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[Advertisement from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Advertisement for sponsoring business George Hummel’s Premium Essence of Coffee Manufactured by Daniel Bohler & Co., 218 Callowhill Street. Contains several lines of promotional text, including testimonials to the essence’s health benefits and superior flavor to java coffee, as well as "Song of the Tea and Coffee Drinkers" sung to the tune of Yankee Doodle. Also includes a note of a $3000 Reward to any who can prove Krupp’s Imitation Essence of Coffee won an award, while Hummel did not. Reward will also be given to any who can prove that a Hummel certificate is "not genuine.", Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 20.

[Advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Advertisements predominantly for sponsoring businesses not located on Chestnut Street, including George S. Storr’s Chemical Hair Invigorator, No. 68 North Eighth Street; H. P. & W. C. Taylor, Manufacturers of the Only Real Transparent Soap, Ninth, between Green & Coates Street; E. G. A. Baker, Manufacturing Jeweler, Northeast corner Branch & Fourth Streets; T. L. Buckingham, Dentist, 162 Race Street, below Fifth; music publisher Lee & Walker, 162 Chestnut Street; and C. G. Henderson & Co. Philadelphia Central Book & Stationery Warehouse, 164 Chestnut Street. Most of the advertisements contain several lines of promotional text. Storr’s text details the results of use of the product, including prevention of premature grayness and improved disposition of curled hair; testimonials; and a word of caution about impostors. Lee & Walker promote their title list, including asterisked items containing a lithograph cover. Henderson & Co. notes the "aim of proprietors to sell at the lowest rates"; "the Beauty and Elegance of Its Pictorial Department"; and their stationery merchandise. Taylor advertisement promotes their award wining and new varieties of soap, as well as contains a wood engraving of the exterior of the factory on the 600 block of North Ninth Street. Image includes a train traveling toward the building and pedestrians and a patron in front of the building., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 18.

[Advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Advertisements for sponsoring businesses depicted and not located on Chestnut Street, including Dr. D. Jayne’s Family Medicines, 84 Chestnut Street; The Public Ledger Offices, Third & Chestnut; Dr. William Young’s The Pocket Aesculapius; Or, Every One His Own Physician, No. 152 Spruce Street, Philadelphia; and E. Ketterlinus’ Fancy Printing & Lithographic Establishment, No. 40 North Fourth Street, below Arch. Advertisements contain several lines of advertising text. Jayne’s advertisement contains promotions about his medical background, wide distribution, and scientific preparations of his medicines; endorsements; and descriptions of his vermifuge, alterative, balsam, pills, hair tonic and dye, and ague pills. Public Ledger advertisement includes subscription and advertising prices for the Public Ledger; subscription prices for The Dollar Newspaper; and promotion of the variety of printed works executed by the Job & Fancy Steam Printing Establishment. Young advocates his text as comprised of prescriptions to prevent "Victims of Quakery" and Ketterlinus advertises his "Fancy Embossed and Gilt Perfumery Labels, Book & Box Covers; Cornucopia, wine, Liquor & Syrup Labels, always on Hand and Printed to Order. Manufacturer’s orders for every description of Fancy & Plain Labels, Tickets, &c., &c., will meet with prompt attention. Embossed Cards, Show Cards and Fancy Glazed Papers of Every Variety. Letter Press & Lithographic Drawing & Printing in Plain & Fancy Colors." Public Ledger Office advertisement printed by Brown, Printer, Ledger Building, Phila., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 19.

[Cover and preface from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Includes ornamented typeface and and a decorative border comprised of filigree and ornaments., Cover printed in gilt., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 1.

[Cover and preface from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Includes ornamented typeface and and a decorative border comprised of filigree and ornaments., Cover printed in gilt., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 1.

