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[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]
[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]
"Creme" oat meal toilet soap.
[Morgan & Headly trade cards] [graphic].
[Morgan & Headly trade cards] [graphic].
High art and elegant clothing. Merchant tailor misfits, 400 South Eighth St., first door bel. Pine. Private house. Please ring the bell.
High art and elegant clothing. Merchant tailor misfits, 400 South Eighth St., first door bel. Pine. Private house. Please ring the bell.
If dat ar fish knowd dis wor Merrick's thread, he wouldnt ha bit.
If dat ar fish knowd dis wor Merrick's thread, he wouldnt ha bit.
F. Pulaski & Co., 1026 Chestnut St.
F. Pulaski & Co., 1026 Chestnut St.
[Frederick A. Rex & Co. trade cards]
[Frederick A. Rex & Co. trade cards]
Joseph L. Varnam, ladies' and gents' & children's boot & shoe maker, Bustleton, 23rd ward, Philad'a.
Joseph L. Varnam, ladies' and gents' & children's boot & shoe maker, Bustleton, 23rd ward, Philad'a.
[Van Stan's Stratena and Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil trade cards]
[Van Stan's Stratena and Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil trade cards]
Creditor of Johnsing & Skinner--
Creditor of Johnsing & Skinner--"I'll hab a hundred and fifty cents on de dollar, or I'll lick de hul firm."
[Laird, Schober & Mitchell trade cards]
[Laird, Schober & Mitchell trade cards]
[Partridge & Richardson trade cards]
[Partridge & Richardson trade cards]
[Geo. G. Burbank, druggist and apothecary, 235 Main St., Worcester, Mass.]
[Geo. G. Burbank, druggist and apothecary, 235 Main St., Worcester, Mass.]
Waterbury Drug Store, established 1797. Leavenworth & Dikeman, Exchange Place, Waterbury, Conn.
Waterbury Drug Store, established 1797. Leavenworth & Dikeman, Exchange Place, Waterbury, Conn.
B.M. Weld, drugs & medicines, also boots, shoes, slippers, etc. Bradford, Vermont.
B.M. Weld, drugs & medicines, also boots, shoes, slippers, etc. Bradford, Vermont.
Compliments of J.C. Williams & Son, Central Pharmacy, 50 South Salina St., Syracuse, N.Y.
Compliments of J.C. Williams & Son, Central Pharmacy, 50 South Salina St., Syracuse, N.Y.
H. Jahke, wholesale & retail dealer in all descriptions of fresh & salt pork, hams, lard, tongues, &c. 130, 131, 132 & 133 Nineteenth St. market, residence, cor. Baring & Sloan Sts., West Phila.
H. Jahke, wholesale & retail dealer in all descriptions of fresh & salt pork, hams, lard, tongues, &c. 130, 131, 132 & 133 Nineteenth St. market, residence, cor. Baring & Sloan Sts., West Phila.
Smith Brothers chemically pure Borax.
Smith Brothers chemically pure Borax.
Photography under a cloud.
Photography under a cloud.
Dixon's carburet of iron stove polish.
Dixon's carburet of iron stove polish.
[Domestic Sewing Machine Co. trade cards]
[Domestic Sewing Machine Co. trade cards]
The eureka poisoned fly-plate will kill every fly in the house.
The eureka poisoned fly-plate will kill every fly in the house.
[Eagle Starch Enamel Manufacturing Co., Frankford, Phila., Pa.]
[Eagle Starch Enamel Manufacturing Co., Frankford, Phila., Pa.]
[Hunter's handsome drug stores, cor. Pacific & New Jersey Aves., cor. Atlantic & Indiana Aves., Atlantic City, N.J. and cor. Fifteenth and Wharton Sts., Philadelphia]
[Hunter's handsome drug stores, cor. Pacific & New Jersey Aves., cor. Atlantic & Indiana Aves., Atlantic City, N.J. and cor. Fifteenth and Wharton Sts., Philadelphia]
Is dese' your chickens miss
Is dese' your chickens miss
[Montage of caricatures satirizing Southern Democrats] [graphic].
[Montage of caricatures satirizing Southern Democrats] [graphic].
[Armand Dalsemer trade cards]
[Armand Dalsemer trade cards]
[Croft, Wilbur & Co. trade cards]
[Croft, Wilbur & Co. trade cards]
He dreamt dat from away off thar de angels sent him news. He 'woke and found it was Dunbarr dat sent dem bully shoes; 60 N. Fourth St. Philadelphia.
He dreamt dat from away off thar de angels sent him news. He 'woke and found it was Dunbarr dat sent dem bully shoes; 60 N. Fourth St. Philadelphia.
