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Rules and regulations to be observed by persons employed in this shop..

Draft notice! : All those liable to draft, who have not yet paid their twenty dollars, are hereby notified to do so at once, to Wm. L. Brown, treasurer, corner of Market and Center Streets, or to the committee. If there is not a general response, the draf

An abolition traitor. : There are traitors in the North as well as in the South, and there are abolitionists in the South as well as in the North. Some of the southern abolitionists have strange views in regard to slavery and its abolition. Among the rest

Fair in aid of the sick & wounded soldiers, : will be held in Bromley's Hall, Baker and Mulberry streets, Manayunk, to commence on Tuesday, the 11th of Nov., and continue until Saturday afternoon, the 15th.

National Lincoln monument. : Office State Superintendent Public Instruction, Illinois, Springfield, May 16, 1865. To the presidents, faculties and students of the universities, colleges, and other literary, scientific, and professional schools and corpora

Abraham Lincoln's character. : Sketched by English travellers.

Important announcement! : Lossing's pictorial history of the great Rebellion. ... Persons possessing pamphlets, or other materials relating to the Rebellion, will confer a favor by sending them to the author, Benson J. Lossing, Esq., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. /

History of the Southern Rebellion. By Wm. A. Crafts, A.M. / Published by Samuel Walker & Co., Boston. From among a number of commendatory notices and letters which we have received regarding the above work, we have selected the following, some of which ar

The official war map--now ready. Hazard's railroad and military map of the Southern States. : Compiled from the most authentic sources, and the United States coast surveys, by the Committee on Inland Transportation of the Board of Trade of Philadelphia, a

The crisis of eighteen hundred sixty-one in the government of the United States, and how to meet it. / By A.D. Streight. This work will contain numerous extracts from some of the most eminent statesmen of our country, including Madison, Jay and Hamilton's

Just published. Winfield, the lawyer's son; : and how he became a major-general. By Major Penniman, author of "The tanner boy." Price, $1.50. ... Seaside and fireside fairies. From the German of George Blum and Louis Wahl. Translated by A.L. Wister. Price

The Flag of America shall never grow dim, nor one star be obliterated from its bright galaxy! : Maj. Gen. Hancock's First Army Corps of Veterans. A splendid opportunity to form a grand national guard, to vindicate the national honor, in defiance of all th

Rebellion! Its downfall is never so clearly seen as when we examine blankets!!! : Reduced from $17.00 to $12.50! Also, Ballardvale flannel, ... / John Burns, No. 247 South Eleventh Street, above Spruce.

The tribute book: : a record of the munificence, self-sacrifice, and patriotism of the American people in defense of their integrity as a nation, during the war for the Union. Illustrated. By Frank B. Goodrich, author of "The court of Napoleon," &c. The u

American Civil War, the important events, such as battles, skirmishes, encampments, &c. : from the beginning up to the present time, illustrated by a series of finely colored pictures on glass, for the magic lantern, dissolving views, or similar exhibitio

History of the war for the Union : civil, military & naval / By Evert A. Duyckinck Illustrated by Alonzo Chappel.

History of the war for the Union : civil, military & naval / By Evert A. Duyckinck Illustrated by Alonzo Chappel.

Geschichte des Krieges für die Union. Von Evert A. Duychinck. : Deutsch bearbeitet von Freidrich Kapp. Mit vortrefflichen Stahlstichen, Originalbildern von Schlachten und Seegefechten und libensgetreuen Porträts ausgezeichneter Generäle und Seehelden, nac

Geschichte des Krieges für die Union. Von Evert A. Duychinck. : Deutsch bearbeitet von Freidrich Kapp. Mit vortrefflichen Stahlstichen, Originalbildern von Schlachten und Seegefechten und libensgetreuen Porträts ausgezeichneter Generäle und Seehelden, nac

Spirit of the pulpit, : with reference to the present crisis: a collection of sermons by distinguished divines, North and South, with revisions and corrections by the authors.

Spirit of the pulpit, : with reference to the present crisis: a collection of sermons by distinguished divines, North and South, with revisions and corrections by the authors.

To the subscribers and purchasers of Rebellion record. : Important documents, narratives, &c., with reference to the present crisis, are now publishing, uniform with the Rebellion record, in extra parts, which will form one or two supplementary volumes. T

To the subscribers and purchasers of Rebellion record. : Important documents, narratives, &c., with reference to the present crisis, are now publishing, uniform with the Rebellion record, in extra parts, which will form one or two supplementary volumes. T

Delawareans attend! : Remember the 19th of November approaches, the day fixed for the election of our representative in the glorious old Congress of the United States. Stand firmly by the flag of the Union! Rally to the support of our national standard, a

King & Baird steam-power book and job printers, English and German. : No. 607 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa., Legal intelligencer office. Episcopal prayer books, at low rates. Military text books. School books, English and German almanacs in great varie

Now is the time. 50,000 pairs boots, shoes & gaiters cheaper than ever. : Read the following prices, and judge for yourselves: ... Ladies' and children's shoes of all descriptions at the lowest prices. Gum boots, sea, water, gunning, fishing and ditching

Important to the ladies : 22.000 pieces white goods ... for sale at half-price. Turn over.

Our diagrams for army socks having been found useful, we herewith submit one for army mittens : Those who may be disposed to knit mittens for the army, may forward them through the Women's Central Relief Association No. 814 Broadway, New-York. Specificati

Directions for making the army woolen mitten. : First sew the welt on the thumbpiece; then close up the thumb on the back, and fit it in its place, where it must be firmly stitched; then close up the side and finger. It is best to leave the edges of the s

Philadelphia July 25th 1862 To the members of the bar Gentlemen : It is unnecessary to impress you with the importance of immediately furnishing our government with troops in this the hour of our country's trial. The government wants men; and money must b

Soiree dramatique, for the benefit of the Amateurs' Drawing Room. : Cricket on the hearth. Full dress. Tickets $1.00.

Portraits of Major Robert Anderson, : 1st Regiment of Artillary. ... Sent free, by mail, to address. A liberal discount to dealers. Wholesale orders should be sent in immediately. / D. Appleton & Co., 443 & 445 Broadway.
