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- [Vignette portrait of young woman in off the shoulder dress]
- Sitter's cheeks are hand-painted pink., Pad: Red with central floral design., Mat: Oval. Photographer's imprint stamped on mat: McClees & Germon Phila., Case: Leather. Woman wearing feather headdress with bird perched on her upraised hand. The design of the case is called Oriental Lady with Falcon and is plate 4-47 in Nineteenth Century Photographic Cases and Wall Frames by Paul Berg (Paul Berg, 1995). No design on verso.
- [Walter Graham, wholesale & retail grocer, northwest corner of Market and Sixteenth Streets, Philadelphia]
- Exterior view showing storefront at 1601 Market Street. Also depicts adjoining businesses including John S. Hansell, produce dealer at 1605 Market. Image includes two delivery wagons, barrels lining the sidewalk, and street railway tracks. Graham and Hansell are first listed in city directories simultaneously at this location in 1862., Nonpareil brass mat., Leather case with geometric design. Front cover separated. Losses in leather., Deep blue velvet pad, stamped., Image damaged at upper right along roofline., Similar view reproduced in Robert Looney's Old Philadelphia in Early Photographs, 1839-1914 (New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1976) page 98.
- [Walter Wood, 1849-1934]
- A sweet faced, seated, nine year old Wood is wearing a jacket with buttons down the front and a white collar. Hand colored pink on cheeks., Cased photographs retrospective conversion project., Pad: Deep purple velvet. No design., Mat: Oval. Photographer's imprint on mat: S. Broadbent., Case: Leather. No design on front or back., See Anne Ayer Verplanck, Facing Philadelphia: Social Functions of Silhouettes, Miniatures, and Daguerreotypes, 1760-1860, (Ph.D. diss., College of William and Mary, 1996), section of Chapter IV, Wood Family Daguerreotypes, pp. 221-233. See research folder for biographical information about the Wood Family.
- [Walter Wood as a young child.]
- Three year old Walter Wood, hair parted neatly on the side, is wearing checked pants and is looking straight ahead. His left arm is resting on a table on which there is a toy horse., Cased photographs retrospective conversion project., Pad: Faded and scratched purple velvet. No design., Mat: Oval., Case: Leather. A floral spray with one rose and several buds within a border of scrolls and swirls. Geometric design on back. Manuscript note inside case reads: Walter Wood, 1852., See Anne Ayer Verplanck, Facing Philadelphia: Social Functions of Silhouettes, Miniatures, and Daguerreotypes, 1760-1860, (Ph.D. diss., College of William and Mary, 1996), section of Chapter IV, Wood Family Daguerreotypes, pp. 221-233. See research folder for biographical information about the Wood Family.
- William A.K. Martin, 1817-1867
- Hand painted pink on cheeks. Sitter was landscape, marine and historical painter who worked primarily in Philadelphia., Pad: Red velvet. Flower in center within scrolling border., Mat: Oval., Case: Leather. Design is called The Bird and the Grape Vine and is plate 89 in American Miniature Case Art by Floyd and Marion Rinhart (Cranbury, New Jersey: A.S. Barnes and Co., Inc., 1969.) Produced ca. 1854. Geometric design on verso., Adhesive label on cover glass: W.A.K. Martin Artist., Case spine is broken.
- [William Spencer]
- Portrait of a young, handsome Spencer wearing a vest and a fancy tie., Cased photographs retrospective conversion project., Mat: Ornamented nonpareil., Case: Thermoplastic. Lacking cover. Geometric design. This design is #3-119 in Nineteenth Century Photographic Cases and Wall Frames by Paul K. Berg (Huntington Beach, Ca. 92647: Huntington Valley Press, 1995.) It is designated as scarce., Gift of Mrs. A Douglas Oliver, August 22, 1977.
- Eliza Y. McAllister [graphic] / Root's Gallery 140 Chestnut St. Philada.
- Portrait of a seated older woman resting her arm on a table. She wears a lace bonnet, a dress with a lace collar, a fringed shawl held together by a brooch and gloves. Eliza M. Young McAllister (1790-1853) married John McAllister (1786-1877) in 1811., Title from accompanying ms. note on paper., Pad: Red velvet embossed Root's Gallery 140 Chestnut St. Philada., Mat: Plain octagonal., Case: Leather. Floral and grape design. No design on verso. Attached to case is ms. note on paper: Mrs. E. Y. McAllister, 1851/62.