Mass meeting! : Mayor's Office, Newport, Aug. 7, 1862. I invite the citizens and visitors of Newport and the adjoining towns, to meet on Touro Park, in this city, Monday afternoon, Aug. 11th, at 4 o'clock, p.m., for the purpose of adopting such measures as may be deemed expedient for the purpose of sustaining the administration in this time of the nation's most imminent peril, and subduing the wicked and fearful rebellion. Distinguished gentlemen will address the meeting. Existence without nationality is worthless indeed; geographically and otherwise the United States of America can never be divided, without endless civil war. We must, therefore, arouse in our power and preserve our nationality, by crushing the insurrection and preventing foreign intervention. I suggest to our citizens the propriety of closing their places of business, in order to give all in their employ an opportunity to attend the meeting. / William H. Cranston, mayor.