[J. & P. Coat's thread trade cards]
[J. & P. Coat's thread trade cards]
The celluloid corset clasps side & dress steels.
The celluloid corset clasps side & dress steels.
Atmore's mince meat and genuine English plum pudding.
Atmore's mince meat and genuine English plum pudding.
[Geo. S. Harris & Sons print specimens]
[Geo. S. Harris & Sons print specimens]
Beauty on the street--front view.
Beauty on the street--front view.
1888-1889 third supplement to catalogue of electrotypes from A. Blanc, Horticultural Engraver, No. 314 N. Eleventh St. Philada., Pa., U.S.A. [graphic] : Registered Cable Address,
1888-1889 third supplement to catalogue of electrotypes from A. Blanc, Horticultural Engraver, No. 314 N. Eleventh St. Philada., Pa., U.S.A. [graphic] : Registered Cable Address, "Blanc, Philadelphia."
"Dar boss, how's dat?" [graphic].
[Scrapbook with linen pages] [graphic].
[Scrapbook with linen pages] [graphic].
I'se a dude!
I'se a dude!
L. S. Plaut & Co., 715, 717, 719 Broad St., Newark, N. J.
L. S. Plaut & Co., 715, 717, 719 Broad St., Newark, N. J.
The Universal clothes wringer. What Dina, six o'clock and not done yet! And look at these torn clothes. Oh mistis de wringing am awful, always tear de clothes 'spect dat I neber get through
The Universal clothes wringer. What Dina, six o'clock and not done yet! And look at these torn clothes. Oh mistis de wringing am awful, always tear de clothes 'spect dat I neber get through
Your home is not complete without the Missouri Steam Washer. The best washing machine in the world. Johnston Bro's. St. Louis. Philadelphia.
Your home is not complete without the Missouri Steam Washer. The best washing machine in the world. Johnston Bro's. St. Louis. Philadelphia.
Effect of the Fifteenth Amendment. [graphic]: Indignant mother,
Effect of the Fifteenth Amendment. [graphic]: Indignant mother, "Cum in out of dat mud right straight! Fust ting you'll know you'll be took for Irish chil'en!"
Franks Dining Room, for ladies and gents, open day and night, 216 N. Ninth St., Phila. [graphic].
Franks Dining Room, for ladies and gents, open day and night, 216 N. Ninth St., Phila. [graphic].
I'm a masher
I'm a masher
"De breddren and sisters will now relate dere experience."
An unpleasantness in Swampoodle
An unpleasantness in Swampoodle
Mechanical target and gun. Mutual Novelty Manufacturing Co., 813 Girard Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Mechanical target and gun. Mutual Novelty Manufacturing Co., 813 Girard Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
[Stevens-Cogdell/Sanders-Venning unidentified female family member portrait]
[Stevens-Cogdell/Sanders-Venning unidentified female family member portrait]
Brother Gardner addresses the Lime Kiln Club on the virtues of Dixon's Stove Polish
Brother Gardner addresses the Lime Kiln Club on the virtues of Dixon's Stove Polish
"I'm a farder"
Day's soap does it. [graphic] : Washee, washee, see him rub on his washboard in the tub; see him wash and smile with glee for he's from hard labor free; with Day's soap his work is done when his rivals just begun. / Avil & Co. lith.
Day's soap does it. [graphic] : Washee, washee, see him rub on his washboard in the tub; see him wash and smile with glee for he's from hard labor free; with Day's soap his work is done when his rivals just begun. / Avil & Co. lith.
Two little nigs
Two little nigs
"Doing business on a small scale"
The United States Centennial International Exhibition.
The United States Centennial International Exhibition.
The Freedman's Bureau! An agency to keep the negro in idleness at the expense of the white man. Twice vetoed by the president, and made a law by congress. Support Congress & you support the negro. Sustain the president & you protect the white man [graphic
The Freedman's Bureau! An agency to keep the negro in idleness at the expense of the white man. Twice vetoed by the president, and made a law by congress. Support Congress & you support the negro. Sustain the president & you protect the white man [graphic
Practical illustration of the Virginia Constitution. [graphic]: White man the bottom rail.
Practical illustration of the Virginia Constitution. [graphic]: White man the bottom rail.
Scent to the legislature. [graphic] / Andrews, Del.
Scent to the legislature. [graphic] / Andrews, Del.
"The Freedman's Bureau." [graphic] / Thos. Worth.
Republican platform, or the political montebank. [graphic]
Republican platform, or the political montebank. [graphic]
Fate of the radical party. [graphic] / JAL; Am. News Co. Agent N.Y.
Fate of the radical party. [graphic] / JAL; Am. News Co. Agent N.Y.
