant and leaf.

ASSU Illustration 5819
Block numbered in one place: 5819., Image of a very young child holding a bunch of flowers., Signed: Van Ingen-Snyder. Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871.

ASSU Illustration 5835
Block numbered in one place: 5835, block also numbered 47, now defaced., Image of two girls gathering something liquid into a vessel [?], Illustration appears in Seeds for young sowers (Philadelphia, 1893?). Caption of illustration -- "The children's call.", Illustration also appears in The Book of one hundred and ninety stories (Philadelphia, 1893?), p. 48. This title was listed in the American Sunday-School Union catalogue for 1893. Caption of illustration -- "He never dries up.", Signed in reverse: Van Ingen Snyder [i.e. Van Ingen & Snyder], Tape (inscribed “Van In…Snyder”) -- side of block., Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 5838
Block numbered in two places: 5838, also 45 in two places faintly, 34 in one place, 4 (defaced) before the number 5838 in two places., Image of three children looking at a cage with a mouse in it; the cage is placed on the seat of a chair, and a cat stands beside the chair., Signed: Van Ingen-Snyder. Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856., Illustration appears in New book of two hundred pictures, p. 75.

ASSU Illustration 5839
Block numbered in two places: 5839, also 44 in one place, 31 faintly in one place., Image of three children playing with blocks; one boy kneels and places a block at the top of a tower while a second boy stands ready with another block; a girl sits in a small chair and holds a pile of blocks in her lap; the open box of blocks is visible in the foreground., Signed: Van Ingen-Snyder. Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856., Illustration appears in New book of two hundred pictures, p. 76 and Child's world, v. 6 no. 12 (Jun., 1867), p. 2.

ASSU Illustration 5845
Block numbered in two places: 5845, also numbered 58 in one place., Image of a little girl who appears to be staring sadly at a dead bird that is lying on a table next to a birdcage. Outdoor setting, next to a garden shed and tools., Illustration appears in The Little beggar-boy, or, Thou shalt not covet (Philadelphia, between 1867 and 1893?), p. 121. This title was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from March 1867 to at least 1893. Caption of illustration -- "Harry had killed him!", Signed in reverse: Vaningen-Snyder [i.e. Van Ingen & Snyder.], “…[unintelligible] Bird” -- inscribed on side of block., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.

ASSU Illustration 5849
Block numbered in one place: 5849, also numbered 57 in one place., Image of an old woman in a chair watching a small boy reading nearby., Illustration appears in Charlie ; or, The bad habit (Philadelphia, between 1866 and 1893?), p. 53. This title was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from March 1867 to at least 1893. Caption of illustration -- "The old lady sat listening in her armchair.", Illustration also appears in Seeds for young sowers (Philadelphia, 1893?). Caption of illustration -- "Keep thy heart.", Signed in reverse: Vaningen Snyder [i.e. Van Ingen & Snyder], Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., “Ri…[rest obscured by paper]” – inscribed on back of block., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 5853
Block numbered in two places: 5853, also numbered 66 in two places, now defaced., Image of three boys in a street. They appear to be in conversation, and one of them appears to be holding a kite., Signed in reverse: Van Ingen Snyder [i.e. Van Ingen & Snyder], Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.

ASSU Illustration 5888
Block numbered in two places: 5888, also numbered 15 in two places, now defaced., Image of a boy and a girl in an outdoor setting, walking. The girl is towing the boy by the hand., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.

ASSU Illustration 5902
Block numbered in two places: 5902., Image of a man talking to two children, a boy and a girl, in an interior setting. The boy appears to be holding a hammer [?] and is handing something to the man., Signed in reverse: Van Ingen-Snyder [i.e. Van Ingen & Snyder], Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., “Flaw” -- inscribed on back of block., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.

ASSU Illustration 5913
Block numbered in two places: 5913, block also numbered 183 in two places, now defaced. Block also inscribed 13 on back of block., Image of a man who appears to be in distress, in an interior setting. One of his hands is clasped to his head, and the other appears to be dropping coins [?] into an open drawer., Signed in reverse: VanIngen-Snyder., Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 5915
Block numbered in two places: 5915, also numbered 136 in two places., Image of a man, two children and a dog. The man is looking towards what appears to be a church, but the children are looking at the dog in an outdoor setting., Illustration appears in The thunder-storm (Philadelphia, between 1857 and 1870?), p. 127. This title was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from Jan. 1857 to at least 1870; it was not listed in 1893. Caption of illustration -- "My faithful Plato.", “Church dog” -- inscribed on back of block., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila." -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856., Signed in reverse: VanIngen-Snyder. Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., Tape (inscribed “Van Ingen Snyder”) on side of block.