[Plate 1 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Plate depicts section of the 200 block of Chestnut Street (42-59 pre-consolidation). South side includes William McMakin, Tailor (42); Wm. [G.] Mason, Printing and Engraving (46); McAllister & Co., Walking Canes & Spectacles (48); Wm. Curry’s Wholesale & Retail Trimming Store (50); F. H. Smith, Pocket Book & Port Monnaie (52 1/2); J. E. Van Meter & Co., Paper Hangings (54); Charles Ellis & Co., Druggists & Importers of English, French & German Drugs (36); and Joseph Fisher, Thermometers (for distilling). North side includes H. A. Dreer’s Seed & Horticultural Warehouse (59); J. G. Falconer, French millinery and J. N. Torr, Card and Fancy Job Printing (57); Bank of Commerce with the offices of Browns & Bowen (55); Clarenbach & Herder, Cutlery (51); and R. Magee, Bookseller and Stationer (45). Also shows partial view of Strawberry Street. Plate also includes a detail showing a donut-shaped object captioned “Blacking” pasted on the depicted roof of the Curry building (50)., Advertisements promote the businesses depicted, except Bank of Commerce, as well as Thomas Hargrave, Plain and Ornamental Marble Worker and Designer, Corner of Ridge Road and Thirteenth St., Philadelphia; Marble-colored and Fancy Papers, Wholesale and Retail, Manufactured by Joshua M. Raybold, Goldsmith’s Hall, Library Street, Philadelphia; George Hummel’s Premium Essence of Coffee Manufactured and Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Daniel Bohler & Co., No. 218 Callowhill Street, above Sixth; and J. Dougherty’s Black Expectorant Syrup, No. 26 North Sixth Street, Between Market and Arch Streets, Philadelphia. Majority of advertisements include several lines of promotional text and ornamented types, as well as a few include wood engraved vignettes. Mason (50) advertisement lists the materials produced, including seals, presses, paper stamps, cards, tickets, blanks, and door plates. Vignettes depict a woman leaning on a sepulchral monument (Hargrave), portrait of J. Dougherty holding his “Black” syrup, and a shears (Clarenbach & Herder)., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 2., LCP also holds trimmed duplicate depicting the North side [Rae - Chestnut Street (8)1322.F.7a] .

[Plate 10 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Plate depicts section of the 600 block of Chestnut Street (154-213 pre-consolidation). South side includes Swaim’s Building (160-164) tenanted by Barnum’s Museum and Edward L. Walker, Music Store and Piano Dealer (160); Lee & Walker, Successors to G. Willig, music store (162); and C. G. Henderson & Co., Booksellers and Publishers (164). North side includes Ambrose Smith, Druggist (213); F. Mahan, Publisher of Philadelphia Fashions (211); Leonard Benkert, Boot Store (209); Columbia House operated by Ferguson & Brothers and tenanted by E. G. Dorsey, Tailor (207). Swaim’s Building adorned with a flag, circus billboard illustrated with a seal, and a sign directing individuals to Swaim’s Laboratory. Plate also includes an unidentified residence with walled courtyard adjacent to Swaim’s. Swaim’s Building and Swaim’s Laboratory signage (160-164) included on plate as pasted-on details., Advertisements promote eight of the businesses depicted and Swaim’s Celebrated Panacea (New York agents Schieffelin Brothers & Co., later W.H. Schieffelin & Co.). Swaim’s full-page advertisement contains endorsements, several lines of promotional text, including "Beware of Imposition," and a description of the bottle label composed by Philadelphia bank note engravers Draper & Co. Smaller advertisements contain promotional text and ornamented type. Barnum’s text includes a description of the exhibits and performances at the Lecture Room and Mahan’s provides prices for his fashion plates., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 11., LCP also holds trimmed duplicate depicting North side [P.2008.34.16.4].

[Plate 11 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Plate showing a section of the 700 block (166-213 pre consolidation) of Chestnut Street. South side includes Mrs. M. Burke’s Millenery [sic] Rooms and Winchester & Scott, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Store (172); Cornelius & Co., Gas Fixtures (176); Willis P. Hazard, Cheap Book Store (178); and McClees & Germon, Daguerreotype Rooms and Jos. S. Natt, Looking Glasses (182). North side includes the Masonic Hall (built 1808-1811 after the designs of William Strickland) and tenant businesses, including D. A. Warden, Pianos, Melodeons, [A. D. K.] Moore, Fancy Stationery, and A. Hildebrandt, Fancy Baskets & Toys (225); Washington House hotel with offices of the proprietor A. F. Glass (221-223); china ware importers Tyndale & Mitchell (219); Geo. W. Ward, Gentleman’s Furnishings Store (217); Sturdivant’s House hotel (215); and Warne’s Rifle & Pistol Gallery (213). Also shows the Warne façade adorned with a sign illustrated with the figure of a man pointing to the left., Advertisements promote twelve of the businesses depicted, including McClees & Germon who advertise "The increased width of the street, occasioned by the recess formed by the Masonic Hall, (which is directly opposite) and a front almost entirely of glass, give facilities for an operating room on the Second Floor, with a North light, (the most pleasant, effective and certain of all others, where a sufficiency can be obtained,) possessed by no other establishment of the city…." Several of the advertisements contain ornamented type and two contain illustrations depicting a man pointing (Warne’s) and a man’s shirt (Ward’s Improved Pattern, Warranted to Fit)., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 12., LCP also holds trimmed duplicates depicting North side [P.2008.34.16.7 and (1)1322.F.274] and trimmed duplicate depicting South side [P.2008.34.16.9].

