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- ASSU Illustration 6262
- Block numbered in two places: 6292., Image of a man in a top hat gesturing toward and speaking to a man behind a fence, while a woman hangs laundry over the fence and looks on; a crowd of people and what appears to be a dog is visible in the distance, and one small figure appears to be running or punching., “N.J. Wemmer. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block in two places. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “Am.S.S.U” – Back of block.
- ASSU Illustration 6263
- Block numbered in one place: 6263, also 1420 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of two men in top hats walking toward or facing each other in a street; one holds a walking stick in one hand, and the other has one hand in his pocket and holds the other with palm flat toward the men; behind them is a large crowd of people, including a few adults and a large number of children sitting, standing, and playing; a few buildings are visible behind them, including one with a bell tower., “Am.S.S.U” – Back of block., “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down piece of paper.
- ASSU Illustration 6269
- Block numbered 6269 in two places., Image of the interior of a tavern, with numerous men sitting at tables with drinks and cards; a central figure addresses the group., “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “A.S.S.U” – Back of block.
- ASSU Illustration 6274
- Block numbered in three places: 6274., Image of two girls in an interior setting. One girl is holding an object intently, and appears to be in some distress, and the other girl appears to be trying to reassure her. Present in the room is a portrait on the wall, a dresser with a mirror, an ottoman, and a chair., Illustration appears in The tattler (Philadelphia, between 1864 and 1893?), p. 195. This title was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from 1864 to at least 1893. Caption of illustration -- "'There, now, see what you have done! You have spoilt it!' exclaimed Patty.", Signed in reverse: Avery SC., “Wells 42 Ann St. NY” -- back of block. Darius Wells is listed at this address (as a dealer in woodtype) in New York city directories from 1841 to 1844., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
- ASSU Illustration 6282
- Block numbered in two places: 6282, also 1429 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of two men planting what appears to be a branch or small tree; one kneels and holds the plant and the other stands and leans on a shovel; several small flowerpots lie on their sides in the foreground; a building, a small figure, and a clothesline are visible behind the men., “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “Am.S.S.U” – Back of block., “two Gardeners planting” – Inscribed on side of block.
- ASSU Illustration 6288
- Block numbered in two places: 6288., Image of three hunters among mountains; two kneel and prepare to shoot the small, fleeing chamois who run across another cliff; a third man cleans or loads his rifle., “N.J. Wemmer. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “Am.S.S.U” – Back of block in two places., “Chamois hunters” – Inscribed on side of block.
- ASSU Illustration 6290
- Block numbered in two places: 6290, also 680 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a boy standing in front of a bush, removing burrs from his clothing; a dog stands at his side looking at the boy., Illustration appears in Child's world v. 5 no. 5, p. 2.
- ASSU Illustration 6301
- Block numbered in three places: 6301., Image of a man with a cloth or bandage around his head, holding his chest and covered by a blanket; three men attend, one in a uniform with his arm in a sling, one beside him with arms crossed, and one at the end of the bed or bench offers him a bowl of food; a book and pitcher of water are on the floor and a paned window is to the side., “N.J. Wemmer. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “Am.S.S.U” – Back of block in two places., “The Old Red House ‘The poor fellows are so grateful’ p. 253 M.S.” – Inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in The old flag, p. 283., Illustration also appears in Child's world, v. 10 no. 21 (Nov. 1871), p.2.
- ASSU Illustration 6305
- Block numbered in two places: 6305, also 33 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a man on a horse looking down toward a standing man holding a shovel and a small girl who reaches up toward the man on the horse; buildings are visible behind the man on the horse, and a horse and covered wagon sit before the building; a man appears to be on top of the wagon adjusting something., “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila” – Back of block in two places. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876.
- ASSU Illustration 6309
- Block numbered in two places: 6309, also 1428 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of two boys walking outdoors away from a stream or river and a bridge; one boy carries a bucket in one hand and rests his other hand on the shoulder of a slightly shorter boy, who holds a book under his arm and gestures with his free hand; both boys are barefoot., “N.J. Wemmer. 215 [Pear St. Phila.]” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “Am.S.S.U” – Inscribed on back of block in two places., “The Old Red House [?]” – Inscribed faintly on side of block., Illustration also appears in Child's world vol. 32 no. 12 (1875), p. 2.
