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Agricultural Hall. [graphic].
Agricultural Hall. [graphic].
Horticultural Hall. [graphic] / A.H.
Horticultural Hall. [graphic] / A.H.
Centennial Exposition. Main Building. [graphic] / A.H.
Centennial Exposition. Main Building. [graphic] / A.H.
Memorial Hall. [graphic] / A.H.
Memorial Hall. [graphic] / A.H.
Centennial Exposition. Machinery Hall. [graphic].
Centennial Exposition. Machinery Hall. [graphic].
[Nature prints of leaves]
[Nature prints of leaves]
[Scrapbook of prints]
[Scrapbook of prints]
[Scrapbook of prints and clippings]
[Scrapbook of prints and clippings]
[Scrapbook of European views]
[Scrapbook of European views]
"Creme" oat meal toilet soap.
Engravings by William Humphrys
Engravings by William Humphrys
The game of Philadelphia buildings
The game of Philadelphia buildings
Improved authors with portraits & autographs
Improved authors with portraits & autographs
[Morgan & Headly trade cards] [graphic].
[Morgan & Headly trade cards] [graphic].
[G. Byron Morse trade cards]
[G. Byron Morse trade cards]
William J. Mullen, agent for the inspectors of the Phila. Coy. Prison & for the Phila. Society for alleviating the miseries of public prisons. Office Phila. County Prison. Residence 1502 South 4th St.
William J. Mullen, agent for the inspectors of the Phila. Coy. Prison & for the Phila. Society for alleviating the miseries of public prisons. Office Phila. County Prison. Residence 1502 South 4th St.
High art and elegant clothing. Merchant tailor misfits, 400 South Eighth St., first door bel. Pine. Private house. Please ring the bell.
High art and elegant clothing. Merchant tailor misfits, 400 South Eighth St., first door bel. Pine. Private house. Please ring the bell.
Wm. Menke & Bro. Dress trimmings. 804 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Wm. Menke & Bro. Dress trimmings. 804 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
[John Mundell & Co. trade cards]
[John Mundell & Co. trade cards]
S. Musselman, (formerly with E. Burthey,) manufacturer of fine confections, 274 South Fourth St., Philadelphia.
S. Musselman, (formerly with E. Burthey,) manufacturer of fine confections, 274 South Fourth St., Philadelphia.
S.L. Miller, plain & fancy printer, Waldoboro, Me.
S.L. Miller, plain & fancy printer, Waldoboro, Me.
Thos. N. Miller, fine cabinet ware & upholstery, 1005 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Thos. N. Miller, fine cabinet ware & upholstery, 1005 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
[Milliken's linen store trade cards]
[Milliken's linen store trade cards]
If dat ar fish knowd dis wor Merrick's thread, he wouldnt ha bit.
If dat ar fish knowd dis wor Merrick's thread, he wouldnt ha bit.
Compliments of Merscher Bros., tailors, 521 Poplar Street, Philadelphia.
Compliments of Merscher Bros., tailors, 521 Poplar Street, Philadelphia.
[Joseph P. Mickley trade cards]
[Joseph P. Mickley trade cards]
Present in many cans of Miles' Baking Powder due bills for handsome book and 2 paintings, in some cans due bill for a watch.
Present in many cans of Miles' Baking Powder due bills for handsome book and 2 paintings, in some cans due bill for a watch.
J.T. Moore, wholesale dealer & manufacturer's agent, wooden-ware, baskets, brooms, brushes, twine, cordage, &c. No. 235 South Front Street, Philadelphia.
J.T. Moore, wholesale dealer & manufacturer's agent, wooden-ware, baskets, brooms, brushes, twine, cordage, &c. No. 235 South Front Street, Philadelphia.
Rain-time. / Sun-time.
Rain-time. / Sun-time.
Corn-time. / Past-time.
Corn-time. / Past-time.
[George W. Miles trade cards]
[George W. Miles trade cards]
Frank Miller & Sons, New York.
Frank Miller & Sons, New York.