ASSU Illustration 5935
Block numbered in two places: 5935, also numbered 70 in two places, now defaced., Image of an old man and a young boy. The boy is sitting on the old man’s knee, in an interior setting. There are books on the shelves behind the chair., Signed in reverse: Van Ingen Snyder [i.e., Van Ingen & Snyder], Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.

ASSU Illustration 5966
Block numbered in two places: 5966, also 170 in three places, two now defaced., Image of a boy and a girl waving at or hailing an approaching train; the boy waves his hat in one hand and holds a basket in the other; the girl holds up both hands; there are trees on the far side of the track., Signed: Van Ingen-Snyder. Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.

ASSU Illustration 5969
Block numbered in two places: 5969, block also numbered 175 in two places, now defaced., Image of an elephant carrying a small child in its trunk, in a natural setting. An adult human is chasing the elephant, and the child is reaching back towards the adult figure., Signed in reverse: Vaningen-Snyder [i.e. Van Ingen & Snyder], “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856., Illustration appears in Child's world v. 10 no. 12 p. 3.

ASSU Illustration 5973
Block numbered in two places: 5973, also numbered 182 in two places, now defaced., Image of a road, and two horse-drawn carriages on it. There is a sign on the road that reads ‘Keep To The Right As The Law Directs’. The driver of the carriage to the sign of the sign appears to be in conversation with a man who is attempting to give the driver something. Present in the background is a building., Signed in reverse: Van Ingen-Snyder [i.e. Van Ingen & Snyder], Van Ingen & Snyder, a partnership between William H. Van Ingen and Henry M. Snyder, was active between 1853 and 1871., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.

ASSU Illustration 5983
Block numbered in two places: 5983., Image of a man in European garb who appears to be watching a group of Native Americans, in a natural setting., “Brainerd [unintelligible] the [unintelligible] Indians” -- inscribed on side of block. [i.e. David Brainerd?], “N.J. Wemmer & Son. 215 Pear St. Phila.” -- stamped twice on back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 6000
Block numbered in two places (in pencil): 6000, also 1922 on small adhesive label on back of block ., Image of a girl holding a basket and standing a few feet away from three steps leading to a door of a house; a woman looks through or stands in front of a window slightly above the girl’s head., “N.J. W[emmer] Phi[la]” – Back of block., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down pieces of paper., “Sunday School Scholar [?] Poor.” – Inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in New book of two hundred pictures, p. 98.

ASSU Illustration 6004
Block numbered 6004 in two places., Image of four people, possibly children, on a beach. A boy standing in the center holds a spade; the others gather in a group to examine objects., “N.J. Wemmer. 5 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed (as an artist) at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1848 to 1856.

ASSU Illustration 6007
Block numbered in two places: 6007., Image of a woman who appears to be cooking in a pot over the stove; a cat stands at her feet; four children of varying ages sit at a table with mugs and bowls. Shelves hold plates and mugs., “N.J. Wemmer. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., Illustration appears in Child's world, v. 1, no. 10 (May, 1862), p. 5.

ASSU Illustration 6009
Block numbered 6009 in two places., Image of a girl standing at a table, looking over her shoulder., “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876.

ASSU Illustration 6015
Block numbered in two places: 6015., Image of one boy carrying a smaller boy; the larger boy holds his hat in his hands and looks up at the smaller boy, who holds a book and crutch or cane; a man, woman, and boy look on from behind; there are several houses in the distance., “Jew boy and Gentile boy” – Inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in New book of two hundred pictures, p. 102., Illustration also appears in Child's world vol. 1, no.11 (Jun. 1862), p. 2.

ASSU Illustration 6016
Block numbered in one place: 6016., Image of a man wearing a crown and robes extending a hand toward another man; the second man looks downward and wears a cloth headpiece, a tunic, and sandals; they are in a room with columns and garlands, and are regarded by several men and women; (Bible Matt. 22, The Parable of the Wedding Banquet)., “N.J. Wemmer. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “The Man without a Wedding garment” – Inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in Child’s world, v. 1, no. 17 (Sept., 1862), p. 2.