[Plate 14 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Plate showing a section of the 800 block (216-277) of Chestnut Street. South side includes J. S. Earle, Looking Glasses, Oil Paintings, Portrait & Picture Frames (216); W.H. Carryl, Curtain Store (218); Welch’s National Circus theater (224); Joseph M. Wilson, Bookseller & Stationer (228); and John Mustin Trimming Store (240). North side (unnumbered) includes Girard House, Presbury & Billings, proprietors., Advertisements promote six of the depicted businesses (Wilson, Mustin, Jr., Welch’s, Carryl, Earle, and Girard House). Advertisements contain lines of promotional text and ornamented type. Earle also promotes "Old and Valuable Paintings repaired, relined, and restored to their original beauty" and the Girard House notes it is "new, large, and probably the most beautiful hotel in the world.", Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 15.

[Unnumbered plate and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Plate 15 showing a section of the 900 block (244-293) of Chestnut Street. South side includes Burd Mansion (identified with pencil inscription) and C. N. Robinson, Looking Glasses (248). North side includes Markoe House, W. Watson, proprietor (293); the women's exchange Ladies Depository (289); S. H. Mattson, Tailor (287); boot and shoe maker M. Lauer & Co. (285); E. Griffith, Fancy Dry Goods (283); J. H. Farrand’s, Confectionery (281); C. Dan[g]uy , Hair Dresser (279); and Charles S. Rand, Druggist & Chemist (279)., Accompanying advertisements promote ten of the depicted businesses, as well as businesses from adjacent plate, including F. A. Hoyt’s Boy’s Clothing Store (264); T. W. Dufrene, Composition Marble Cement (Chestnut, below Tenth); Rand; Danguy; Farrand; Laurer; Mattson; and the Ladies Depository. Advertisements contain promotional text and ornamented type. Promotions include Rand noting the availability of "Vaccine Virus"; Dufrene highlighting the advantages of imitation marble; and the Ladies Depository listing "Surplices, Ladies and Gentlemans Dressing Gowns, as well as Plain and Fancy Needlework, of every description, neatly executed, - also marking with Indelible Ink.", Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., LCP also holds trimmed duplicate depicting North side [P.2008.34.16.13]., Folder 16.

[Plate 2 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Plate depicts section of the 200 block of Chestnut Street (60-75 pre-consolidation). South side includes J. Stockman & Son, Pencil Case & Thimble Manufactory (60); Penrose Fell, Tailor (62); B. G. Atkinson, Tailor (64); S. Hopper, Watches & Jewelry (66); Goodyear’s Insoluble Rubber (68); Wm. Boning, Watches & Jewelry (70); E.G. Whitman, Confectionery (72); and Dunn’s Eating Saloon (74). North side includes E. G. Whitman, Confectioner and Fruit Dealer (71); D. Landreth, Seeds & Tools for Farming & Gardening; E. Shannon, Tea Warehouse; and hides and leather dealer J. Howell & Co. Also shows part of Exchange Place and Bank Street. Whitman signage (72) included on plate as pasted-on details., Advertisements promote four of the businesses depicted (Allen, Hopper, Stockman & Son, and Whitman) and Mechanics’ Union Association. Full-page Association advertisement details members' disability benefits and the union’s weekly journal. Stockman& Son promotes their stock of gold and silver wares, including " Everpointed Pencils," thimbles, silver spoons, butter knives, purse clasps, and finger shields. Depicted businesses' advertisements include ornamented types and a vignette of a watch (Hopper)., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 3., LCP also holds trimmed duplicate depicting North side [P.2008.34.16.1].

