Fun! Fun!! Fun!!! : Duer & Welch's Minstrels will give a grand concert under a tent, at [blank] on [blank] evening, [blank] 1864 Admission, [blank] cts. Children, [blank] cts. The most complete traveling band in the profession, composed of a number of distinguished artists. Novelties and new attractions, fun, music, frolic and mirth, to drive care away, and cheer the drooping heart. Determination to please and amuse. Every member a prominent star! in his own line of business. The ladies are particularly invited to witness the entertainment of the great nonpareil minstrel company. ... Duer & Welch's Minstrels' programme will consist of new songs, dances, acts, glees, choruses, ballads, burlesque lectures, funny sayings and doings. The evening's entertainment will conclude with a grand jubilee Characters by the company. Doors open at half-past 7. Concert commences at 8 Come early. N.B.--No postponement on account of weather. Front seats reserved for ladies. Music can be engaged for parties, serenades, &c., if required, by applying to the manager. / Fayette Welch, stage manager.