- ASSU Illustration 6310
- Block numbered in four places: 6310., Image of a man being in front of three soldiers in a tent. The man in the center appears dressed in a ragged fashion, and is flanked by soldiers holding swords. He appears to be being taken before an officer, who is seated., ‘The Old Red House, “It can’t be John Hall, p. 235 M.S.”' -- inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in The Old flag (Philadelphia, 1864?), p. 320. In the story, the ragged man in the center (John Hall) is a deserter from the Southern army standing before Northern soldiers. This title was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from Sept. 1864 to at least 1893., “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “A.S.S.U” -- back of block.
- ASSU Illustration 6314
- Block numbered in two places: 6314., Image of a man, possibly a young man, in a prison cell reading a book while sitting on his bed; a basin sits on a table under the barred window, and a ledge or mantel is visible on the wall., Signed: G.G. [i.e., George Gilbert]., “N.J. Wemmer. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block in two places. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “Am.S.S.U” – Back of block in three places., “In Prison.” – Inscribed on side of block.
- ASSU Illustration 6320
- Block numbered 6320 in three places., Image of seven people, possibly a family, seated around a dining table; the table is set for a meal; a dog is in the foreground., “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “A.S.S.U.”—Back of block in three places.
- ASSU Illustration 6322
- Block numbered in two places: 6322., Image of a crowd gathered to observe a woman held with her feet in the stocks; she holds a child whose face is buried in her lap., “N.J. Wemmer. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “Am.S.S.U” – Back of block in three places., Illustration appears in Child's world, v. 4 no. 17 (Sept., 1865), p. 1.
- ASSU Illustration 6325
- Block numbered in three places: 6325., Image of several men pulling a statue or bust out of a body of water as a boy looks on; some men are shirtless and wear sarongs, while others wear long-sleeved short one-piece garments with fabric draped over one shoulder; all wear hats of wrapped-cloth; a palm tree and two ships with sails are visible in the distance., “N.J. Wemmer. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “Am.S.S.U” – Back of block in two places., Illustration appears in Child’s world vol. 3, no. 17 (Jul., 1864), p. 2.
- ASSU Illustration 6334
- Block numbered in two places: 6334., Image of a large house with several chimneys and two or three stories; the front of the house is covered by some ivy or moss, and has the address 1765; a man and a child stand in front of the door and a dog is visible on the grass; the house is surrounded by very tall trees and a few outlying wooden houses., “N.J. Wemmer. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “Am.S.S.U” – Back of block in four places, “The Old Stone Farm Ho. Frontispiece ‘It was very old’ p 7 m.s.” – Inscribed on side of block., Signed: HD [i.e., Henry Dacre?].
- ASSU Illustration 6335
- Block numbered in two places: 6335., Image of a man, a woman, and a small boy travelling in a carriage pulled by a single horse; the boy sits on the woman’s lap; the carriage is beside a low fence and several trees; a house or barn is in the distance., “N.J. Wemmer. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “Am.S.S.U” – Back of block., “The Old Stone Farm House. M.S. ‘Coaley walked straight into it.’ p. 72” – Inscribed on side of block, Signed: H.D. [i.e., Henry Dacre?].
- ASSU Illustration 6336
- Block numbered in two places: 6336., “…Phila.” – Back of block. (Full address obscured by pasted-down paper)., “Am.S.S.U” – Back of block., “The Old Stone Farm House. M.S. p. 118 ‘He saw a rat running along.’” – Inscribed on side of block.
- ASSU Illustration 6338
- Block numbered in two places: 6338, also 361 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a boy and a man in a top hat holding a walking stick regarding a boy who kneels at the base of a tree, holding something in his hand; the standing boy touches the other boy’s shoulder and gestures toward him., “[N.J. Wem]mer. [21]5 [Pear St. Phila.]” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “Am.S.S.U” – Back of block in three places., "The Old Stone Farm House 'He held it for some time.' p. [?]" – Inscribed on side of block.
