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Zachariah Poulson, Jr.
Zachariah Poulson, Jr.
Women's Room of the Juniper and Locust Street Building.
Women's Room of the Juniper and Locust Street Building.
William Penn's William and Mary Secretary Desk.
William Penn's William and Mary Secretary Desk.
William Mackenzie
William Mackenzie
Views of Ancient Monuments
Views of Ancient Monuments
A View of the State House in Philadelphia.
A View of the State House in Philadelphia.
Valentine Poem to Elizabeth Graeme Ferguson
Valentine Poem to Elizabeth Graeme Ferguson
U. S. Constitution
U. S. Constitution
Translation of the Laws, Orders, and Contracts, on Colonization.
Translation of the Laws, Orders, and Contracts, on Colonization.
Tin Suggestion Box
Tin Suggestion Box
Taufschein for Elisabeth Romich
Taufschein for Elisabeth Romich
A Summary View of the Rights of British America
A Summary View of the Rights of British America
The Spectator
The Spectator
Specimen of Printing Types
Specimen of Printing Types
The South East Prospect of the City of Philadelphia.
The South East Prospect of the City of Philadelphia.
Sketch of a Meschianza Costume
Sketch of a Meschianza Costume
Rural Residences
Rural Residences
The Ridgway Building, Broad and Christian Streets.
The Ridgway Building, Broad and Christian Streets.
The Revolution, Vol. I, No. I.
The Revolution, Vol. I, No. I.
The Reverend Samuel Preston, of Chevening in Kent.
The Reverend Samuel Preston, of Chevening in Kent.
Receipt for a Library Company share
Receipt for a Library Company share
Provisional  Constitution and Ordinances for the People of the United States.
Provisional Constitution and Ordinances for the People of the United States.
Plays and Poems
Plays and Poems
Picturesque Views of American Scenery
Picturesque Views of American Scenery
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, a
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, a
Peace, Liberty, and Independence
Peace, Liberty, and Independence
Original Cornerstone of the Library Company's Building on Fifth Street.
Original Cornerstone of the Library Company's Building on Fifth Street.
Original Charter, signed on behalf of the Proprietors of Pennsylvania.
Original Charter, signed on behalf of the Proprietors of Pennsylvania.
Nos. 114 & 116 North Water St.
Nos. 114 & 116 North Water St.
Nature Prints of Leaves
Nature Prints of Leaves
The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and The Bahama Islands.
The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and The Bahama Islands.
Narrative of the Proceedings of the Black People.
Narrative of the Proceedings of the Black People.
Musiciens d'un Calinda
Musiciens d'un Calinda
Mummy's Hand.
Mummy's Hand.
Motion Studies
Motion Studies
Minute Book
Minute Book
Minerva as the Patroness of American Liberty.
Minerva as the Patroness of American Liberty.
Mechanick Exercises
Mechanick Exercises
Mas-has-kah, Chief of the Ioways-(White Cloud)
Mas-has-kah, Chief of the Ioways-(White Cloud)
Mary Rebecca Darby Smith.
Mary Rebecca Darby Smith.
A Mapp of ye Improved Part of Pensilvania in America
A Mapp of ye Improved Part of Pensilvania in America
Manuscript Journal
Manuscript Journal
Magna Britannia: Her Colonies Reduc'd.
Magna Britannia: Her Colonies Reduc'd.
Louis L. Peck
Louis L. Peck
Logic, Or, the Art of Thinking.
Logic, Or, the Art of Thinking.
Loganian Library
Loganian Library
Lloyd Pearsall Smith
Lloyd Pearsall Smith
Library Company Loan Slip for Common Sense.
Library Company Loan Slip for Common Sense.
Library and Surgeon's Hall, Fifth-street
Library and Surgeon's Hall, Fifth-street
Liberty Displaying the Arts and Sciences.
Liberty Displaying the Arts and Sciences.
The Liberator
The Liberator
Leviathan, Or the Matter, Forme and Power of a Commonwealth.
Leviathan, Or the Matter, Forme and Power of a Commonwealth.
Letter to Thomas Hopkinson
Letter to Thomas Hopkinson
Leaves of Grass
Leaves of Grass
