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[Chestnut Street, east from Thirteenth Street, south side, Philadelphia]

Susquehanna Valley and Starucca Viaduct.

Arch St. Theatre, above 6th St., Phila.

North Conway & White Mountain scenery

p. 4

p. 9

pp. 14-15

African American dandy

p. 2

p. 1

p. 10

p. 11

p. 12

p. 16

p. 17

p. 18

p. 13

p. 3

Back cover (P.2008.36.49)

Cover (P.2008.36.49)

p. 5

p. 6

p. 7

p. 8

Memorial of the International Exhibition at Philadelphia. 1876.

Specimens Album Loose Prints

Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon and Hospital

View of the high banks & bed of Genesee River

[4300 Fleming Street, northwest corner of Roxborough Avenue, Philadelphia.]

Peck & Hills' Furniture Co., 642 North Broad St. cor. Wallace, Philadelphia, Pa.

The Philadelphia Lawn Mower Co.

The Free Library of Philadelphia, N.E. corner Thirteenth and Locust Streets.

Bulls Eye, or Fort Morris, built 1755. Shippensburg, Pa.

The Rodin Museum.

Franklin Institute of Science postcards.

Park Trolley Bridge postcards.

Catholic Total Abstinence Union Fountain postcards.

Horticultural Hall postcards.

Baptist Temple Church and Temple College postcards.

Christ Church postcards.

Centre Square Water Works postcards.

Shibe Park. Philadelphia, Pa. The Home of the Athletics.

Church of the Advocate postcards.

Beth Eden Baptist Church, Broad & Spruce streets, Philadelphia.

Frankford Friends' Meeting House postcards.

Meeting house at Fairhill, Philadelphia, Pa.

Byberry Friends' Meeting House, first house of logs, erected 1692; second of stone, in 1714; rebuilt in 1753; present house built 1808.

Office and residence of Geo. L. Maitland, piano tuner, 4806 Fairmount Ave., Philadelphia.
