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Mrs. Swasey, 340 N. Eighth St., Philada.

Hurrah! for Thayer's Printing House, 805 Sansom Street, above 8th, Philada.

A.W. Stevens & Sons, manufacturers & patentees, Auburn, New York. The new Stevens spring tooth harrow.

[Thermaline, manufactured by Dundas Dick & Co., New York]

Thitchener & Glastaeter, steam job printers, 14 & 16 Vesey St., New York.

[Times Printing House trade cards]

Espiritu santo. Triple extract. The most delicate, fragrant and lasting perfume of the age. Tisseau, distillateur-parfumeur, Philadelphia. Bookmark.

Henry Tolman, dealier in railway, machinists', engineers' and general supplies, also machinery and tools, No. [228] Arch Street, Philadelphia.

Our flag--may it forever wave!

Thos. Thompson, Sons & Co., manufacturers and importers of upholstery materials, curtains, decorations and novelties. Retail department, Nos. 1430 and 1432 Chestnut Street, (Young Men's Christian Association building.), Philadelphia.

Tokio cigarettes

Said Peter Stuyvesant, "Welcome, friends, you would find our living rougher had we knickerbockers not learned to use the Enterprise sausage stuffer."

In seventeen hundred and eighty three, by the Treaty of Paris, our states were made free, and the Enterprise cork puller helped on the cause while the patriots drank to our land and its laws.

Said Jackson at New Orleans, "Boys we'll each one turn explorer, and make a raid on the enemy's stores with the Enterprise Bung Borer."

In seventy six, that old Continental; that Fourth-of-July-m'an; hatchet-can't-lie-man gave orders for dinner, "and said "use Enterprise beef shaver, for beef so sliced, will meet with much favor."

In Wissahickon Valley, Fairmount Park, Philada. [graphic] / A.K.

Horace Greely, to his farmer friends, one day, said "How needlessly man often labors, use the Enterprise Sprinkler, that is the proper way, and give up the watering pot, neighbors."

Fairmount. [graphic].

Grandfather's visit. [graphic].

My country residence. [graphic].

Hungry Continentals paid busy lass a visit. Helping himself to fruit, cried one, "What is it?" This machine which does suck work! Would I were the owner!" "Sir," she said, " It is the Enterprise cherry stoner."

In sixteen eighty two, you surely have heard how William Penn and honest treaty made. All good Indians mourn him still and remember his proclamation of good will to use the Enterprise bone, shell, and corn mill.

Enterprise Congress-World's Fair.

In eighteen fourteen, Scott, the Indian hero, made red hot work for the red men-yes and redder himself he cooled with Juleps, cold as zero iced by the famous Enterprise ice shredder.

"I found when a grocer's boy," Honest Abe said "Prosperity's line, if you'd cross it, give always good measure, save labor and use the self measuring, Enterprise faucet."

Manufactures & Liberal Arts Bl'd'g.

Transportation Building. 250 x 960 feet. Cost $280,000.

In 1773 in Boston town was spilled the tea. These are not Indians that you see, but patriots fighting tyranny; they spilled the tea, then drank their fill of coffee ground in Enterprise mill.

Peters Island, Fairmount Park, Philada. [graphic] / A.K.

Schuylkill River above Fairmount Dam, Philada. in 1843. [graphic] / A.K. 1878.

Phila. [graphic].

Life scenes in Fairmount Park. [graphic] / A. Kollner, fect.

Near east park, Phila. [graphic] / A. Kollner, fect.

City wharf scene. [graphic] / From life by A. Kollner.

Near Sweet Briar, West Phila. [graphic].

Agricultural Hall. [graphic].

Horticultural Hall. [graphic] / A.H.

Centennial Exposition. Main Building. [graphic] / A.H.

Memorial Hall. [graphic] / A.H.

Centennial Exposition. Machinery Hall. [graphic].

[Nature prints of leaves]

[Scrapbook of prints]

[Scrapbook of prints and clippings]

[Scrapbook of European views]

On the crucifixion of our Saviour and the two thieves.

"Creme" oat meal toilet soap.

Engravings by William Humphrys

The Apostle's Creed.

The Lord's prayer.

Teachers' local institute.