- ASSU Illustration 6345
- Block numbered in five places: 6345., Image of an old man leaning on a cane, who appears to be offering a coin to a small boy. They are outside of a house, directly in front of a fence., “Thy Poor Brother. M.S. p. 87” -- inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in ‘Thy poor brother’ : letters to a friend on helping the poor (Philadelphia, between 1865 and 1893?), frontispiece and p. 113. This title was listed in American Sunday-School Union catalogues from Jan. 1865 to at least 1893. Caption of illustration -- "He put his trembling hand in his pocket and gave the child a halfpenny.", “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “A.S.S.U” -- Back of block.
- ASSU Illustration 6357
- Block numbered in one place: 6357, also 1174 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a man wearing a top hat sitting in a carriage drawn by two horses which appear to be standing still; behind him are several buildings; this image is enclosed in a circular outline, and above in on the block is a sign reading “The Way Out.”, “N.J. Wemmer. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “Am.S.S.U” – Back of block in two places., “The way out” – Inscribed on side of block.
- ASSU Illustration 6364
- Block numbered in two places: 6364., Image of a man in a tall hat slumped against a building, beside a sign with an upper-case R on it; there are parts of several buildings visible around a corner; the man appears to be sleeping, tired, or unconscious., Signed: S [?]., “N.J. Wemmer. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876.
- ASSU Illustration 6370
- Block numbered in two places: 6370., Image of a boy herding a cow and several smaller animals, possibly sheep., "Tail Piece [?]" – Inscribed on side of block.
- ASSU Illustration 6373
- Block numbered in three places: 6373., Image of a man carrying another man on his back. There is a church and other buildings in the background, which the man on top seems to be gesturing to., “Mutu…Assi…” -- inscribed on back of block. [i.e. Mutual Assistance?], “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila.” -- Back of block. Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down paper.
- ASSU Illustration 6391
- Block numbered in one place: 6391, also 1278 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a girl inside a gated yard watching a man, a boy, and a girl ride down the street on horses; buildings are visible in the background., Back of block obscured by pasted-down paper.
- ASSU Illustration 6409
- Block numbered in two places: 6409, also 50 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a woman in a hoop skirt or dress facing a boy who leans against a fence post with his hands in his pockets and one knee bent; behind them outside of the fence is a church with a spire., “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876.
- ASSU Illustration 6414
- Block numbered in two places: 6414., Image of a runaway horse in a street; a woman is dragged or pushed over by the horse; a boy or man lies behind the horse on the ground; three other people on the sidewalk in the distance look on in alarm., “N.J. Wemmer. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “Don’t throw stones, boy.” – Inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in Child's world, v. 7 no. 14 (Jul., 1865), p. 4., Illustration also appears in Child's world, v. 4 no. 14, p. 4.
- ASSU Illustration 6430
- Block numbered in two places: 6430., Image of a boy feeding hay to a donkey; a small wagon or wheelbarrow is behind the boy, and two chickens are at his feet; what appears to be a silo is visible in the distance., “N.J. Wemmer. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “Am.S.S.U” – Back of block., “Nursery Rhymes. Poor Donkey – – p. 135.” – Inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in Rhymes for the nursery (Philadelphia, 1865), opp. p. 156.
- ASSU Illustration 6439
- Block numbered in two places: 6439., The logo for the periodical Child’s world; the outline of the logo is circular, with the length of each letter extending or compacted to fit inside half of the circle, with Child’s in the top half and World in the lower half., “N.J. Wemmer. 215 Pear St. Phila.” – Back of block . Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “Am.S.S.U” – Back of block in three places., “Child’s World.” – Inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in Child's world, v. 8, no. 16, p. 4., Illustration also appears in Child's world, v. 4, no. 24, p. 3., Wood blocks (Printing blocks), Wood engraving (Process), End-grain blocks.
