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Engravings by William Humphrys

[Plate 7 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Fourth to Fifth Streets]

[Plate 8 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

[Plate 5 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

[Plate 4 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

[Plate 11 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

[Unnumbered plate and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

[Plate 10 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

[Plate 6 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

[Unnumbered plate and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

[Plate 9 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

[Plate 1 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets.

[Cover and preface from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

[Plate 3 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

[Plate 2 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]


[Philadelphia Inquirer art supplements]

[Job printing specimens for certificates, bank notes, receipts, labels, and billheads]

[Textile labels advertising Ginghams, and Balmoral skirts]

[Trade cards for Ehrgott, Fobriger & Co.]

[Specimens album loose prints collection]

Vankirk & Co. Philadelphia.

J. P. Buggy, palmoral [sic] skirts. Manufacturer.

[Trade cards containing a view of the Rhine Valley]

Doct. Hoofland's celebrated German bitters, for the permanent cure of liver complaint, jaundice, dyspepsia, nervous debility, asthma, disease of the kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered liver or stomach

[Nineteenth-century view of a group of people attired in fancy dress]

Saturday jaunts :

[Scrapbook of prints]

[Unnumbered plate and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

[Advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

[Advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

[Sketchbook during New England summer excursion, July-August 1882]

[Sketchbook during New England summer excursion, July-August 1882]

[Sketchbook during New England summer excursion, July-August 1882]

[Plate 14 and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

[Unnumbered plate and advertisements from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

[Advertisement from Rae's Philadelphia pictorial directory & panoramic advertiser. Chestnut Street, from Second to Tenth Streets]

First annual prize exhibition of the Philadelphia Sketch Club held at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts December 1865.

Ruclius & Kinlzbach doll manufacturers Philadelphia.

Grice & Long, patentees. Steam passenger car and self adjusting trucks for rail way curves. Offices 205 1/2 Walnut St. Philada. 94 Wall St. New York.

Gerney & Algeier, seedsmen & florists, 69 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

Annual mask ball of the Liedertafel at the National Guards Hall, February the 13th 1865.

Baltz, Stitz, & Co. Importers & dealers in brandies, wines, gins &c. Bourbon & rye whiskies. No. 333 North 37th St. Philadelphia.

William & Coons, importers of fancy goods. Manufacturers of pocket books, no. 19 North Fourth St. Philadelphia.

[John Serz scrapbook]

[Collection of portraits]

[Proofs after plates from McKenney and Hall's "History of the Indian Tribes of North America"]

[Print with ornate border containing vignettes representing the seasons]

Dwelling house, corner Avenue A & 85th Street, New York.