J.W. Miller, wholesale dealer in books, stationery & cigars, No. 439 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
J.W. Miller, wholesale dealer in books, stationery & cigars, No. 439 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
[Charity and the Devil trade cards]
[Charity and the Devil trade cards]
[Figure sitting in flowering tree]
[Figure sitting in flowering tree]
[Lorenzo Puccini trade cards]
[Lorenzo Puccini trade cards]
F. Pulaski & Co., 1026 Chestnut St.
F. Pulaski & Co., 1026 Chestnut St.
Compliments of Quinlan & Fisher, 816 Arch Street.
Compliments of Quinlan & Fisher, 816 Arch Street.
Quaker City Construction Co. limited. Artificial stone and fire proof material a specialty. Factory and office. 3870 Lancaster Avenue. Philadelphia.
Quaker City Construction Co. limited. Artificial stone and fire proof material a specialty. Factory and office. 3870 Lancaster Avenue. Philadelphia.
John B. Robinson's housekeeping furnishing store, No. 1611 Market Street, Philadelphia.
John B. Robinson's housekeeping furnishing store, No. 1611 Market Street, Philadelphia.
Stuart Robson and Wm. H. Crane.
Stuart Robson and Wm. H. Crane.
Vell here is to mine healt, long may I live and prosper!
Vell here is to mine healt, long may I live and prosper!
Romantic Park, High Bridge, G.W. Riley, proprietor. Music day & evening. Boats to let. Refreshments, &c.
Romantic Park, High Bridge, G.W. Riley, proprietor. Music day & evening. Boats to let. Refreshments, &c.
A. Ripka & Bro., dealers in artists' materials, oil and water colors, drawing and painting materials, and all kinds of fancy articles for decorating. No. 1525 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
A. Ripka & Bro., dealers in artists' materials, oil and water colors, drawing and painting materials, and all kinds of fancy articles for decorating. No. 1525 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
Ripka & Co. artists' and wax flower materials, ebony and velvet frames, 146 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia.
Ripka & Co. artists' and wax flower materials, ebony and velvet frames, 146 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia.
[Rising Sun Stove Polish by Morse Bros. trade cards]
[Rising Sun Stove Polish by Morse Bros. trade cards]
John T. Roberts & Bro., reliable coal dealers, 1825 and 1827 N. Tenth St., and Germantown.
John T. Roberts & Bro., reliable coal dealers, 1825 and 1827 N. Tenth St., and Germantown.
Pratt's astral oil.
Pratt's astral oil.
L. Prang & Co. art and educational publishers, Boston, Mass.
L. Prang & Co. art and educational publishers, Boston, Mass.
Fannie Price, dealer in all kind of county produce, stalls, 125 & 127 Farmer's Market, Philadelphia.
Fannie Price, dealer in all kind of county produce, stalls, 125 & 127 Farmer's Market, Philadelphia.
Geo. Rehfuss & Sons, mech. eng's, manufacturers of light machinery of every description. Dental and surgical instruments. Inventors of special machinery, Tiernan Street, below Wharton, Philadelphia, Pa. Residence, 1316 S. Broad St.
Geo. Rehfuss & Sons, mech. eng's, manufacturers of light machinery of every description. Dental and surgical instruments. Inventors of special machinery, Tiernan Street, below Wharton, Philadelphia, Pa. Residence, 1316 S. Broad St.
Robert Reid, machinist, 42, 44 & 46 E. Canal Street, below Front, Philadelphia, Pa.
Robert Reid, machinist, 42, 44 & 46 E. Canal Street, below Front, Philadelphia, Pa.
[Frederick A. Rex & Co. trade cards]
[Frederick A. Rex & Co. trade cards]
D. Wilmot Richardson, fashionable hatter, 2024 & 2026 Callowhill St., Philadelphia.
D. Wilmot Richardson, fashionable hatter, 2024 & 2026 Callowhill St., Philadelphia.
[Theo. Ricksecker's trade cards]
[Theo. Ricksecker's trade cards]
Rea & Riley, carpenters and builders, No. 627 Filbert Street.
Rea & Riley, carpenters and builders, No. 627 Filbert Street.
[Read's Grand Duchess Cologne trade cards]
[Read's Grand Duchess Cologne trade cards]
