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[Stevens-Cogdell and Sanders-Venning and Chew families miscellaneous portraits collection]

[Stevens-Cogdell/Sanders-Venning unidentified female family member portrait]

Brother Gardner addresses the Lime Kiln Club on the virtues of Dixon's Stove Polish

"I'm a farder"

Day's soap does it. [graphic] : Washee, washee, see him rub on his washboard in the tub; see him wash and smile with glee for he's from hard labor free; with Day's soap his work is done when his rivals just begun. / Avil & Co. lith.

Two little nigs

"Doing business on a small scale"

The United States Centennial International Exhibition.

The Freedman's Bureau! An agency to keep the negro in idleness at the expense of the white man. Twice vetoed by the president, and made a law by congress. Support Congress & you support the negro. Sustain the president & you protect the white man [graphic

Practical illustration of the Virginia Constitution. [graphic]: White man the bottom rail.

Scent to the legislature. [graphic] / Andrews, Del.

"The Freedman's Bureau." [graphic] / Thos. Worth.

Republican platform, or the political montebank. [graphic]

Fate of the radical party. [graphic] / JAL; Am. News Co. Agent N.Y.

The precarious situation. [graphic]

The precarious situation. [graphic]

Red hot Republicans on the Democratic Gridiron. "The San Domingo war dance." [graphic] / J. Cameron.

The travelled monkey - wiser & sadder. [graphic] / JML.

The great November contest. Patriotism vs bummerism. [graphic]

The two platforms. [graphic]

Congressional surgery legislative quakery. [graphic] / A., Del.

Congressional surgery legislative quakery. [graphic] / A., Del.

The Salt River gazette---extra, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1867. [graphic]: The Great Negro Party--born, 1856--died Oct. 8, 1867.

The man that blocks up the highway [graphic].

[Philadelphia children in blackface]

Mr. T.D. Rice

[Glorification of the American Union]

Two souls with but a single thought.

[E]spousal of Esther.

A study in chocolate

[Joseph C. Anderson] [graphic] / Keystone Art Studio, Phila., 1895.

A bran new coon in town

Three black crows

Distinguished colored men

From the plantation to the senate

Smoke Day's standard Durham smoking tobacco

Uncle Tom's Cabin. On the Levee

[Caricature of a laughing African American man]

[Caricature of a laughing African American man]

We uses pears soap fo' de complexun

A line shot - the recoil. [graphic] / Thos. Worth.

[Photographic reproductions of the Cartoon Printing Co. series after the 1878 Harper’s Weekly "Blackville" series “The Twins”] [graphic]/ McGreer.

No. 1. The flirtation [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 2 The introduction [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 3 The courting [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 4 The proposal [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 5 The duel [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 6 The wedding [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 8 Return from the honeymoon tour [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 9 Coming events [graphic] / McGreer.