[Plate 3 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Plate depicts section of the 200 block of Chestnut Street (75-94 pre-consolidation). South side includes Geo. P. Mclean, Looking Glass & Picture Frame Manufacturer (78); Dr. Jayne & Son, Druggists (84-86); tailors C. C. Watson & Son (92); and U.S. Life Insurance, Annuity & Trust Co. (94). North side includes Daily News (91); Kinsley & Co., Package Express (89); Jas. Bailie’s Wine Store (85); and Congress Hall, P. Thurston proprietor., Advertisements promote the depicted businesses: U.S. Life Insurance, Annuity & Trust Co.; Chas. C. Watson & Son; David Jayne & Son, Geo. P. McLean; Daily News; Congress Hall; and Kinsley & Co. Majority of advertisements include several lines of promotional text and ornamented types., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 4.

[Plate 4 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Plate depicts section of the 300 block of Chestnut Street (93-110 pre-consolidation). South side includes Public Ledger Office (96); J. & J. L. Gihon, Book Bindery (98); J. P. & D. C. Collins & Co., Daguerreotypists, Office of the New Line of Magnetic Tela., and Belrose & Faye, Paper Hangings (100); John Kelley & Co., Tailor (102); Charles Oakford, Hats, Caps, & Furs Wholesale & Retail (104); Ennis’ Gallery of Daguerreotypes and watch and jewelry dealer J. & W. L. Ward (106); Wm. H. Maurice, Stationer (108); and merchant tailor H. S. Ogden and safe manufacturer Milnor & Shaw (110). North side includes Franklin House tenanted by Lewis Ladomus, Watches & Jewelry (103); J. Thornley's India Rubber Emporium & Manufactory and The Morse Magnetic Telegraph Offices (101); Bank of North America (99); R. Buist Nurseryman & Seed Grower (97); Shepherd, Clothing (95); and L. Pelouze, Phil. Type Foundry (93). Also shows parts of Third Street, Hudson’s Alley, and Franklin Place. Milnor & Shaw signage (110) included on plate as pasted-on detail. Also shows jewelry on display in the Ladomus windows., Advertisements promote the businesses depicted, including a full page for Milnor & Shaw, Manufacturers of the Phoenix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Safes, No. 10 Hudson’s Alley. Advertisement also includes vignettes of two different models of safe, one flat-topped and one curved-topped. The smaller advertisements contain ornamented type and lines of text. R. Buist (97) promotion also includes a decorative border comprised of farm implements and produce., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 5.

[Plate 5 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Plate depicts section of the 300 block of Chestnut Street (111-129 pre-consolidation). South side includes Eugene Roussel/X. Bazin, Importer & Manufacturer of Perfumery (114); J. Craig’s Cheap Job Printing Office and Adams & Co.’s Express (116); Hart, Montgomery & Co., Paper Hangings (118); Jules Hauel, Perfumer & Importer (120); Thomas C. Garrett & Co., Watches & Jewelry (122); A. Hart, publisher (126). North side includes Fairbanks & Glessner, Printers and R.P. Cox, Clothing Store (129); Jenkins & Hartshorne, agents for Dr. Rose Family Medicine, (125); S. Miller’s Chestnut St. House (121); Archer & Warner, Gas Fitters (119); S. Kayser’s Clothing Store (117); [Andrew] Scott’s Weekly Paper (115); offices of Godey’s Ladies Book and [G. Zantzinger’s] Wine Store (113); J.W. M’Curdy & Son, Ladies Boots & Shoes and Rockhill & Wilson, Clothing Store (111) Also shows parts of Fourth Street, Hudson’s Alley, and Franklin Place. Adams signage (116) included on plate as pasted-on detail., Advertisements promote the businesses depicted. Majority includes ornamented type and several lines of promotional text, including Scott’s Weekly Paper advertising "Beautiful Parlor Engravings as Premiums!!!" Bazin advertisement also announces his succession over Roussel., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 6., LCP also holds trimmed duplicate depicting North side [P.2008.34.16.2] and full plate [Rae - Chestnut Street, P.2006.1.20a&b].

