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Hall & Harrop, successors to N.P. Hall, deceased, wholesale and retail, dry goods store, No. 53

[Don't blow out the gas]

While using children's elastic knee protector.

Devlin & Co.'s Centennial souvenir. 1776-1876.

William B. Dixey trade cards

Conrad Busche, manufacturer & dealer in plain and fancy confectionery, wholesale and retail, 123

Wilbur & Hastings, stationers & printers, lithographers, blank book manufacturers, publis

Parr's American camp chest, patented June 25th, 1861. For sale by Peter W. Rodgers, agent, No.

Pennsylvania State Fair

Union Hotel, Fairfax C.H., Va. James W. Jackson, proprietor.

[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

[Chas. McKeone & Son Soap Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

Sea shore and country Japanese decorations, parasols, fans, scrolls, hammocks, &c. See our immense fire place screen fan, $1.65, all colors, George M. Lee, 1322 Chestnut St., Philad'a, Penna.

Chew, smoke Old Abe fine cut smoking, B. Leidersdorf & Co., Milwaukee, Wis.

[J.W. LeMaistre trade cards]

Thomas Magee, stationer, cor. Second and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia.

Opening of Spring novelties. Mahlon Bryan & Co., tailors, Nos. 9 & 11 South Eleventh Street, Philadelphia.

Mahlon S. Myers, (successor to Shimmel & Myers,) commission merchant, and dealer in flour, grain & feed, Nos. 239 North Water St., & 244 North Delaware Avenue, Phila.

Maillard's chocolate.

J. Mason, informs her friends and those who may favour her with their patronage, that she has removed her seminary, to an open healthy situation, with every advantage of light and air, back of No. 86 Callowhill Street, between Second and Third Streets, wh

Ralph Mather agent, No. 76 South Front Street, Philadelphia.

Maxwell's gypsum, prepared gypsum. Trade mark.

[William Y. McAllister trade cards]

T. McCandless & Son, fancy & staple grocers, S.E. cor. 20th & Pine Sts., Philadelphia.

Henry H. McCargo, dealer in all makes of sewing machines, 1611 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia.

McClees' Express, between Bryn Mawr and Philadelphia.

M.F. McDonough & Co., importers, No. 117 South Front St., Philadelphia.

[McIlvaine & Co. trade cards]

London Mfg. Co. essences of meats, 77 & 79 Varick Street, New York.

Jacob Lorsch, dealer in gentlemen's furnishing goods, 344 South Street, Philad'a.

G.M. Loudenslager, dealek [sic] in cigars and tobacco, 480 North Third St., Philad'a.

Union Brass Works. M'Cambridge, Fry & Co. 525 and 527 Cherry Street, Philadelphia.

He loves me a little.

Maison Doree, No. 8 South Broad Street, Philadelphia. W.A. Clawson.

[Marks Bros. trade cards]

A. Maron, 1612 Chestnut Stret, Philadelphia.

Marshall House, "The Union and the Constitution." No. 243 N. Fourth St., above New, Philadelphia.

Maas & Vogdes, job printers, [N.E.?] corner of Second & Chestnut Sts., over Corn Exchange Bank.

Macdowell, engraver and printer, 1028 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

"Mack's milk chocolate." The best! It is pure! Ready for instant use. Boiling water only required.

Edward P. Macken, dealer in Key West, imported and domestic cigars, and tobacco, my 5 cent cigars a specialty. 1140 Pine St., Philad'a.

The new Philadelphia clothing house. Mackey, Johnson, Turner & Co., 922 Chestnut Street.

Compliments of the MacKinnon Pen Company.

Wm. MacMullan, Jr., grocer, (Successor to MacMullan Bros.) 1205 Market St., Philad'a.

A sweet tooth.

E. McKelvey, fine family groceries, 1118 Columbia Ave.

[Partridge's cafe and dining rooms trade cards]

[The Old Continental Clothing Manufacturing Company trade cards]

[Old Judge cigarettes, Goodwin & Co., New York, U.S.A.]
