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Help Save Anthracite Coal
Produced for the Federal Fuel Administration

Help Them Keep Your War Savings Pledge
Produced for the U.S. Treasury Department

Hip-hip! Another Ship-Another Victory!
U.S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation; Issued by the Publications Section of the Emergency Fleet Corp., Philadelphia, PA

History Repeats Itself
Produced for the Victory Liberty Loan Committee

Human Reconstruction
Produced for the Victory Liberty Loan Committee

Hunger, For three years America has fought starvation in Belgium
Produced for the U.S. Food Administration

"I Always Pay My Debts!"
Produced for the Victory Liberty Loan Committee

In Honor of our 69,000 Dead
Produced for the Victory Liberty Loan Committee

In Honor of the Gold Stars
Produced for the Victory Liberty Loan Committee

It Takes Both to Win the War
Produced for the Council of National Defense

It Takes Both to Win the War
Produced for the Council of National Defense

Joan of Arc Saved France, W.S.S.
Produced for the U.S. Treasury Department

Keep Him Free, Buy War Savings Stamps
Produced for the U. S. Treasury Department
