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Religious dissensions: their cause and cure

Incidents of travel in Egypt, Arabia Petræa, and the Holy Land

Prospectus of the Cairo City and Canal Company

The Book of science

The elements of moral science.

Memoir of Anna Jane Linnard

Woman in her social and domestic character

Lectures to young people in manufacturing villages

Lights and shadows of Christian life

Memorials of Mrs. Hemans

The elements of moral science

Familiar letters on public characters, & public events

Commodore William Bainbridge

The influence of mothers on the character, welfare and destiny of individuals, families and communities

The Works of Samuel Johnson

The American traveller

Lives of the necromancers

The constitution of man considered in relation to external objects

Lotus-eating : a summer book

Selections of juvenile and miscellaneous poems

The young lady's aid, to usefulness and happiness


Bogota in 1836-7

Stories for Small and Large Children; or, Sketches of Real Characters

Letters on practicle subjects, to a daughter

Practical perspective, for the use of students. /Translated from the French

The good housekeeper

The authenticity of the New Testament.


The elements of moral science

Journal of a residence in China, and the neighboring countries

The Boston almanac for the year 1841

Graphics; a manual of drawing and writing for the use of schools and families

History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic. v. 1

Six months in a house of correction

The Parlour Scrap Book: Comprising Sixteen Engravings, with Poetical and Other Illustrations

The American common-place book of prose

The young Christian; A familiar illustration of the principles of Christian duty

Thoughts on the religious state of the country

Selections from the writings of Fenelon

The southern farmer and market gardener

The young lady's friend

The Sacred offering
