Prof. S. P. Burdict, surgeon chiropodist, office, 1334 Parrish St., Philada. [graphic] : Corns removed without pain or drawing blood. All orders by mail, or leaving address, promptly attended to, and families waited on without extra charge. Single visit, $1.00; by the year, $10.00. Immediate relief for corns and bunions. Inverted toe nails, chilblains, frosted feet, and excessive perspiration cured. Club nails, bony tumors, moles, &c., treated, and satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. Prof. Burdict's celebrated compound or cooling mixture for feet; also Grecian salve & bunion lotion, and American corn plaster for sale as above. Office hours--7 to 9, A.M.; 1 to 2 and 6 to 8, P.M. Sundays--3-5, P.M.