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["Household-stuff"; Negroland] [graphic].

[Ehem, or little boats, and jenge-jenge, or African bridges, in Negroland] [graphic].

Dracht en wapening der Hottentots = The Hottentots clothing and their dress. [graphic].

The Africans of the slave bark "Wildfire" [graphic] / M.N.

Scenes on a cotton plantation [graphic].

Oeconomie rustique, culture et arsonnage du coton [graphic] / Prevost sculp.

Slave market at Rio de Janeiro [graphic] / Drawn by Aug. Earle ; Engraved by Edw. Finden.

Gate and slave market at Pernambuco [graphic] / Drawn by Aug. Earle ; Engraved by Edw. Finden.

Solomon Northup in his plantation suit [graphic] / Coffin.

African slave trade [graphic] / Felch-Riches.

The slaves of Martinique [graphic] / Engraved by D.L. Glover.

A Carib of Morne Ronde, St. Vincent [graphic].

Religious dancing of the Blacks, termed "shouting" [graphic] / Bricher-Conant, sc.

Slave barracoons -- burial-ground [graphic] / J.B.Z.

Branding a female slave [graphic].

[Parting scene; Old Kentucky Home] [graphic] / Kilburn & Cross ; Copeland '87.

"The auctioneer's young man" [graphic] / King sc.

La traite des noirs [graphic] / Trichon ; Fath.

Revolte sur un bâtiment négrier [graphic].

Scene in the hold of the "Blood-Stained Gloria." (Middle Passage) [graphic].

Slave market scene on the Kambia River, coast of Africa [graphic] / Andrew & Filmer sc.

The "West Point," the second locomotive built in the United States for actual service [graphic].

L'Afrique [graphic] / F. de Wit Excudit.

Nouvelle carte de l'Afrique [graphic].

Nigritie, ou le pays des Negres en Afrique, avec tous ses royaumes, bayes, rivieres et ports de mer, suivant les meilleurs relations de ceux qui ont ete sur les lieux, et nouvellement mise au jour. [graphic] / par Pierre Vander AA.

De stadt Benin = Benin, ville de la Guinée, en Afrique [graphic] / A Leide, chez Pierre Vander AA.

De Stadt van Lovango = La ville de Lovango, en Afrique. [graphic] / A Leide, chez Pierre Vander AA.

Lovango [graphic] / A. Meyer fecit.

Congo [graphic] / A. Meyer fecit.

Bansa oste de Stadt Salvador. Hoost-stadt van het Rijk Congo. = Bansa ou S. Salvador. Capitale de Congo. [graphic] / A Leide, Chez Pierre vander Aa.

Dracht en wapening der Hottentots = Les armes et habits des Hottentots, aupres le Cap de Bonne Esperance. [graphic] / A Leide, Chez Pierre vander Aa.

[Le Cap de Bona Esperance] [graphic] / Carolus Allard excudit cum Privilegio ordinum Hollandie et Westfrisiae ; A. Meyer fecit.

Persecuted virtue [graphic] / G.S.

Whipping with the paddle, as witnessed by the author [graphic].

Modes of punishing slaves [graphic].

The brutal whipping of Matt [graphic] / H. Helmick.

[Sampson, a West Indian slave] [graphic].

A freeholder's court [graphic] / F.E. Fox sc.

Scene in the slave pen at Washington [graphic] / Coffin; N. Orr N.Y.

[Instruments of torture] [graphic].

[Punishments for deserters] [graphic].

Tread-wheel [graphic].

[Methods and instruments of restraint, plate II] [graphic].

[Methods and instruments of restraint, plate III] [graphic].

La figure des moulins a sucre [graphic] / A. W. delin. ; H.B. s.

Cotton pressing in Louisiana [graphic] / A Hill del. ; Peirce sc.

"Virginia hoe-down" [graphic] / Dallas del.

A Negro funeral [graphic].

Aunt Winnie [graphic] / J.W. Orr sc.

The cook [graphic].