[Plate 6 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Plate depicts section of the 400 block of Chestnut Street (132-149 pre-consolidation). South side includes Philada. Bank, Western Bank, Girard Life Insurance Comp., and H. S. Ogden, Tailor (132); and U.S. Custom House (unnumbered). North side includes U.S. Hotel (145-149); M. J. & C. Croll, Tailors (147); Philadelphia General Insurance Agency (145); the offices of [Andrew] M’Makin’s Model American Courier and tailor J. Smith Harris (141); J. Hufty, Stationer, Engraver & Card Printer (139); Chas. Martel, Wig Maker (137); clothier S. Heywood, Importer and Furnisher. Fire insurance, life insurance, and Ogden signage (116) included on plate as pasted-on details., Advertisements promote six of the businesses depicted (Girard Life Insurance, Heywood, Hufty, M’Makin, Philadelphia General Insurance Agency, and United Sates Hotel) and H.S. Tarr’s Marble Yard, No. 274 Green Street, above Seventh, which comprises an entire page. Tarr advertisement contains several lines of text, “Opinions of the Press,” and “References,” including Thomas U. Walter and Isaac Collins. Other advertisements include lines of promotional text and ornamented type. M'Makin advertisement contains subscription rates., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 7.

[Plate 7 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Fourth to Fifth Streets] [graphic].
Plate depicts section of the 400 block of Chestnut Street (134-169 pre-consolidation). South side includes the offices of Graham’s Magazine and the fancy dry goods store of L.J. Levy & Co. (134); jewelers Baily & Kitchen, Wm. E. Harpur, Chronometer & Watch manufacturer, and daguerreotypists Broadbent & Co. (136); [William F.] Warburton, Late W. H. Beebe & Co., Hats, Caps, Furs and Umbrellas (138); and Crittenden’s Commercial Institute (later Crittenden's Philadelphia Commercial College), M. A. Root’s Daguerreotypes Rooms, jeweler James E. Caldwell & Co. (140); and (Charles) Fawcett’s Hair Cutting Rooms, Wig, Scalp, & Hair Dye Manufacturer, and A. B. Warden, Jeweler (142). North side includes F. Brown, Druggist (169); H. J. Pepper & Son, Jewelers (167); Blanchard & Rock, Paper Hangings Manufacturers (165); Franklin Fire Insurance Co. (163 1/2-161); Blackwood & Smith, Carpeting and Van Loan & Co., daguerreotypists (159); and Farmer & Mechanic’s Bank (155). Plate also shows some of the businesses adorned with flags and other adornments, including a model of an eagle and statuary., Advertisements promote thirteen of the businesses depicted, including Fawcett; Warden; Caldwell & Co.; Root; Warburton; Crittenden; Baily & Co. (late Bailey & Kitchen); Van Loan & Co.; Franklin Fire Insurance Company; Blanchard & Rock; Pepper & Son; and Brown. Most include several lines of promotional text and ornamented type. Fawcett’s advertisement also includes endorsements from the local press and Root promotes "Out Door Views and Miniatures of deceased person taken at short notice," in addition to "The Crayon Style (Proues's Patent)" only taken by himself., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 8.