- ASSU Illustration 6440
- Block numbered in two places: 6440, also 1276 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a boy and girl holding hands; the boy holds a sack over his shoulder with his other hand, and faces the girl at an angle; they appear to be walking., “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., Joints not visible on sides of composite block.
- ASSU Illustration 6443
- Block numbered in two places: 6443, also 1253 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a man, a woman, and a girl standing on what appears to be a porch; the man holds a pointer or stick horizontally in the air and the girl runs under it toward an approaching figure, either a young man or an older boy., “N.J. Wemmer 215 Pear St. Phila” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “Ni[?] Tav[e]rn” – Inscribed on back of block.
- ASSU Illustration 6450
- Block numbered in one place: 6450, also 1269 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a seated man pointing toward a standing boy and holding a walking stick in his other hand; to their side is a table which has what appears to be a propped-up book on it., “Every man his own fortune-teller” – Inscribed on back of block.
- ASSU Illustration 6454
- Block numbered in two places: 6454, also 1297 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a woman wearing a kerchief sitting outdoors reading a book; a girl beside her leans on the woman and looks up toward her., “N.J. Wemmer. 215 [Pear St. Phila.]” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., “Am.S.S.U” – Back of block.
- ASSU Illustration 6463
- Block numbered in one place: 6463., Image of four men around a table looking at a seated man; one leans over the table and points at the seated man with his pipe in his hand., Back of block obscured by pasted-down paper., “Bar of Iron, 2nd part.” – Inscribed on side of block.
- ASSU Illustration 6467
- Block numbered in two places: 6467, also 1193 on small adhesive label on back of block., Woodblock for printing an illustration of a building surrounded by a few trees; several large stones or other objects are visible in the yard, Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down piece of paper.
- ASSU Illustration 6470
- Block numbered in two places: 6460, also 1212 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a woman standing on a porch, leaning on a railing with one hand and shielding her eyes by holding the other hand at her forehead; she regards a man who walks away from her, wearing a hat and holding a bucket in one hand., “M.S. [obscured] 34” – Inscribed on back of block., “[Willies?] [?] – Inscribed on side of block., Illustration appears in New book of two hundred pictures, p. 10.
- ASSU Illustration 6475
- Block numbered in two places: 6475, also 1283 on small adhesive label on back of block., “The [?] [?]” – Inscribed on back of block., Back of block partially obscured by pasted down piece of paper., Image of several men on a small bridge; to the side of the bridge is a building with a wagon wheel leaning against it and what may be a horseshoe suspended from the side of the building; in the distance are a few more small log buildings at the base of several hills.
- ASSU Illustration 6485
- Block numbered in seven places (two imprinted, five written): 6485., Image of a girl and a boy leaning over an animal, likely a dog, lying on the ground; there are trees and a house or cabin in the background., “V.W. & Co. [i.e., Vanderburgh, Wells & Co., boxwood dealers] 18 Dutch St. N.Y.” – Back of block., “Harsh words” – Inscribed on side of block.
- ASSU Illustration 6493
- Block numbered in two places: 6493, also 1169 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a seated man with two small girls; he holds one over his knee and regards the other, who sits on an ottoman at his feet holding a small doll., “V.W. & Co. [i.e., Vanderburgh, Wells & Co., boxwood dealers] 18 Dutch St. N.Y.” – Back of block., Illustration appears in Child's world v. 5 no. 24, p. 2.
- ASSU Illustration 6512
- Block numbered in one place: 6515, also 71 on small adhesive label on back of block., Image of a woman and a boy beside overturned barrels which have spilled what appear to be apples on the ground; the woman gestures toward the barrels, perhaps scolding the boy, and the boy holds his hat in his hands; two buildings and a ladder leaning against a tree are visible behind them., Signed: H.D. [i.e., Henry Dacre?], “[N.J.] Wemmer [2]15 [Pear St. Phila]” – Back of block. Boxwood dealer Nelson J. Wemmer is listed at this address in Philadelphia city directories from 1861 to 1876., Back of block partially obscured by pasted-down piece of paper.