[Plate 8 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Plate depicts the 500 block of Chestnut Street (168-199 pre-consolidation). South side includes Congress Hall, the State House, and City Hall. North side includes E. B. Mears, Stereotyper, W.B. Gihon, Engraver on Wood, and W. T. Parker, Saloon (199); J. W. Moore, Importer and Bookseller (193); William J. Kerr, China Hall and French Ware House (191); [Isaac] Newton’s Confectionery (187); American Hotel tenanted by L. & B. Orne, importers of carpets and operated by Ambrose L. White (181-183); Richards. Successor M.P. Simons, Daguerreotypist and Swift & Justice, Tailors (179);wigmaker Richard Dollard (177); Geo. J. Henkels, City Cabinet Wareroom (175); A. Brett’s Lithographic Establishment, Oscar C. B. Carter, Piano Fortes, Safford & Cookmann Curtain Warehouse, Thomas J. Natt & Co.’s Looking Glass Warehouse, and Polytechnic Lecture Rooms, F. Langenheim Manager (171). Also shows sides of buildings on Fifth and Sixth streets and signage above the subsidiary entrances to the State House. Signs read Orphan’s Court Clerk’s Office; Recorder of Deeds Office; Court of Common Pleas; Register of Wills; Prothonotory Off., Supreme Court, Eastern District; Prothonotary’s Office; Sheriff’s Office, County Commiss's. Office; Prothonotary District Court; and Quarter Sessions Clerk’s Office., Advertisements promote fifteen of the businesses depicted and Watson & Cox, Sieve, Riddle, Screen and Wire Cloth Manufacturers, No. 46 North Front St. (half-page) and Yerger & Ord, Patentees and Manufacturers of the Metallic Skeleton Artificial Leg, Ankle Supporter, and Improved Anatomical Machinery (half-page). Half-page advertisements contain several lines of text, as well as a cameo stamp illustration showing the Watson & Cox manufactory and a wood engraving showing a metallic artificial leg. Yerger & Old advertisement also cautions about a competitor circulating "a petty species of slander." Most of the smaller advertisements include several lines of promotional text and ornamented type. Langenheim's cites the admittance fee of "25 Cts."; Newton's notes that "he has taken" the confectionery of the late Mrs. Wood; Kerr's promotes his China Hall as the largest in the Unitd States; and Parker's Saloon advertises "All the Luxuries of the different season constantly kept. Games, Fish, Oysters, &c. My Liquors, Wines & Segars are selected with care and attention, the best always purchased without regard to Cost.", Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 9., LCP also holds trimmed duplicate depicting North side [P.2008.34.16.3].

[Plate 9 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Plate depicts section of the 600 block of Chestnut Street (136-209 pre-consolidation). South side includes E. Durand & Sons, Druggists (136); Sleeper & Jeanneret, Jewelry (1388-140); Howell & Brothers, Paper Hangings (142); Langdon’s Daguerreotypes and W. S. Martien, Publisher and Bookseller(144); American Sunday School Union (146); and Jones’ Hotel, Bridges & West proprietors (152). North side includes Dr. Jayne’s Philadelphia Arcade, Dr. Davison’s Arcade Baths, and D. Robinson, Bookseller and Stationer (205-209); N.Y. Journal of Fine Arts Agency (203 1/2); Bolivar House (201-203); Chestnut St. Theater (199); and Schenck’s Pulmonic Syrup and Blood’s Despatch (197). Also shows a few of the buildings adorned with flag or statuary. Sleeper & Jeanneret signage (138-140) included on plate as pasted-on details., Advertisements promote twelve of the businesses depicted with signage, as well as John M. Coleman, Importer of Sheffield and German Cutlery, Guns, Pistols, &c (209) and William White, Chemist, S.E. cor. Twelfth and Pine Sts. White's full-page advertisement contains testimonials and several lines of text describing the benefits of “White’s Hair Regenerator, or Amber Gloss” and “White’s Essence of Jamaica Ginger.” Most of the small advertisements include several lines of promotional text and ornamented type. Langdon & Co. quotes price of $1 to $5 for daguerreotypes and the Journal of the Fine Arts notes the merging of "The Messsage Bird," "Literary American," and "Musical Gazette" to form the periodical of "music, literature and art.", Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 10., LCP also holds trimmed duplicates depicting South side [P.2008.34.16.5 and P.2006.1.21].

Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets. [graphic].
Folio volume of panoramic views of businesses on the 200-900 blocks of Chestnut Street and corresponding pages of advertisements. Also contains a preface, which details that inclusion in the directory required subscription to or purchase of the volume; the intention to "issue the Panoramic View annually"; and the publisher's endeavor to correct all lettering errors "upon the publication of the second edition." Volume also includes interspersed full-, half- and, one-third-page advertisements for business subscribers tenanting, as well as not located on Chestnut Street. Publisher issued only the 1851 directory., Predominantly depicted and promoted businesses include carpet dealers; confectioneries; daguerreotypists; druggists and patent medicine dealers; engravers, printers, and publishers; hotels; jewelers; millineries and clothiers; musical instrument dealers; and tailors. Plates also show the State House, Congress Hall, City Hall, Barnum's Museum, and residences. Full-, half- and one-third page advertisements advertise a variety of businesses, including patent medicines, artificial limbs, essence of coffee, marble manufacturers, and printers and publishers. Majority of advertisements contain ornamented type and lines of advertising text. Several also contain wood-engraved pictorial details. Some panoramic views contain pasted-on details representing signage., Cover printed in gilt on blue paper and contains an ornamental border., Engravers and printers include C. C. Hooker and Henry A. Brown., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Housed in phase box., See also albums - Rae [P.2008.34.16] and Rae - Chestnut Street [1322.F] loose prints.

[Unnumbered plate and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Plate, with buildings unnumbered, showing a section of the 700 block (186-235 pre consolidation) of Chestnut Street. South side includes Utah House tenanted by hat dealers A. G. New & Co. and music publishers Lee & Walker (186); E. M. Moulson’s Millinery and Moulson Daguerreotypist Temple of Fancy (192); and merchant Andrew Wight (198). North side contains no identified businesses., Advertisements promote, through several lines of text, the depicted Moulson establishments, as well as H.G. Sickels’ Lamp Manufactory and Gas Fitting Establishment, No. 32 North Second Street, Philadelphia. Moulson’s Daguerreotype Establishment advertises the type of equipment (Voightlander cameras) used; the inconsequence of weather conditions; price – "Fifty Cents Only, is now Charged, for a Beautiful, Durable, and Life-like Portrait"; and John Moulson’s evidence of his "merit" to perfectly satisfy his customers through his extensive experience formerly at Chestnut and Eighth Street and his recent improved process. Moulson’s Millinery advertisement promotes Mrs. Moulson’s "ability to purchase of Importers, at wholesale and for cash" and “will not be undersold by any establishment in the city or country." Sickels’ advertisement contains a border of several different models of lamps and fixtures, including ceiling, standing, and decorative., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 13., LCP also holds trimmed variant depicting North side [P.2008.34.16.8]. Contains pencil inscription: 235. Also holds trimmed duplicate depicting South side [P.2008.34.16.10].

[Unnumbered plate and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Unnumbered plate showing a section of the 800 block (200-265) of Chestnut Street. South side includes H. Hooker & Co., Stationers & Books (200); Murphey & Billmeyers, House Furnishing Warerooms (202); W. J. Horstmann, Fringes, Gimps, Buttons & c. (204); R. W. Carter, Toilet and Fancy Store (204 1/2); [Cornelius] Everest, Jeweler (206); Le Boutillier Brothers, Fancy Dry Goods (208); Art Union of Philadelphia (210); fancy goods store of R. & W. Fraser (212); and dry goods store of Thos W. Evans & Co. (214). North side includes Presbyterian Board of Publication (265) and the boarding house Butler House (259), prevously the residence of Senator Pierce Butler. "Jeweler" (206) included on plate as pasted-on detail., Advertisements promote eight of the businesses depicted, including Art Union of Philadelphia, which advertises every member for the year of 1851 will receive "for each subscription of five dollars," a print of Huntington’s "Christiana and her Children" and companion print "Mercy’s Dream" and choice of any two of the "following four splendid engravings": "John Knox’s Interview with Mary Queen of Scots," "Ruth and Boaz," "Mercy’s Dream," "Christiana and her Children," and a copy of the "Philadelphia Art Union Reporter.", Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Folder 14., LCP also holds trimmed duplicate depicting South side [P.2008.34.16.11].

[Unnumbered plate and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets] [graphic].
Unnumbered plates showing a section of the 900 block (256-305) of Chestnut Street. South side includes T. W. Dufrenes, Ornamental Stone Works (260-262); F. A. Hoyt, Boys’ Clothing (264); [E. N.] Scherrs’ Piano Forte Ware Rooms (266); E. Ferrett & Co., Pianos & Music (268); and John Bringhurst, Druggist (272). North side includes Simon Colton, [G]rocer (305) and B. E. Moore, Tailor (301). “Boy’s Clothing” signage (264) included on plate as pasted detail., Accompanying advertisements promote six of the businesses depicted as well as businesses from complementary plate, including Moore, Markoe House, Colton, Scherr, Ferrett, and Bringhurst. Advertisements contain ornamented type and two (Markoe House and Colton) contain lines of promotional text., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., LCP also holds trimmed duplicate depicting North side [P.2008.34.16.14]. Inscribed in pencil 295, 297, 299., Folder 17.